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Everything posted by lukeage

  1. lukeage

    Cleaning strips

    Sure - np just noticed that as well :oops: Its giving a everyone a scroll bar at the bottom of the browser window, which i noticed is enough to do anyones head in.
  2. lukeage

    Cleaning strips

    Does it lift off wax as well - i have quite a bit caked up in area's from where the previous owner seemed to wax the whole car.
  3. lukeage

    Cleaning strips

    Guys & Girls, I cam across a post a while back where someone had a suggestion on how to clean off wax from the roof and side strips of black plastic. I can't find it anywhere :( Anyone recall the post or could make a suggestion? Ta, Luke
  4. I can't figure it for the life of me - any clue's?
  5. Driving a corrado tends to have this effect on you :)
  6. Phil - heard your car at the se-meet - My standard is going to need replacing soon and a cold wet winter may just finish it off quicker. Looks like a trip to basingstoke may be on the cards
  7. The engine was missing :shock:
  8. Sounds a bit to much like a bid-tv punt to me. Would be interested in having a look though. I still prefer the thought of washing the down gently with some good quailty car shampoo in a warm water to slide the grain and dirt off, and then getting out the polishing cloths.
  9. I thought it was a Delorean - think i know what you mean though. I remember loving that film as a nip's, the second one was a bit sh1te, but loved the first. I think i remember modding the family home's sofa into a back to the future car - oh to be 26 again :) Would be handy if we could run the C's off banana skins and other household rubbish like in the flimer.
  10. I suppose comments like 'loving your C' can't really help as well :roll:
  11. Whilst having a google on rado's i came across a few site that mentioned the corrado as being listed in 'Car' magazines '25 cars to drive before you die'. Doe's anyone know if there are any scan's of the article kicking around on the net, or even got the edition they could run through there scanner?
  12. jimborae, where abouts in berkshire are you?
  13. Spotted what i think may have been a black g60 coming off the m1 near watford (i was a bit lost at the time) he / she has passengers in the back.
  14. Like a lot of the folks here i remember seeing them as a nipper, and even then i remember there were a rare site. I had always loved golf's and remember this rado driving past and then thinking 'wow, what the hell is that' it looked like a golf on steroids' (i only really caught the wide back end of it) and then i heard it growl away. Never been able to get it out of my head since then. Wanted to by one 3/4 years ago when i was down in devon, but i got offered a really cheap audi 80 (all the c's were well above mybudget limit, and my job situ was pretty bad). Anyway's a few years later and a turn of events i end up with a fairly decent job, was thinking of picking up a golf tdi and then clocked a vr for sale up the road and thought 'its now or never'. This stared a hunt which went on for a few months, 8 vr's later i found my car. As someone said 'living a dream' really sums it up well.
  15. Cheers guys - as i thought - honestly :)
  16. Hey All, I recently purchase an induction kit off the forum (see attached pic) I would like to this fit this tommorow. One thing i wanted to check out with you - If you look at the second attached pic - Do i connect point C, if so what about the loom and connector that stands after the clamp point? Or do i go from point A? - thanks in advance.
  17. If you look at the drivers seat there is fair amount of claret there - so he must have to a good quota of chicken guts as well :twisted: *edit* or she
  18. To headbutt a porsche doing 255kh on the freeway! :)
  19. dutch - if you do go for that, make sure you have a passengers eyes for if you ever try to overtake a lorry on a long winding country road.
  20. lukeage

    how low?

    I was thinking of going to 45? But 60 sounds even better. Its just a couple of times i have heard my sump slam against a kerb stone when coming out of a driveway which has long since subsided - that makes me wince bad when that happens.
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