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Everything posted by Toad

  1. The 1.8 16vs all have 3 pin plugs, so it is the right rad. Where did you get the new radiator from btw and how much was she?
  2. The warranty is with the dealer as far as I know, it's the dealer who bought the car from mg rovay and sold it to you. I think most of the dealers took on other franchises so they're still around. Our local one is now renault, but they've still got (a couple of) unsold rovers on the forecourt. They're very little money now, think £5k for a new mg zr thing. The parts are all still being manufactured, there's some kind of law about it apparently. My mates ex owns a 54 plater, with a £15k finance deal on it, she's pretty screwed as she can't get rid of it without loosing huuuge amounts of money on it, but she can't really afford to keep it.
  3. I'm kinda with Kev here How about the rover 25? they go ok, i was relatively impressed with the parents 1.6 16v (I had a maestro for a long time) and they're cheap as chips now rovers gone away. Front subframes bend very easily tho, although its only a couple of hours work to wack a new one in. Been for a ride in a yellow MG ZR one and it was like a little go kart, buy new ish tho so you can get all the niggly things repaired under warranty, such as speakers, electric windows and gear knobs that fall off. Have heard the ECU's go shonkey quite regularly. Not really selling them here am I?
  4. I mentioned this to potatonet about 5 pages back mrbeige but apparently standard science isn't worth refering too in these situations.... I didn't realise there was any science involved, i just thought it was a forum wide crack smoking session!!!!! Anyway, I've got to go, the otter is waiting outside to give me a piggyback to the circus.
  5. I like your thinking there matey, I can't see the valves staying fully closed, in which case the vacuum would dissipate very quickly. It's alright, i've just worked it out, the special engine dwarves can pull the stems closed while singing thier little song about joe cell!!! I just started thinking about the valve action really, i suppose you could have the stems running in cam tracks on the cam shaft to hold them closed, but it'd be a hell of a lot of work.
  6. I think we've got several genuine problems with this idea, and that's if it's not a load of shiiite (which i think it is btw) Firstly, how're the piston rings gonna seal? they won't work properly with a vaccum in the cylinder, secondly, how're the valves gonna work?? if you get much vacuum they'll open, it's only spring pressure which holds them closed, and i recon the vaccum will pull them open before it pulls the piston up and swings the crank, at least if there is much load on the engine. I think Kenny Craig (off little Britain) could help us all with this, "look into my eyes, look into my eyes, not around the eyes, into the eyes....." etc
  7. I don't think saying it just works, you might need to borrow that special pen off your mates the men in black to make us all go away!!!! :roll:
  8. you'd have thought the side mounted machine guns would've given the game away... ROFL!!!!
  9. The Superchargers in messerscmitts (those planes from ww2, I can't even be arsed to work out how to spell it), were geared so that at low level the required ammount of boost was available, and when the plane reached high altitudes and the air was thinner, the charger could be sped up to produce the same amount of boost again, if you catch my drift. I guess it meant that the plane could still perform at very high altitudes, but the charger didn't get super stressed when they were just hooning round at sea level. If i remember my history lessons correctly, Post WW1 Germany wasn't allowed to make research into military vehicles such as planes and battle ships etc. However lots of money was pumped into the Grand Prix racing which just happened to use engines which would be ideal for fighter aircraft hence the advanced technology used in the mescherthingumybobs.
  10. you probably need to clean the sliding pins the calipers move on and lube them up with copper grease that will allow the calipers to slide easily and might help stop the binding, otherwise, the piston bores might be damaged or corroded.
  11. A normal multispline socket will fit it, i think it's a stupid idea to try to stop people from rounding normal bolts off, looks a bit rusty so it might be worth giving it a good tap on the end with a hammer just to help free it off.
  12. my premium didn't change dramatically when i hit 25, but the excesses came down lots, got a 1.8 16v, about £340 i think protected NCD, full NCD, live in a quiet area.
  13. dunno really.Guess they make you leave it there, and get someone who can tow it to pick it up? I've been towing trailers over 750kg without the license a bit, and i guess i would get a fair bit of bother, i suppose it invalidates your insurance etc. there aren't many places you can do trailer tests (at least round here it seems) i was goign to take one recently, found a place near portsmouth, a few of my mates went there.
  14. From your Sig saying that you're 22, i guess you can't do it legally unless you've passed a proper trailer test. It's pretty rubbish really, considering you can tow huge trailers behind tractors with a car license.
  15. I dropped into the scrap yard/garage in colden common because i saw the G reg in there the other day having some work done on it, there was also a red K reg 16v, Thought i'd find out if i could sell them anyy of my spare red corrado, and i followed a dark VR6 from bishops waltham to colden common last night.
  16. Nearly soiled yourself and the rest of the road:) Haha very nearly mate. Still not as bad as the time i intruded into the back of a transit with a tractor! :oops: Sorry, bit off topic, I know. You do get some fairly big capacity bike engines nowadays don't you? surely they must have more mass in the pistons/conrod/crank which would limit the revs? I guess the real high revving engines would be on four strokes etc, or can two strokes reach high rpms? My bike kniowledge is limited to the CR80 i had as a child.
  17. it looked pretty clean, but i didn't see the back end, i was already going up sarum road when he came past, guess the guy driving was in his 20's, he waved as i turned off. You from winchester too then? Yours isn't the blue VR usually parked in the station is it? Noooo, mines the Mauve campaign pakred outside my window! :) I dont drive her too much (usually a quick outing once a week)but you may see it around a bit more at the mo as Im having to use it as the S3 died the other day....got to roll my sleeves up this weekedn and commence surgery :( JP How did repairing the S3 go? What went wrong with it? If you ever need a hand, or unusual tools, give me a shout, i'm quite lucky in being able to lay my hands on things. Anyway just saw what i think is the same purplish K reg as before, turning into stanmore about 10.00 tonight, he waved, i waved, it was nice. Don't know if the owner has found his way onto here yet?
  18. There's a pretty big thing in agriculture with cvt boxes at the moment, using hydraulic pumps, motors and planetary gearing, most do have between 2 and 4 'gears' these are all controlled by the computers so you shouldn't know about them when you're driving. The idea is that the engine management and gearbox computers talk to each other to get the best efficiency or power etc for particular tasks. It does mean that a 10 tonne tractor can hit 40k in about 6 seconds too. which is shifting a bit. I did manage to get a big fendt with CVT sideways on a roundabout by hitting the go faster button when i shouldn't have done, the big dung spreader pushed the back of the tractor round, I very nearly soiled myself, had to take to the grass verge to get myself out of trouble.
  19. did you put plenty of copper grease on the relavent areas and check the caliper and pads could slide back and forth properly?
  20. I reckon that was the one i passed, as i was about 20 mins ahead of you guys.
  21. nugget yellow going southbound on the A34 at 7.30 this morning by sutton scotney services, i was heading up to cheivley to meet everyone.
  22. I('ve sat mine on different points depending on what i'm doing to it, I tend to run it up onto sleepers for most jobs, my belly and the front spoiler don't really mix well!! haha, but i am kinda lucky in having a farmyard/buildings to put the car in if need be. I've blocked the car under the jacking points and taken the blocks from under the wheels when i dropped the box out the bottom to change the clutch, and i've blocked it under the wishbones when doing other jobs. I think the most important thing is making sure it's safe, and cant go anywhere, especially if some monkey gives it a bit of a shove. don't trust the handbrake too much either. I've had to tow a landrover back up onto a jack with a tractor after a little accident with the handbrake when i was changing the wheel.
  23. Going back to the speed camera detectors, i'm pretty sure that if you buy a road angel or other GPS type detector, and update it's database every morning, you should get the mobile sites active for that day. I could be wrong however, i'm sure someone'll put me right, but i think it's because the police have to announce where the mobile traps are for each day, think it's on the relavent police authorities website or something. it's not much good for coppers with laser guns etc tho.
  24. it looked pretty clean, but i didn't see the back end, i was already going up sarum road when he came past, guess the guy driving was in his 20's, he waved as i turned off. You from winchester too then? Yours isn't the blue VR usually parked in the station is it?
  25. Blue C travelling up badgers farm road about 6.30 Sunday evening, and a Red C heading out of Winchester toward Hursley about 6.30 monday night (i think) the last few days are a bit blurry.
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