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Everything posted by saysomestuff

  1. blimey - not the most supportive of forums! :roll:
  2. HA - some hippy divs are putting in comments like the following: 3023. CLOSE THE CIRCUIT NOW POLLUTING THE AIR WITH NOISE AND FUMES 3028. YOU'RE ALL SAD PATHETIC GITS IN CARS. SHUT UP AND SHOVE OFF Surely they are helping the cause by adding to the sig. count :cuckoo: morons
  3. d'oh! :bad-words: In the boot it is then - have to get a roof rack for the shopping :wink:
  4. From what i've seen it depends on the linft speed - the 1/2 second lift i looked at was the fastest kit they had and had two 5 gallon air tanks which would take up a bit of space (was thinking they would squeeze under the rear seat but i don't know what's under there yet). I also want someones opinion on how much noise the compressor emits as well as all the above - any takers?!
  5. I need new suspension, lower and generally better ride all round as the C looks like a tractor at the mo on 17s (I call it rally style clearance :wink: ) here's the but... the place i work has those stupid plastic speed "thumps" all the way into the car park so a proper decking is out of the question through usability, so I'm thinking air-ride :lol: :D Just really looking for a bit of advice to weigh up the alternatives. I can get a 1/2 second lift kit for about £1k plus fitting - or i can go for Konigsport/whatever (price??) - How adjustable are these kits? Can i have a speed hump friendly setting for work days and then dial it right down for posing? Any pics of ride heights on 17's would be appreciated with comments about how you get on with it!
  6. lol well i'll just have to wait for that pleasure until my valver's in a state to sell (or engine swap *rubs hands together*)
  7. :mad: unbelievable - i tried to put a message on their but it goes through a moderator first - free speech when it suits eh? What annoys me is they have all the W3C validation links to seem holier than thou and they don't even validate - well i s'pose it's about as accurate as the rest of the site really. Oh well, There'll always be people who want to blame the ills of society on some programme or computer game, i just wish they could do it quietly
  8. Nope i can vouch, early interior pretty much the same - big fat flat blade in the underside of the interior handle, twist and Bob's yer uncle! Oh and so you know - it doesn't have to come off to replace the door handle :oops: I thought id did lol
  9. No worries - I can wait, just pm me when it's ready ;o)
  10. sounds good - i'll have a look around for tuners etc - how much you want for that KR cam then aide?
  11. Oh and can you recommend a good tuners to send away to?
  12. Sounds good to me - thanks Phil annd Aide! Any ideas about dosh for a KR inlet cam?
  13. Yeah - i know. Next pay day will be an overhaul of the head i think - can anyone suggest a decent garage near cardiff?? Actually it would probably help if someone could list the best order in which to have the following done (which is my ultimate goal) and a rough cost would be nice lol. New cam (schrick?)/cambelt etc overhaul head flow head (new valves and whatever)
  14. Haven't noticed any rubbing, probably because of all the other noises. The tyres have been on for a couple of months so i'm guessing they only wear at excessive suspension travel as the tyre doesn't touch the strut from what i can see when stationary with a couple of people in it. The wear seems much too localised for tracking/ camber although i know that is a factor as i have a wobble at 65, it will be going in for that this week but ideally i was going to get them to sort the spacers while the wheels were off to save me getting the wheel brace out, just don't know where to get some spacers and extended wheels nuts..
  15. Sorry for the pun! :oops: The guy who owned the car before me put on some sweet 17" rims but i have just spotted that my new tyres have worn to the cord on the inside at the front! Can anyone recommend somewhere that i can get spacers, say half inch, and studs that will fit? Thanks!
  16. OK this is where I look dense. I have topped up the oil with synthetic "high mileage" oil as i figured that was the best match as i know it had synthetic in there before - is it likely the folowers are damaged - i probably went about 6 miles with the noise before checking and topping up the oil. Am I right in thinking that I should do a full oil change asap then? - which oil is best for the 2L valver on 125k? Oh and thanks for all your suggestions so far 8)
  17. Yeah i checked and topped up the oil on Friday (when it started making the noise). On the way into work I was taking it (very) easy and there was no sign of the noise - i'm just paranoid that it'll go boom. Is taking the head of relatively straight forward? Thanks for the quote Andy - i thought it'd be more than that
  18. sorry to bump this so soon but i'm desperate!
  19. Red Corrado in Cardiff on Thursday I think - I was in the dusty, generally sh!tty looking blue valver i was going straight over Newpoort road lights to city road - you were travelling away from town onn Newport road (stopped at lights opposite the church)
  20. Hi all, My C has started making a rattling noise from the head - it sounds like someone shaking a 5p piece in a matchbox but quite a bit louder. It started when the car was warm after about 15 miles. Got home and looked under the bonnet and the noise is definately comming from the head- just in front of the throttle. I know it must be something fairly serious but i'm strapped till payday and its my daily driver. Can I just open it up and have a look for something loose or should i take it into a garage? Also, how much does flowing the head cost as if i'm going to take it in i may as well do that? Thanks
  21. The two plastic pipes poking out of the bulkhead are part of the heater matrix, it's all one unit.
  22. Just thought i'd bump this thread, are the meets still going on? where/ when? I'm from Roath, Cardiff
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