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Jim Bowen

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Everything posted by Jim Bowen

  1. are they availiable? anyone got any pics of them on car? where can you get them? how mucho?
  2. nice one, cheers for the link not sure why it wouldn't fit, i think i'll have to sand the clips slightly. i did have a badge in primer but messed it up while spraying it
  3. are the ones for the corrado script badge the same as the ones that hold on the rear VW badge as i had some that fitted fine on the VW badge, but they were too big a diameter for the "corrado" badge? also where is best to buy a new "corrado" badge?
  4. i've managed to find out that you can get a seal set from the dealers, but do i also need a "bleed nipple" ???
  5. is some here http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... highlight=
  6. well i want to do all of them really. just read the guide in the knowledge base, very useful but are there any seals or bits within the calipers i should replace? ideally i'll paint them too
  7. will i need this piston tool? http://www.awesome-gti.co.uk/vw%20corrado/brakes.html
  8. i just got back from garage, and been told the C has a siezed caliper and needs replacing, they couldn't free it, so they ordered a new one and gonna fit it on saturday but i reckon all the calipers could do with a service of some kind and want to attempt it myself, i never done anything on a car before but really need to start in order to save me some money so, what tools will i need? will i need to buy some new bits before i start? do you really have to wear latex gloves? :lol:
  9. now mine horn has stopped working :lol: where is the fuse box?
  10. ttt? anyone know if a barrell means a new key or is there part that needs to be swapped over?
  11. this is the first time its been stuck but i reckon it may happen again so will i have to get a new barrell and a new key?
  12. this car is sending me mad :mad: :mad: :evil: i just went to leave work and the key went into ignition, but wouldn't turn (steering lock was off) it was just stuck basically, won't go left or right i spent 15-20mins wiggling, shaking, hitting it and eventually it just slipped round like it should. since i've had the car the ignition hasn't felt like my other cars, the key seems to spin a bit too smoothly and you only really feel one notch/position just before it turns over. do i need a new barrell? does this mean getting a new key for starting it now? seems like a nightmare to me tbh :(
  13. has it been resprayed in that colour then or is it a standard corrado colour?
  14. i was gonna mention this the mirror controls and controls for both windows will all be on the wrong side :lol:
  15. they on ebay all the time, brand new, hardly any money. i had a spare silver one, but i've sanded it back to plastic now
  16. i always prefer to buy a standard car, dunno why but "modded" puts me off, even tho 90% of modifyers probably care more about their car than normal folk who just think of it as "just a car" but i also seem to think that modded means raced too just me being odd i guess it all depends on the buyer nowadays, i find that most cars over 10yrs are only worth what someone will pay, sure parkers etc give you a guide but you could go without selling a car for a year just because the buyer isn't there
  17. i ahve a strange noise on startup until i've driven a mile or two, sounds like the car is supercharged :lol:
  18. are they the correct offset, this can alter handling
  19. i'm not sure which looks better tho :lol:
  20. moral: don't put all your eggs in one basket, especially if you have a crap basket :lol: i'd feel so sick if that happened to me, really angry at god too, as its him that makes the weather apparantely :roll:
  21. Jim Bowen


    R32 for me as they make it with the correct number of doors :lol:
  22. are you a member of corsasport gixxer?
  23. whats that thing on the LHS of bonnet? looks like a bit off my hoover :! sorry
  24. Just looking thru this thread http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=2938043&page=1 i noticed a lot of em have the indicators in the front bumpers instead of wing, is that standard in US? Anyone over here done it to theirs? also noticed this :lol:
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