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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. plus-gas/wd40 and a heat gun..... depending how old they are, mine had to be cut off and new hard lines made
  2. shouldn't be, i think its just a 10 or 12mm spanner. sometimes a slotted spanner can help and reduce the risk of rounding the bolts. its the other end i had trouble with, where the flexi line joins the hard line, i had to cut through the hardlines and remake them
  3. does it charge the ipod while in use? i got a new headunit a while back but since found out the ipod runs out of battery and i'm left with no music as i've got no cd's i the car, and never bother with the radio tempted to buy a headunit that will charge it now, or theres an add on for about £60
  4. i find the hardest bit is getting the laquer finish right, mine looked great until i started the laquer, then its hard to get a nice thick smooth shiny surface, mine always felt "dry" and this made them hard to clean the brake dust off. i did wonder when doing mine if i could do everything and then just ask a pro to spray some laquer on
  5. i did all mine myself, took ages and ages and they were only speedlines, cost me loads in primer, filler primer, paint and laquer, plus sand paper and all the dremel bits i used. then a few months after finishing i had them acid dipped and repainted by a professional (although i'm still not 100% happy with them)
  6. its awesome the stuff you get done :shock: makes me feel i really should get things happening with mine
  7. http://www.motorauthority.com/schumies- ... i-fxx.html
  8. lol, i've still not dared to try my sunroof in 2-3yrs of ownership :lol:
  9. viewtopic.php?f=19&t=77272&p=897551&hilit=lock#p897551
  10. i found a way of pulling a lever up inside the door when mine wouldn't unlock and the pin wouldn't pull up
  11. seriously gutting!! hopefully something good will come out of it
  12. worth checking the thermostat housing while your there, its quite common for them to crack. i found out the hard way that fixing one leaks tends to lead to the next weakest link breaking, especially if its all old plastic parts. Theres also the main water pump in that area, but i found that hard to get to and involved lifting the engine up or down
  13. Meet up with A1 VR6 from the forum today, to sell some wiper arms. But i was very impressed with his rado so i had to snap a pic :notworthy:
  14. might look into some form of parapet roof conversion :gag:
  15. Corrocco, Scirraado... most of my mates that have never seen it haven't got a clue what it is when i tell them :lol:
  16. i have a cloth in the door pocket which i use mainly for drying the leather as soon as that happens :lol: i hate it :censored:
  17. i took mine out but now its all back together it doesn't light up anymore
  18. the bit on the right has to come off first, just lever it upwards from under neath, its just a metal clip, iirc it takes some force toget off
  19. Was shown this earlier :shock: :shock: i think the thread speaks for itself really http://www.autopia.org/forum/pro-detail ... hours.html
  20. glad it all arrived ok :D i can't remember how i got that spare piston out now, i haven't got the bling looking tool you have :shock:
  21. well i had a go today, didn't really achieve much though, i think i need more practice and less fear of making it worse here's some pics of what i'm dealing with car looks nice in certain light. but when the sun is out at your standing at a certain angle it looks like this.. i managed to get rid a bird poo mark on the bonnet that had eaten some of the laquer will try again another day, had all the kids from next door annoying me so i packed up
  22. that is lovely indeed. Am really glad i got a classic green rado when i see how good they can look
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