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Everything posted by KADVR6

  1. very well done Dave, i can honestly say you have had my head in a right twist mate, seeing you do all this (nearly) made me wanna go turbo route :wink: but think i'm gonna stick with the charger. just maybe attach my charger onto an R32 next year :twisted: really hope to see you/and your car soon, would love a blast in it Dave. oh yehkev if you want a Jetex exhaust?? let me no mate, i can get them with a reasonable bit knocked off. :wink: karl
  2. your getting very good at this rob, i still havent taken my silverline polisher out of the box since xmas, got all the megs pads/polish's sitting in the shed also :oops: at this rate, it wont be long till Nathan (jediknight83) comes to you for he's car to be done :lol: karl
  3. you have been busy Shaun :) really cant wait to see your car at ED38, even your bloody boot carpet is 100% spotless :lol: you not gonna get the schimmel colour coded to match the exterior?? as soon as i get over this bout of shingles :( i will have to seriously think about what to do to my C next, i'm getting left behind :( karl
  4. not slow that :shock: so what engine is in it then??
  5. you will be surprised what you can get discounts on, i needed some koni top adjustable shock adjusters, with the trade card, they worked out at £2.20 each :shock: sold about 15 on e-bay for £12 each.. also got some brembo discs for my brothers 328 coupe for £35 8) karl
  6. KADVR6

    Alternator cover

    does this count as an alternator cover???? well i cant see the alternator.... so it must count as one :lol: karl
  7. been well ill this week, caught Shingles from some some kind person :x so gonna be doing the 2nd coat this weekend. karl
  8. hi Sam, sorry not been in touch mate, but getting over a dose of Shingles :( i will give ya a call on saturday, and pop round and have a look. karl
  9. that website looks good Rob, looks very profesional, well done 8)
  10. cheers guys, i did start a thread about re-dying leather, here is is. hopefully the seats will be in over the easter weeknd :) karl http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=55403
  11. 100% declare it, ok i'm an old git :lol: but i was only charged (get it) an extra £32 on my insurance, as Brentacre do a modified car scheme, which covers any engine mod to 220bhp at the wheels. so i'm just over that 220bhp at wheels. hence the £32 extra. ps, it's easy putting a charger on. the last one i put on took me 4.5hrs to do :wink: karl
  12. you have been busy Dave, i'm still un-decided about which CC to go for :? but must say the PWR one does look well made, and it looks cool in the engine bay. and the biggest thing for me, is that you dont have to re-locate the battery. so are you gonna be making/selling those manifolds??? if you are, please put me down for one, as it looks top quality. :notworthy: cant wait to pop round, and have a look at this rado when done. karl
  13. yeh i did have some dye left steve, i think thats because over night, the dye has soaked into the leather, and it will need another coat. as for cleaning it, you just scrub away till it feels like a dry chamois?? this is when you now you have taken all off the factory sealent. i was very very happy yesterday, but today, due to me being tight/unsure about how much dye to use, i saw a few dark patches and thought shite. so next weekend when its nice and sunny, i will give it another coat. then i will take some more pics. but overall i'm very happy with the results. karl
  14. the air brush was very easy to use, unlike the old ones from years ago, it never got blocked, and there was no "spitting" of the paint. heres a pic of what you get in the kit.
  15. yeh it still feels/looks like oem leather steve, and i had the matt finish, i was told the gloss looks very much like plastic. karl
  16. oh damn i forgot a pic of the finished seats :oops:
  17. oh yeh, here is the pic of the wear on the drivers bolster. i have more pics if you need to see them, and the whole kit only cost £55 delivered, the kit for a whole car will cost about £90.
  18. well today i finally did my leather front recaro's to match the rear bench i re-trimmed myself. i got the kit from http://www.furnitureclinic.co.uk/index.htm i cant fault them, i sent the cheque on a saturday, with my sample of leather, on wednesday the kit arrived :shock: it has everything you need (well almost) the process is so easy. step1, using the cotton wool which is placed into the coarse 3M pad, which is soaked in the leather pre-treatment, all this does is get the protective layer off the leather, and gives a key for the dye, use the gloves provided, as the crap that comes off is like tar. step2, use the mohair pad to put a base coat on, it looks a right mess, but all comes good, get in all the nooks and crease's in the leather, step3, using the air brush that is supplied, put on 2 thin coats of the leather dye, the first just covers up the base coat, the second coat really takes the colour, and gives a really good flat covering. step4, when the dye is dry (about 30mins) then use the leather sealent, just one coat is required, but i put two coats on the drivers seat. i was very pleased in how all the crease marks have vanished, even the drivers bolster wear has virtually gone, the whole lot took me about 4 hours to do, that included all the waiting for the different coats to dry. i'm very impressed with this kit, karl. if you have any questions, i will try and answer them, so all you people on here with boring black leather :lol: get some colour in ya cars.
  19. hold fire steve, i'm in the process of doing mine at the moment. just waiting for the base coat to dry. 8) but its looking good. karl
  20. and still gutted Kev :( i havent been out any night since that night. just get well sloshed at home instead :drinking: karl
  21. yeh thats what it means paul. just thought to try, and put some humour in there mate. karl :)
  22. Testicles, sorry Paul, but you have to try :(
  23. Mmmmmmmm, could you please keep me in mind Kev, if you do change over from the P8Pro. cheers karl
  24. do it :) as for insurance im the same age as you (old) and mine costs £485 FC protected/insured value etc etc. all mods declared, i'm with brentacre but HIC seem very good also. or look here. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewforum.php?f=30 now go and buy it :lol:
  25. oh dear, i think there is gonna be some big/complicated words being used in this thread now, :wink:
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