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Everything posted by Taggart

  1. Anyone got anywhere with the 6mm spacers? I'm getting my brakes fitted saturday week.
  2. Looks good. :thumb right: You wouldn't get any golf clubs in there though, would ya!
  3. I thought it might be a bit of a stupid question! :D, thought I'd ask anyways. cheers
  4. Taggart

    Throttle Body

    Is it the TB itself or the sensor on it? What type of C have you got?
  5. What size are the rear discs? Are they smaller than the fronts? If so, could you put your front set up on the rear?
  6. Weird thing.. when I put the audi channel on my TV goes funny and he screen goes grey (like I've got poor reception)
  7. Because it's the heat from the engine causing the fuel vapourisation?
  8. Jeez, just tore out the foam filter for the ISV silencer, and it is idling fine. Shouldn't be a problem without the filter should it?
  9. Think a few of us would be interested Kev I most certainly did too Think I'm gonna come over to the UK when Tom comes over, and get my mate to do my brakes (and the schrick if Tom has it off before-he hasn't decided yet). So we'll be racing down the M6 to Brumingham.
  10. Do you give refunds on old sets, if not I've got some 2.3mm wide washers for sale ;) If you're getting more washers I'll have some.
  11. thermostat main housing - 25.00 021121117a thermostat cover - 11.50 021121121a connecting socket to crack pipe - 10.50 021121133d gasket to pipe - 1.80 n10139201 gasket to block - 2.50 021121119a gasket in thermo housing - 2.40 n90136802 80c thermostat 075 121 113D Is this everything I will need? (to replace the stat and housing)
  12. Cheers guys... sorry for hijacking Chris ;)
  13. Could someone do something for me too? I would like to know the part numbers for the thermostat and thermostat housing (I don't trust our local Seat dealer)
  14. Oh and I may have found access to a VAGCOM - what do I do with it :) I'll try and do the basic settings. Anything else?
  15. I'll try Toms ISV next week. Inside the idle silencer thingie, there's a bit of foam filter, seems like it's quite black/ solid to me, is this normal? How freely should air flow through the silencer? Think I'll try changing the stat and stat housing maybe.
  16. I *think* the resistance I measured is 3250 Ohms.... 3.25 on the 2000 setting. Measured the spare I have and that was 4.0 Couldn't get it idling well enough to take out the BTS
  17. Still got to decide on my colour, Flash Red VR with yellow callipers any good :roll:
  18. Yeah, stopped the engine revs dropping so quick, still stalls when cold though. Would adjusting the screw on the TB open up the butterfly a bit? Is that just skating round a problem rather than solving it?
  19. Asked him this morning, but he's away for a drunken weekend! No VAG-COM, but had it VAGCOM'd by Vince when I got the oil cooler
  20. What should the resistance be?
  21. Jeez, I'll have to start working out now then, I've only got weedy little arms and will struggle to undo these alone with my little wrench.
  22. Followin on from here, I'm gonna be needing come sort of long leverage tool to get me bolts undone am I? May have to look into some plus gas soon as well.
  23. I'll try that... was changed twice in May though Thread by previous owner
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