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Favourite Raddo on the site

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:oops: oooh, I'm all embarrassed and dead chuffed that so many of you like my motor.... the body needs a LOT of TLC at the moment, but after 240+ K miles, and me loosing my cool with the front wing :oops: that's not too suprising! :|


Anyway, back on topic, There is, in short, a LOT of damned nice cars on this forum... picking just some out is just soooooo difficult.... my current faves are:


A20Lee, the back end isn't my taste, but by God, it's a damned fine example of a modded Corrado... 8)

Jay's TT Dash'd car is absolutely stunning IMHO

OSV's silver VR6 just does something for me... it just looks soooo damned clean and cool... 8)

Kev's VR's simple, easy but novel mods and the fact he's done everything to make it handle and perform as the car should have done from the factory gets lots of respect from me too...

Andycowuk's red G60 gets some serious appreciation from me... there's not much obviously done to the looks from the outside, but, handling wise, he's definately got the edge over most of the cars here! ;) 8)

Then there's all the nutters with the 4x4 installs going in too... can't wait to see all of these finished and try it on against ya around a track! ;) :lol: 8)

soooo many good cars..... 8) Keep up the great work peeps! :D

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Hard to choose as there are so many nice corrado's on the site, but if I had to:


Renshaws for overall body work

Hennys for engine

Lee's for interior

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BiggerBigBens syncro thats my favourite, althou i prefere the look of it when it was low at inters.


not into massive flaired arches and really wide wheels so that rules out quite a few others, but i still think there nice just not to my taste

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and Roddys vr6 storm as I wonder how he keeps that cream leather clean :wink:


time you went to spec-savers Roy :D ...........my leather is well minging!! :(

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anyway as for my favourite C's on here :wink: its too hard to really pick out 1 as there is a fair amount of minters out there...............here's a (not so)small list tho of my faves

(in no order too btw)


Skid's(seen in the flesh)

Chubbybrown's(seen in the flesh)

G60Renshaw's(seen in the flesh)

Asim's(seen in the flesh)

Jersey storm??

Guy Hartley's storm(seen in the flesh)

Kevhaywire's(always have loved Ice Grey Violet)(seen in the flesh)

Sandy's(seen in the flesh)

VR6's(aint seen but heard its well minted)

and there is easy another dozen or so that ive seen and thought are stunning including my long-time favourite.......Bill Aitken's minter(seen in the flesh) 8) 8) 8)



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I think apose-gil aka alex corrado is pretty sweet , unique in styling with some pretty crazy power and 1/4 mile times hopefully 8) . A20 LEE is pretty sick pimpin example aswell :king:

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Such a difficult one to answer, I suppose my styling tastes in Corrados is pretty conservative but its some of the many and varied projects that make the forum so lively and interesting. From handling mods, and engines to styling, interiors and now drive trains its just great. The Corrado is a pretty good standard product so you got to hand it to those who dare to make their own car more distinctive, the down side is it isn't always sucessful.


For all round appeal it would be Asim's Moonlight VR


But amongst my favourites for varying degrees of the reasons above and for keeping us entertained in no particular order the cars that spring to mind are


Phat VR6, A20LEE, Biggerbigben, Henny, Kevhaywire, Coxy Laad, G60 Renshaw.

These boys are always up to something. :shock:


To anyone who has been kind enough to mention my car, i'm genuinely humbled :oops: in such high quality company on this forum.

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Blimey, I got some mentions..... wasn't expecting that :oops:


I have perhaps a very blinkered view of modding. I'm not into bling or drastically altering the bodywork. To my mind, the people that deserve the most respect are the ones that do all the work themselves. The people that aren't afraid to get stuck in, make mistakes and produce something they can be proud of. A joy to drive and look at.


So many people on here fit that bill but I think Henny and Phat really must get top honours there. They way they can strip an engine in hours and get the pics up is amazing :shock:


The 4x4 guys get top marks too for innovation and focusing on the things that matter the most, handling and deploying power to the tarmac.


And to round off...... Overall I'm still torn between OSV's and Asim's from a sheer class point of view.....erm...erm.....Asim gets it :lol: You can't really improve that car at all......Moonlight blue, RSs, cream leather, subtle body mods and a freak of a standard engine. He's taken a fantastic base car and applied mods that make it look modern and classy without going OTT.


VW proudly stamp the MK1 GTI as a significant milestone in their history and if one Corrado could be frozen in time for future appreciation, it's Asims.

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To echo OSV's sentiments, I'm also genuinely humbled and massively appreciate the comments by you guys :oops: It means alot coming from other C owners who obviously love their cars as much as I do. Thanks alot guys!


There are loads of lovely cars on this forum, but if I had to nominate my 2 favourites I'd go with:


1. Jay's G60 for modded, because it's been so thoroughly executed and the overall look is just so right and so stunning. It has the wow factor, without going OTT, and it's his only car and he's done it all himself! Mucho respect.


2. Bill Aitken's VR for standard/subtle mods. It's probably the cleanest and finest low mileage example out there (although I haven't seen Tom's yet).

OSV's also deserves a mention as it looks damn fine and fresh looking in that Satin Silver :D

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2. Bill Aitken's VR for standard/subtle mods. It's probably the cleanest and finest low mileage example out there (although I haven't seen Tom's yet).



its about time Bill joined the forum :D .............so i can get my fix of looking at his C in the members gallery 8) 8) 8) 8)

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hopefully once ive done my thing i should win some votes too


1. bluslc

2. Bananaman

3. Mine coz its black

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My vote goes to BluSLC. Some very nice subtle cars on here OSV's, Asims, biggerbigneils,etc but for me Suhk's hasn't held back and created a jaw dropper. PhatVR6 and biggerbigben are going to impress us next year.

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I think there has been a thread like this before, but the cars that i saw at e38 that are forum were A20LEE very nice

the black one apart from mine and Furkhs at Dubforce stand E38.

Nick Micouris's VR6 is a minter

My own G60 cos its my own work

Furkh's G60 is mint too, but change them wheels boy!

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I think there has been a thread like this before, but the cars that i saw at e38 that are forum were A20LEE very nice

the black one apart from mine and Furkhs at Dubforce stand E38.

Nick Micouris's VR6 is a minter

My own G60 cos its my own work

Furkh's G60 is mint too, but change them wheels boy!


yeah maj when u leanding me that money for the schmitzs splitties than

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yeah maj when u leanding me that money for the schmitzs splitties than

who said anything about paying for them :wink:

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Bloody hell, I'm chuffed my name has come up so many times... Come next year I hope people won't be disappointed with my efforts, both with the engine/drivechain, exterior and interior....


I love many corrados on this forum including Lee's, Jay's, Asim's etc, but my all time fav has to be Sukh's corrado...


pic thumbnailed-vr6storm


And one thats not on this forum....


pic thumbnailed-vr6storm

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My faves are


1. jays porsche orientated rado

2. that chromed out vr in the post above! that looks awesome

3. furkans pimpin g60 as I fitted the cream and it looks wicked!! :D

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