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Posts posted by SR_Neale

  1. the miltek site say it has lifetime* but when go to small print it is as most are, guaranteed for the original purchaser only & not transferable


    Indeed it does look a nice example Jim! I wonder who's it is


    9 times out of ten it has to be fitted by an approved garage aswell so you would have to add fitting costs to the exhaust price to get the warranty where as custom built are done on the car so no extra cost. Why would you not go custom built?

  2. I'm having a issue with my clutch not sure if it's the same issue but I have to really push down on the clutch to stop the gears grinding at low speed esp going into reverse. It feels like the pedal needs to be brought up a touch.

  3. Little change in plans now after yet another flat tyre on the wife's car it was the last straw so we have decided to break it for spares never again will I buy another vauxhall. So the plan is to use Corby as the family daily while I use the money we save to restore her mk1 cabbie. Then once the mk1's done full strip down and re spray is on the cards for Corby.

    Also fitted the new clocks I got from lilfuzzer cheers dude. So for the first time since buying her I now have a rev counter and clock that works the only test left is to see if the speedo works but can't at the mo as it's sorn and I can't be bother to jack it up to test it. I never thought I would be so happy to watch a rev counter go up and down. It's the little victories that are the best sometimes. But on the down side I broke both the covers for the screws in the corner of the clock facia. Boo. Also the water temp light is now flashing which it didn't before. So I'm not sure if it's the clocks or more likely the car itself as I doubt that light worked in the first place as only the temp and petrol worked on the old clocks. Any suggestions on how to find out which one it is.

  4. Available from Awesome GTi in the UK ............. heavy money for non heated mirror glass.




    I agree with you on that but Corby is about to become our daily as I have given up trying to keep the wife's car running and she wants new mirrors and the amount she lets me spend on the car I haven't really got a leg to stand on. Plus it's a safety feature and I have spent more money on sillier thing.

  5. hmmm I think only summer can help with increasing vision


    these wet & misty days often make it difficult to see the mirror itself out of the window ;) LOL


    Lol don't think I explained that very well. The ddi mirrors help by giving a wider view over standard mirrors I'm guessing by using a different shape/angle. the link jim just posted explains it a lot better than I can

  6. Hoping someone can advise me as to where I can buy the ddi mirrors that increase the vision. Have seen some on ebay but not sure if they are the correct ones as I have read that people have bought these and not been happy with the quality. Is ddi a brand name or type of mirror?

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