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Everything posted by Jules

  1. it looks like a big cartoon car with a nasty growl lol
  2. It was kinda dark again 2nite when I finished work so I got the light out and had a look. Luckily the door doesnt look as though its dented. It looks like the persons door has swung open to it fullest and the very edge has caught on mine. Its amazing how soft the paint still is from the respray cos it looks like the paint has been shoved along and has bunched in a blob! I park in an end space in a corner at work and most people stay away from me cos they know what im like about my car, but this guy obviously doesnt so as from tomorrow a friend is going to park beside me. Havent you just for the car too?...sorry to hear that! probably the usual mixture of stupidity and ignorance.
  3. It's funny you should mention that, cos I too thought along the same lines a couple of years ago when again my door received another dent. I ended up finding a web site which sold these kind of long foam things that had a magnet backing to them which meant you could remove them when you returned to your car. there was a wire attached too that sounded if the pads were bumped! The wire ran inside the door which also stopped them from being stolen lol nothing a pair of wire cutters wouldnt fix though. Kind of a good idea but not sure if it would work. It would be nice to have another car as a daily drive but just not practical as my husband has the mk4 for this and the other one is garaged so a 4th is not affordable unfortunately. I am calming down as the day is going on but I know that when i see it again 2nite the anger will flare back up again! Thanks for sharing your stories though as it always helps to get a bit of understanding from like minded people. I know that I can be a bit OTT at times when it comes to the car :)
  4. Some of you may know that I have just recently had my car resprayed and the main reason for this was because of the amount of 'car park' related dents and scratches left by other people...... So 5 weeks after the respary what do I notice this morning when I go to get into my car, but a chip on my drivers door and a big scratch about 1ft long on the rear quarter!! I'm not kidding I could have cried. I can still feel the lump sitting in my throat and I am that angry about it I have a sore head :( The chip on the door is right through the paint and not even sure if it has dented it either as I havent had a proper look due to it still being quite dark this morning.....its been their door hitting off it. The scratch is not through the paint but is quite deep. Looks like a bag or sumthing has scratched along it. I will try using my porter cable on the scratch to see if it does anything, otherwise it will need to be wet sanding which I really didnt want to have to do on a newly painted car! The chip however is another story. The maddening thing about it is that I always park out the way of everyone and it could only have happened in the car park at work cos i have been watching from the window every day to see if anyone has parked next to me. I have a rough idea too who it might have been , but its not as though they are gonna admit it to it when I pull them up for it. I have spent a fair bit of money on it lately to bring it back to the way I wanted it and for this to happen is just so downheartening. Today I have taken up 2 parking spaces and if anyone even dares say anything to me, they will get an ear full!! I'm now at the stage of thinking is it worth even getting the door sprayed again if its needed, or should I just get the mark touched up cos I use the car for work and its not possible to watch it all the time to make sure it doesnt happen again. I dont have the money to constantly throw at the car because of inconsiderate numpties!
  5. You got the Polo looking good.....enjoy your new Corrado :)
  6. Jules

    New engine?

    Thats interesting...it will be going down this week again so I'll see how it is after that. What's the guys name you deal with in at Autrac?
  7. Jules

    New engine?

    Sorry meant to say a 20VT gearbox,not a mk2 one! Do they fit?? A-J it was Bedrock it went to for the tune up. It's going back just to get checked again, but pretty confident it will be spot on. I know the place you are talking about though. Always good to know of someone recommended.
  8. Jules

    New engine?

    Well the new engine has been fitted to the car and I would say I'm sort of happy with it....some issues though and questions! It always starts first time in the morning (cold start) but then the rest of the day it needs some coaxing. It can be left for around 8 hours and it is still like this and then for the rest of the night too. It has been tuned, CO has been set, but I'm thinking it may be overfuelling?? The other issue is that I am still finding it quite sluggish, although there is a slight improvement from the old engine. The revs are still taking their time to come back down and it just feels its lacking somewhere. I'm not looking for huge amounts of power, but it definetely needs something done to it. Without spending huge amounts of money...what have other 16v owners done to improve performance? Was thinking of changing the gearbox to MK2 16v?? Was trying to find some info on the ratios of the MK2 to compare. On a happier note....there is no blue reek !!!! lol
  9. So your car will be sitting nice with the new suspension I imagine...will see it on Sunday if your taking it to the show. We removed a set of FK coilovers from the mk4 not long ago and they practically fell to bits. They were only on the car 18 months and a friend wanted them, but they were only fit for the bin, so thats kinda put me off FK's. The Koni's I think might be an option. Let me know how you find them? It's weird because the front of the car is now sitting lower than before and I have moved up a size in wheel. Not sure if its because the car was sitting nose to the sky with the engine out for so long and then once the weight was put back on the springs they had lost tension a bit ?? :roll: A bit worrying though cos I will soon need to put the 16's back on for the winter, so I would take something second hand to get me through the winter if need be.
  10. Thanks guys :) The car hasn't let me down in the 9yrs I've had it so it deserves the pampering lol The next thing to get done is probably the suspension(coilovers), but I've yet to decide on what to go for. So any suggestions??
  11. Yeah everything has been changed on mine too apart from the rack. I'm changing to my winter wheels in the next couple of weeks, so gonna see what happens then before I do anything else.
  12. Woo Hoo! It passed :) It went this morning, as I thought it would be a good idea to have the new exhaust fitted first cos it would just have failed because of it. It had a custom stainless on it which was fitted about 6 years ago and is now ready for the bin. The baffles were gone in the middle section and there was also a hole near the tailpipes. It is shocking to see how bad it is now thats it off the car. The company that made it is no longer in business which is no surprise, so I now have a Powerflow system fitted which sounds nice. Not too loud but nice sound when you put the foot down, and the single oval looks better too. Next job is to sort out the rear In-pro lights which have gone all nasty looking around the silver bits!! Rather than paint the original VW lights, I am keeping the crystals on and will paint them all red. New pics to follow once wee bits have been done :) :)
  13. No Wolfsburg badges on my car but I do have.....dare I say Porsche lol I'm not a Porsche fan and never have been, but I have put Porsche centre caps on my new RH wheels. Not because of the name, but because I think the colours go well with the black car (Its the red and gold ones). I'm not trying to make them look like Porsche wheels, because anyone who knows their wheels will know by looking at them that they ain't Porsche wheels. If anyone asks, then I tell them they are RH wheels. It will prob only be another one of my fads, which is why I still have the RH ones handy to change back to when I get bored :) It could have been worse and just have been stickers :lol: :lol:
  14. I am noticing when driving, there are times when the steering feels very vague. This happens mostly around 70mph, although I have also noticed it come and go around 30mph. Also you can slightly wiggle the steering wheel with not much response either left or right. I have recently changed from 7.5 x 16" wheels to 8 x 17" and I know that this probably won't be the actual problem, but might not be helping it either if there is a problem with my steering rack or something?
  15. Just noticed today that there is slight rubbing on the very edge of the tyres off the rear arches. Nothing major but enough to have to make an adjustment. Not gonna lift the car though, so its gonna have to be slight arch work. It is also MOT day today and I'm hoping for no surprises!!
  16. Yeah the design 90's? They are really nice on Corrados...not sure if I have seen a set on a Corrado the colour of yours yet.... Would look nice 8)
  17. Petrol cap is still at the bodyshop lol. should get it back 2nite :) I like the look of the 17's on the car, but still to decide if I like the handling in comparison to the 16's. Drove the car for the first time today since June so still getting used to it again. Raging too cos its raining! was out wiping the wheels at 7.30am, yes, sad I know, but just glad its the stainless steel rim incase the salt starts appearing on the road before I change them for the winter!
  18. Hi Simon, You made the right decision to buy another VW :) The car is looking good....got any plans for it?
  19. Thanks guys :) To look at the pics of before and after, it might not look as though there has been much done apart from new wheels but the bodywork is a huge difference with the new respray. Also its good to get the wee niggly things sorted out...like the heater only working on 4, which I managed to fix yesterday (which both amused and impressed my husband lol) So we are all set for the winter!
  20. Your friend passes by my house all the time in your old Corrado. Will keep a look out for you! Well here are pics taken from today. The wheels fit fine with only slight tyre rubbing on full lock , which was the same with the 16's so I'm happy with that. I was a bit worried about how much the car would lift with the 17's but I think it is fine, and seeing the car driving on the road , I think they look just the right size for the car :) Still to get new exhaust fitted, change back lights to all red, and sort out a few other bits and pieces..... Would appreciate your opinions so far??
  21. Hey its always good to find another Corrado owner in the area! yeah that was my car in the Daily Record back in 2002! That's cool that you remembered lol ! What is it you're driving? I have seen a couple in the passing, but not sure if any were you or not. The car is back in the road now and chuffed with it. It is not 100% finished but getting there. Very happy now that the wheels are on though....pics to follow :D
  22. Thats good news, you will be happy with that....subframe okay then? I got the car back 2 nights ago and it rained all last night so didnt get the chance to do any work on it. Most things have been put back together, just need to give the interior a good clean out now. So my job for the weekend is to wash it and clean the interior. Hopefully will have the wheels on and the rest completed over the next couple of days and then will post some pics up. Off to buy new sponges, shampoo and chamois etc :D
  23. I was down at the garage last night to see the progress on my car which has just been resprayed and 4 people have been asking if I'd sell it as they want to buy it. That was before it was sprayed, so chuffed with that :D :D
  24. yeah there are a few through this way, but very rarely pass them on the road. I know what your saying about the 17's. I have trial fitted them and was quite surprised at how much the car lifted. There isnt much room at all once they're on so lowering it a bit more isnt an option. I was happy with the height it sat with the 16's but the 17's defo fill the arch better. If the RH's came in 16's I would have opted for those but infortunately they don't.
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