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Wheel guys - is this too many balancing weights?

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I got some new tyres fitted yesterday, but one of the wheels has 85 grams of weights stuck on! I tried to argue with the guy saying it was too much and maybe if he span the tyre 180 degrees on the wheel it might balance a bit better. He said no.

Am I right or am I stuck with a huge amount of wheel weights? I'm also a bit annoyed he couldn't even stick them on straight. :shrug:



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I have seen more before now.


If it balances up ok then you will be fine.


For piece of mind you may want to go elsewhere and get them to have another go, try turning tyres or switching them between wheels

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It would suggest that your wheels are naturally unbalanced, i would say its either damage or down to the quality of the wheels, i wouldn't have thought it was down to the quality of the company that balanced it, as the weights are grouped quite tightly.

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There is always the possibility that the wheel is ok but there might be a fault with the tyre. I have seen it before with a cheap tyre where it had a manufacturing fault inside it and left it off balanced.

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As above, cheap wheels, damaged wheels, cheap tyres or problem tyres. I guess they could spin a bare wheels up on the balancing machine to see how out the wheel alone is, I also cant see that rotating the tyre won't help, few tyres are perfectly even.

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I have just bought some new wheels and tyres for my daily Octavia VRS they are TTRS 18" replicas and they have quite a few weights on them. As long as your car drives ok I would not worry to much I used to have a Golf Mk2 I built from ground up and one of the rear wheels had a flat spot on from where the moron who had it before me dropped it on cheap coil overs and hit something. I did not know about it till they were balanced up with new tyres after a costly refurb. I carried on using it and it never caused a problem with the ride or tyre wear and that had quite a lot of weights on it.


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Heres something to think about which has probably never accured to some of you about wheel balancing, i went to my usual tyre fitting place one day and was told i could not have my new tyres fitting untill the afternoon because the balancing machine was being calibrated, oh right i never realised that they had to be ! so to cut a long story short they should be calibrated twice a year.....now then national tyres never have this done ! and i know this because i have a friend who is a manager at a branch, i always used to go to him because he did it free for me but always without exception they were never right,wheel wobble etc,and i always had to go to my now usual place to have them redone. Just something to think about.

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