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Everything posted by Taggart

  1. Taggart


    I got slight rubbing, with standard suspension, one 215/40/17 on an 8j ET35 rim.
  2. Is it a G? It looks like a VR inlet.
  3. Taggart

    Who Needs LSD !!

    I've an idea, take some leathers out of a storm, and stick these in, will look much better, and will increase value greatly.
  4. Taggart

    Who Needs LSD !!

    They'd go well in my Flash Pink C.
  5. What choice did I have? We have 1 VW dealer on the Isle of Man, and I had lost my missus key to her polo.
  6. VW charging me £110 for 10 mins programming a key + £50 for the blank.
  7. Do you deliver to the Isle of Man?
  8. Taggart

    The tatty bits

    I trimmed mine, and filled with black guttering silicon to stop water gathering in there.
  9. I think Tom has intricate knowledge of such ghey cars.
  10. Where do you find a new shrek for that? I want one!
  11. Taggart

    help with vr

    dr_mat, , how big is your plastic tool?
  12. I wasn't sure if he wanted a shrek + S/c, or shrek OR s/c
  13. You won't much, if any, of a BHP increase with a Shrek. The torque difference is superb tho. I want another shrek! I am looking for one at the moment.
  14. Taggart

    help with vr

    You need a special tool to remove the leads (plastic thing about 7" long) you can get a metal one that works better. To remove the plugs is the same as any other.
  15. I had Nick's 215/40/17's on 8j rims, and there was some rubbing on standard ride height. Not enough to worry me though, it was only a tiny bit.
  16. I certainly wouldn't consider doing that without sorting the suspension, and possibly the brakes too!
  17. Get the handling sorted, go for new suspension and an ARB. To go faster in a straight line, a supercharger seems to be the current flavour.
  18. Mine was out of action from 3rd January to the 1st June this year.
  19. Taggart

    Fog Lamp

    If you're anything like your sister, it's to do with full cavity searches :shock:
  20. Taggart

    Fog Lamp

    Tom's not here to help people, just to move stuff around. Dunno why they call him a jailor, I'd call him more a binman or a removal man.
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