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Corrado on Wheeler Dealers will happen!

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Was at the NEC this evening prepping the CCGB stand for the Restoration Show this weekend when I noticed right opposite our stand a lovely black Mustang so went to admire it. Soon realised the guy prepping it was none other than Mike Brewer.


Had a bit of a chat - what a thoroughly nice guy and was happy to talk to me and a few other Corrado guys despite trying to crack on with detailing his lovely Mustang.


Told us they had bought a Corrado G60 a few years back with a blown charger that was going to be in the show but unbeknownst to him the production team sold it on again.


He assures me a Corrado IS on the list and it definitely will happen some day.


Really nice guy and was good to chat to him. I told him we will all be looking forward to seeing a Corrado on Wheeler Dealers!

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Thought you and Eric were coming to Browns tonight?




There appears to have been some communications failure there Ian :( Looks like we will see you tomorrow.

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Sorry Ian for not showing up at Browns tonight :(


Prepping cars took a wee hit longer than expected, given we didn't turn up till around 18:30 (and that was despite me leaving work earlier than usual). All will be sorted for tomorrow night.


Yes, fancy that, Mike needing a bit of rag from one of us C-folk to further detail his Mustang!


Not wanting to spoil the show yet (have taken quite a few pics tonight), here's the one of the Mustang:







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It would probably be better it being on a G60 Neil especially when you throw in the dwindling no's of them

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My thinking exactly mate:cool: In references, it's always the VR6 (And more often than not, the storm) that gets a mention. Nothing against the VR6 of course, but it's about time the ol' G60 had it's 5 mins of fame.

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The G60 I had all be it for a short period I should never have got rid of but like most thing's in life you learn toooooo late and I can say this with total conviction with possibly Baron even backing me up it would easily show a VR6 a clean pair of heel's it was V quick.

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Indeed. I had a G60 pushing over 200BHP for a while and it was great fun :) Would be nice to see the G60 get a bit more recognition.

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I have no idea what power mine was Jim but with the Bahn Brenner Charger it was savagely quick it would be good if it was a G60 considering the slippery slope the no's of them seem's to be on but any recognition is welcome even if it was an 8v

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Here here.


Late style G60 too Jim :cool: They are great fun, I like to call them 'Highly strung' in comparison to the VR lol. Would love one of each ideally (Maybe if I lose my mind one day) though I'd especially like a really early LHD G60!


Look forward to seeing Corrado featured on the show either way, be funny to see if they have to fix the usual stuff lol.

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Hopefully it's true but it wouldn't surprise me if that's the story they tell all enthusiasts eager for their car to be on the programme.

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You appear to have used a potato to take that picture :bonk::bonk::suprised::scrambleup::lol::awesome::p

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I wouldn't get your hopes up too much chaps - Mike Brewer has a very slight problem with the definition of the words "truth" and "reality". I'm not saying it'll never happen but just don't get too excited

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He didnt detail the full mustang and then give it a good bang with his hand did he? or sit on it with his jeans on or do a tap dance on the roof ?


GO ON THEN Baaaag aaaaa saaaand

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Made a point of chatting to Edd China today too - again very approachable nice guy :) Of course, asked the Corrado question. Again he seemed pretty enthusiastic and he hoped within the next couple of years. Says he'd love to do a VR6 or a G60, specifically liked the thought of a doing up a Nugget Yellow G60 - we'll wait and see what happens I guess :)

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I do really like wheeler dealers but a G60 on wheeler dealers would be amazing for my bragging rights with mates 8)


I wonder how many G60's are left in the uk now ? and actually still running PG block + G-ladder ? cant be many since the 20v trend

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I wonder how many G60's are left in the uk now ? and actually still running PG block + G-ladder ? cant be many since the 20v trend


Numbers are certainly dwindling, and only 1,984 were sold in the UK to start with. Corrado G60 History :thumbleft: I started a Corrado G60 Owners Register to try and build an idea of numbers etc.



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Had a nice catch up with Edd and he said yep he will try and get a Corrado done. Funnily enough they're looking to buy a flash red 93 VR6 on RHs :lol:


As I said on the Wheels Day thread - I've known Edd for the best part of 25 years and chatting with him with people coming and asking for his autograph is such a strange feeling. The nice thing is he is exactly the same Edd I met all those years ago and the "fame" hasn't changed him one little bit.

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I think it is because he is such an affable big guy and he is good with car's/mechanic's which most of us can relate to. Sell it to them Jamie (but do a deal that you get to buy it back at cost with all the work done) :thumbleft: Result

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Numbers are certainly dwindling, and only 1,984 were sold in the UK to start with.

Really ? i never new so few were sold .

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