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wheel removal

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any tips on getting my wheels off my audi.... was intending to swap front to rear this morning.... but cant get the rims off the spigot, I guess they are corroded on and once off I need to clean them up and put copper slip on them.


I've kicked / shacked and they still won't move.... rims are 18". so what are your tips..... at least I'm not at the side of the road with a flat tyre.

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Yeah all you can do is kick a bit harder :( Keep booting the base of the wheel and keep rotating it round and hopefully it'll work free eventually!

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at you OWN RISK put the bolts back in slightly unseated and drive it forwards and backwards a little bit and it might work



i say again this is at your OWN RISK!!

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lol dont do that ^ {drive with wheel bolts loose}

there isnt much more you can do but mann up and kick harder, lie on the ground on ya back and slam that wheel edge with the sole of your foot, keep spinning the wheel, it will come unless some daft tit has used slightly bigger spigot rings and they have been pressed on by force of the wheel bolts doing up?

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if you can get a piece of 2x1 wood acorss the diameter of the wheel whack it as hard as you can a few times. It will probably splinter or dig in to the rim but it'll get the wheel loose. Make sure you dont miss!

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Thanks chaps all sorted now. taken most of the afternoon to swap the rims over and clean the spigots up.


a couple I had to take a mallet too.. bit surprised really as the car is less than a years old.

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Had problems like this with powder coated rims before because the powder coat added an extra layer making the wheel a tighter fit on the hub. Rubber mallet was the only thing that worked!

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Had this many-a-time before, if its beyond the kick harder method you could get a lever bar against the mount for the bottom ball joint and level against the back of the rim. best to wrap the bar in a cloth to avoid wheel damage. also shock impacts will loosen corrosion far more than gradually applied force so if you can incorporate the two together then nothing can stand in your way :)


EDIT: A not dissimilar skim read fail from me also, however not all is lost as everyone has given some good solutions to a problem that many will face :)

Edited by james153

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Had this on my Beemer the other day whilst in work clothes changing a flat, not amused!!! front wheel i put the bolts back in, put the jack in place and took the strain of the car and gave the wheel a good few turns left and right, worked a charm. As for the rears you could loosen the nuts off slightly, just enough for the wheel to move but not enough for it to drop off the spigot, stick the handbrake on and try drive it back and forth, well not drive it but rock it.


Best of luck!


EDIT: skim read fail, I see you got it sorted! its a job I need to do to make sure all the wheels are free but glad to hear its done!

Edited by swiftkid

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