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Roger Chatfield

Rog's Rado... The smile is back :)

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Has to be worth a punt at that price - either resolves the issues, or you continue to scrap the engine anyway - you're no worse off and indeed could just remove the pump and sell it again anyway to recoup most of what you just spend acquiring it!

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Absolutely right Jim, like you said worth a punt and if it's still sick I'll use the pump in the engine I'm getting from Gar, it's had a bottom end rebuild 10k ago so will be better than what I currently have fitted even if my engine is ok.



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So, today I have mostly acquired a new engine for 'Stormy'




Many thanks to Gareth, we literally had the engine in 10 mins thanks to all his prep work.

This was rebuild 15k ago (although it was 8 years ago) so should be good for me, plan is to remove the head and give it all a good check over, rebuild it and throw it in the car.




P.S. Can you reuse the head bolts on these or are they stretch type?

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Should be good for the mileage mate . Are you going to paint it first? I would use new bolts for the head . Thanks for grabbing my stuff too

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Good stuff Rog! Look forward to seeing you getting stuck in with this! If the head was done such a short while (mileage wise) I'd be inclined to leave it alone tbh. You'll likely need.to skim the head again before putting it back on, and there's very little material so valves will need to be removed to get it done, and if it's already been skimmed, there may not be enough to take off without fear of contact. As you mentioned, the bolts are stretch type too so cost will be building up and up.

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Little update.


I've taken Sean's advice and left the head well alone. I've check the mileage via the mot check website and the engine has done 20k since the rebuild.

Basically good to go then.


So got it home.



Got the gearbox off.



Quick coat of hammerite later.



Taking Sean's advice I thought I would replace the crank seal, at £8 it's it's a no brainer.



First remove the cover.



Then drive out the old seal with a punch.



The new seal is quite tight so I though I'd heat the case up in the oven.



And cool the seal.



Then after 10 mins at has mark 4 and some persuasion with a tappity hammer the seal is home.



Some liquid gasket and the cover is back on with a nice new crank seal.



Glad I bothered, the old seal had signs of damage, also there is no record of it being changed at rebuild.



Next job is to swap all the good bits over from the old (fitted) engine to the new one then get it fitted.


More updates to follow.



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Those lip seals are real Sods sometimes, looks like you got it in ok, hopefully that's the end of any potential leaks!


Tell me about it mate, took me 3 or 4 goes to do it, hopefully the spring hasn't popped off, I'll check it's ok when I drop the sump to change the oil pump.



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well done on that. I should have done my crank seal when i did the chains as its not likely to be done for a long time now...

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Managed to get a few hours down the garage today.


Quite pleased with my progress, managed to get the engine and box out.






Just need swap over the box and ancillaries to the new engine, fit it and we are good to go....simples...lol



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Bitter sweet day today, managed to get some more done but I think I've found what's causing my noise and high oil temps.


The cams are buggered.









I'm pleased in a way as I now know what's been causing my problems but I'm also gutted as I was hoping to reuse these as they are performance cams.

Luckily I've got a set of stock cams here so I've fitted them to the new engine... for now...wink..



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you can get some resurfacing done on engine components, i would assume this would also work on cams. Essentially there is chemical bonding to the worn part and it is then machined back to the right tolerance. Let me dig some info out for you.

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Cheers mate, any info greatly received.


Anyway, quick update, I've been or king nights so progress is slow.


But, I'm managed to get a few things done, crack pipe, thermostat housing, cams, oil filter housing, chain covers, wiring loom, new oil pump, oil cooler, rocker cover and alternator all fitted.


I've also fitted the follows from my old engine, these only have a few hundred miles on them so seemed silly not to reuse them.





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I've been working nights so progress has been a little slow.


New oil pump fitted, this is the pump I bought for my original engine to try and solve the low oil pressure problem, it never got fitted so I thought I might as well fit it to my new engine.



Pulled the gearbox off the old engine and gave it a jet wash..

New engine on the right, old engine (original) on right. swapped over a few more bits like the sump etc.



Gearbox now fitted with the original clutch, loads of meat on it so not worth replacing, I assume Andy may have replaced when he had the box rebuilt.




All ready to fit now, hopefully dropping it in tomorrow.



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