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Everything posted by saysomestuff

  1. http://www.edition38.com/theshow.php
  2. Hi all, I'm looking to do some interior work and I want to bring the surfaces up to date a little. Does anyone know where i can get the rubbery covering that they put on the dash on new cars (like 307's and new audis etc)? coz im stumped :scratch:
  3. That HAS to go on the front page lmfao!
  4. so how come the car would fail an MOT with no ABS? Plenty of cars don't have ABS
  5. Agreed Caios but he didn't chase them, he was turning down the same road after them, I guess in hindsight though the "i'm harder than you and your 10 mates" bluff didn't pay of :lol:
  6. Green C poss VR on the A4232 link road out of Cardiff, really sweet condition with Gernman style plates K***MK* is all i can remember. Oh and you had a headligh out :wink:
  7. Anyone have any ideas how i can get hold of a genuine cobra replacement fob - i can't find a number or a site for them
  8. Mine stopped working automatically when I changed the stereo, I'm assuming the speed sensitive circuit goes round there somewhere from when the original stereo was speed sensitive, the guy had done a real hack job so I rewired it all but couldn't work out what a spare brown wire was for so left it off. Reconnected it and all works great
  9. 10 degrees isn't much in terms of fluctuation is it? Mine runs at 90 dead all the time. Except when the termostat sticks closed and explodes my heater matrix in my face lol
  10. Well yeah that's what I was thinking, I'm still clinging to the hope that its somethingg mechanical rather than dodgy wiring. I was wondering though - does the pump suck to lock and blow to unlock? And if it can't lock does it revert to unlocking? I can't work out the flow of air through the system to be honest, too many T pieces!
  11. Hi all. My central locking has started being weird - when i put the alarm/immob on, the doors won't lock, not a peep out of c/l motor, just the beep from the imoob going on. However if i lock the doors manually and then put the alarm on, they unlock! so basically they unlock fine but don't lock and locking the drivers side with the key doesnt engage the c/l either. All pipes connected fine in the boot, any ideas?
  12. i'm guessing it means they didn't repond as expected and just gawped back with a blank expression
  13. yeah did you come in over the bridge toward the prison?
  14. Think i clocked corradowales this morning on the way into Cardiff (i was on the way out) - might have been the mystery green one though, only saw it for a second. Also saw a white one in Llantrisant not long ago and a J plate Mystic blue in talbot green - there was me thinking i had a rare car
  15. The set up i was looking at was the fast kit from justairbagit.com - comes with engine driven compressor, but as i understand, with two grrt tanks you don't need it running all the time, i doubt they are particularly quiet.
  16. Jeremy Clarkson swears by them mate - on Top Gear he highlighted that out of 50 million VTEC units made, Honda had a record of 0 failures. My mate has one and absolutely loves it (£14k), he drives like an old woman so regularly gets spanked by another mate in a clio 172 but I think thats the point. mega pose if you dan't want to rake it but the fun factor is always witing under your right foot. my 1.3p :wink:
  17. Delocked, dehandled and garaged, that's some determined scum :mad: makes you want to strangle the b@st@rds - agree with Jet, post the full spec on as many forums as possible, coz the poliss won't be doing much.
  18. Mistrall, that seems alot for insurance on a valver, mines under £650 fully comp on a Jplate 2L 16v with wheels declared. I'm only 24 too (for another month).
  19. mine's a 2L 16v and off a roundabout in 2nd nothing has come near me. Well maybe a WRX once and a punk in a clio 172 whupped me. Oh and there was this one time in.......
  20. hmm - i can honestly say there aren't any new cars around that i like the look of. I reckon i'll upgrade to a vr6 then do some modernisation when it dies - perhaps a mr fusion by then 8).
  21. Thanks guys. Any ideas why he was selling them? I think his name was doublezero or something... I suppose i'm going to have to decide whether i want a show car or a daily driver :roll:
  22. *Bump* Anyone experienced air rides first hand?
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