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Everything posted by Toad

  1. My VR is a hell of a state, with dents and rust, and probably lots of dirt inside, but I don't give a fcuk what other people think, I'm going to meet mates, and have a few drinks, not to show my car. See you there!
  2. Only just started having a ferret through your pictures, looks stunning. Wonder how hard it would be to spray my white VR in aqua blue? hmmmm... It's not grass, it's wheat.
  3. Not too bad mate. she does look stunning in those pics. Aqua blue suits the corrado very well indeed. Yeah, I'll be at e38, just look for a rusty white VR. :)
  4. Toad

    Possessed speedo

    It fits in the top of the diff housing, and the loom plugs in at 90 degrees to the sensor as G60SC_Stoney has said. Can't really miss it to be honest.
  5. Think I'm going to stay indoors.... The car mounted the house back in 2005 btw.
  6. I didn't think they had the engine management worked out yet?
  7. Toad


    Can you access your ABS ok? Was quite annoyed about missing it last night. Had a phone call at the wrong second. :(
  8. Toad


    I did go over and have a look at that, but although the right kit would be nice, it's well out my price range. Got out sniped on a usb cable last night, but was wondering if people prefer USB or serial connections? Tonedef said he uses serial, and I've heard that some USB cables don't connect to the ABS correctly (my ABS is shot so I would like to diagnose it). Can anyone confirm this. I do need to check the laptop to see if it has a serial port, so this could all be academic at the moment. Cheers Tom
  9. This is what I've been told, by someone on here... The engine *should* fit, but the problem is the engine management, I've been led to believe that as it uses FSi with 100Bar + fuel pressure, you need amplifiers supplying 100ishV to operate the injectors, in a similar style to modern direct injection deisels. There are no standalone engine management systems currenty with the capability to run these injectors. So, you either need to use the passat/toureg ecu, clocks, ignition, keys and 10 lambdas!!! etc or spend muchos dollars on getting engine management custom built. Storm developements are supposed to be trying to fit an R36 to a mk4. How well they will do this is anyones guess. Personally, I'd rather stick a cactus up my bum than give them my R32 and tens of thousands of pounds.
  10. PMSL!!!! :lol: That's a good way to wet the baby's head, buy some wheels to celebrate! Good luck with the small person!
  11. They look a bit like the focus RS wheels. Think they would suit a nugget well.
  12. Toad


    Does anyone know if this cable would be suitable?
  13. Toad


    Cool. All I had seen was the muchos expensive option. Think I will download the software and give it a try. Thanks mate. Glad yours is running now! Tom
  14. Toad


    Morning. Would quite like to get VAG COM as I have a temperamental VR, trouble is, I don't knwo tooo much about it. I know that you can buy the software with a cable from ROSS tech, for $300+, or there seem to be versions floating around ebay, such as this which is considerably cheaper, but I do wonder about the quality of the software, and the cable. Where have other people gotten the software from? I can't afford much at the moment, but I would quite like the software, however, i guess it'll have to wait if I can't afford it. I don't mind if I have to look up fault codes in a pdf etc to be honest, but will all versions of the software be able to delete fault codes, and allow me to monitor the engine/abs as I use the car? Cheers. Tom
  15. It wouldn't run on all cylinders with a broken camshaft. To check if the cam bearings are worn, i'd pull the rocker cover off, and have a quick visual inspection. Probably the only way you could tell for sure is to whip the timing belt off and take the cams out, remove the tappets and replace the cams, you should then feel any play in the bearings. Would be worth checking your oil pressure too. the pump could be on it's last legs and have not supplied enough oil to the head causing accelerated wear of the bearings.
  16. I love nuggets, but I think I'd be tempted to leave the bump strips, as they provide a nice juxtaposition to the nugget paint. Think it could look a bit dull without them.
  17. Toad

    pure sex rado

    If you've got the service book for the car the sticker is replicated in that. It also shows all the optional extras that were fitted to the car too. Think the paint code is found somewhere else too, but not sure where. Looks nice Mrs Tonka. Good to see another owner on the forum. Tom
  18. But my living room hifi is crap, what would you recommend? I would look to employ the services of right said fred, who could sit in your car singing such hits as I'm too sexy and Deeply dippy.
  19. Remind me never to invite you to my house, no matter what the topic is you want to POO on/in it, you've even called the guy a turd :lol: :lol: Lol... I promise to behave ;)
  20. What a fcuking turd. Hope he's at ed38 in september. I'm tempted to poo in his fuel tank now... What an utter utter prick. Might be worth finding the other forums he resides on and pming the mods to let them know what he gets up to...
  21. Just got back from the office of postal goodness. The coil is on special delivery so will be with you by 1pm tommorrow. I have heard spraying wd 40 into the connector helps.
  22. Just looked at the thread... Where does the extra £125 come from, they were advertised at prices close to (from £25 - £75 of) to the price you discussed with him. What a complete sperm weasel. I'd be hopping up and down...
  23. PM me your address, I'll put it in the post first thing on next day delivery if you want. VW probably won't have one in. If it works, great, if not send it back somewhen. I'd definitely try vagcom on it's ass. Are all the other fuses ok? Karmann seemed to move them around a bit. How about the fuel pump relay? You can check fuel is being delivered by pulling the pipe off and getting someone to turn the key on and try to start the car. Could be your immobiliser too.
  24. You have to use your early motor as the later passat one doesn't fit. As I said before, get a new seal on it, and take your time....
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