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Everything posted by Hairyarse

  1. ....just edited the post, meant right not left! lol
  2. Is the one on the right leather? Just looking at the vertical seam at the bottom I'm assuming so. If so then I'll take it. I take it there's no issue on C's of different spline sizes or anything like that? My wheel has delaminated from the inner steel rim so it twists so really should change it! lol Cheers Andy
  3. That's interesting to know as I don't think the one touch up on my driver's window works! The module from a T4 Transporter from memory works on a MK2 Golf as an upgrade too so guess if you needed to find something to retro fit it would work?
  4. Cracking price! I was only looking at these the other day, I may have to pop in tomorrow to see if mine happen to have the same offer. I got a trade card last week too so should come in handy :)
  5. Some nice upgrades there, that's a nice looking Corrado. The engine bay is looking much nicer now :)
  6. Welcome to the forum. That's a nice looking Corrado, glad you've got behind of a VR at last ;) Nice colour combo too. Fully black carpets would go well in that
  7. Just looked at the link and did a sex wee. My god that's a very nice C
  8. If you have no joy finding one on here, try my friend, Mark on here - http://www.classic-vw.co.uk/ He has a lot of parts he doesn't list on his site and has broken VW's for years on and off so often has lurking in his unit those hard to find parts, without having to pay 'scene tax' for them either ;)
  9. Yes exactly right Adam. I can live with it being a little tatty in places, but I do like everything to work properly!
  10. Yep, winds me up too Jim, it's just not proper!
  11. So today at last I thought I should see what loom was lurking behind the dash for the ABS light so I could buy one and fit it. I removed what I thought was a second switch blank and look what was stuck to the back of it!! Someone had expertly cut out some electrical tape to the shape of the centre oval and covered out the light so you'd never know. Needless to say, I know have an ABS light that wont go out! :thumbleft: I guess it was to be expected really, on to the search now to find the fault lol
  12. Welcome to the forum Stu, nice choice with the VR6 ;) Now come on, get some pics up! lol :-D
  13. Hi Jim It's this one; I'd like to think it's not the sensor but who knows!! I did just get some feedback from a friend in the VW scene who knows his onions, he suggested with the temp sensor plugged in, unplug the lambda probe and if it runs ok it's new lambda time. However, with the issues gone right now, I can't check that at this time! lol
  14. That's actually really useful! Before this issue I had noticed the revs sometimes slow to drop and when you stopped at a junction, idle would be a little high. If you kicked your foot up under the accelerator pedal the revs would drop to a proper idle so I assumed that the throttle cable may be sticking a little and need lubricating (something I've not done yet) but the point you mention would be worthy of further investigation for sure. I'd still like to know the link between unplugging the temp sensor and curing the issue though, that's what's really baffling me. Thanks again for the info, that's a big help ;)
  15. I hope so! My local trade motor factor who I get all my parts from. As I've fitted two new ones now I'd like to think that they're working ok!
  16. Oh yeah good point, it wont do anything!! lol
  17. Thanks Graham. The camera lies a little though as the paint isn't great. I love it though!
  18. Ah ok, not so great then lol. I think I was half asleep when posted it, noticed the missing seat lever but none of the other issues! :-D
  19. Ok even more baffled now. With the sender still unplugged the idle was starting to hunt up and down. Having a play around under the bonnet again I thought I'd plug the sensor back in and now it runs absolutely fine!I can only guess that the problem of earlier this week is an intermittent one. I'll run like this for now and see what happens. Still happy to hear from someone....anyone!! lol
  20. I had similar issues (ish) with my 2.0 16v and it was one of the temperature sensors on the side of the block that was the culprit, I replaced both and problem solved. My problem has come back sadly - worse so - but when I unplug one of the sensors it runs fine. It maybe worth checking/replacing yours
  21. Last night I fitted the upgraded headlight loom I purchased recently. It's made a great difference, along with some super bright bulbs. I did take before and after pics but they look the same so wont post them! lol One question however, tucked inside the NS wing I found this and it's unplugged; I've got one on my MK2 Golf I know - I've got ballast resistor in my head but don't know if this is true or any clue what it does?? Can anyone tell me and should I plug it back in? (There's two yellow plugs disconnected, one of which goes to this.
  22. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post it, but just seen this. No connection with the seller and I don't know the car but it looks like it could be a bit of a bargain http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/volkswagen/corrado/volkswagen-corrado-vr6-1995/2835375
  23. This should help you out a lot too - http://www.vwgolfmk2.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=25972 I thought my MK2 Golf was running well, but it's amazing how many little things can be just a little out on the car
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