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Be careful what you post!

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A summary for the benefit of those who are at work? It's blocked for me due to 'malicious' content somewhere on the site.

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one bad apple in what looks like such a nice family (photos off facebook) :lol:


Kev et. al.


bloke has his snap on van broken into

idiot that did it then brags about how he got caught but the 2 months in prison was easy

then other members find his address, photos etc from his facebook pages

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  Kevin Bacon said:
A summary for the benefit of those who are at work? It's blocked for me due to 'malicious' content somewhere on the site.


for you Kev

the guy it is referring to stole some tools after breaking into a yard & then got caught by police.....then he thought it an idea to post his thoughts in a reply on the forum.....copied below for you


"well it wont a giant tin opener used it was a recking bar dissconected battery wot a **** alarm system well might of got caught 3 in the morning by the feds but if i dint see the fedi would of been the new snap on tool man in town worth the 2 months prison sentance did it standing on my head best bit about it when the police open up my van doors the tools fell on ther feet"


its worth a read once your free from the work internet restrictions ;) lol

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I've read the whole thread and a very entertaining hour it was. It's gone global lol. I bet he'll be in hiding soon in fear of reprisals. He deserves them IMHO.

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Lol, cheers David / Goldfinger! I still haven't got Broadband at my new address (nearly a month after moving in, cheers BT!) otherwise I'd have looked at home :D


What a complete berk!

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What ****es me off is the lack of fear pricks like this show for prison

Theres no point in smashing his windows as they practically belong to us as we pay for them


We cant spray paint theif on his house because its not his its a council house !

We cant even order pizza to his gaff because it would just leave some poor business owner out of pocket


Although all these above wouldnt work i can tell you what would ! And what would put a lot of wanna be theif's off stealing anything again the robbing fukkers .... For every time you get caught stealing you lose a finger but you only get three chances then you can say bye to a hand

I am pretty sure if you bring this kind of rule in crime would fall at a rapid rate

It could also apply to peados , rapists , people who carry knives, and all other criminal

Thats my rant for the day lol i git a bit carried away there haha

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