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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Driven it. !!! :D :D :D Impressive stuff, and had a big grin on my face all day after.!!!!! Well, Vince had to make sure it passed the Wendy Test, before letting you guys loose with it !!! :lol:
  2. Me too ! Although, my Membership has lapsed, due to me not renewing it. I have never managed to get reduced Insurance Premiums for having it though. I did mine in snowy conditions years ago as this was where i wanted to gain more experience. You will especially be taught - to view much much further ahead, to being much more aware of everything around you and car care. As for - 'feeding through' all the time!! That is not the point. Tell them, if you have areas you want to improve on. Everything else as Mic-VR says I too would say it is worthwhile. Yes, do it
  3. Hi all, Come and meet us en route. I have finished the route for the Corrado Trip in Scotland. Date of event - Friday 11th June (from Banbury) to Sunday 20th June. We are looking for the Scots on the Forum to make us welcome, join us for evening fun, suggesting places to eat (remember we are out every night, so cheap but brilliant !) Take a day off work and join us for one leg of the trip. Rough trip guide attached - at bottom. There are events on route - A Sprint event at Kames and the BTCC at Croft, 1st and last Sundays. Plus Scottish highlights including a visit to a Distillery and excellent driving around Kielder Forest. The most Northerly point is Forres above Inverness. This trip will enable folk to join the route at varying points, including those from further South than Banbury. We will be at Windermere on Sat 12th June and at Muirkirk (just below Kilmarnock)all day on the Sunday including the evening. Total trip is expected to be 1157 miles taking between 2 hours to 3hours and 45 minutes driving daily. PEOPLE JOINING TRIP Me-obvioulsy - Wendy - Full Trip Corozon - John Myunyard - full Trip 2cc - Chris Stevens - Full Trip Judith and Kip - Judith& Paul - Sunday to Sunday too hot - Day 3, Sunday easypops - Day 3 & 4, Sun & Mon PaulMoVR6 - Day 5,Tues, plus hopefully Yandards - Day 5 & 6, Tues & Wed, coullstar - days 6 & 7, Wed & Thurs craigowl - Day 8 - Friday lilfuzzer - Day 9/10 Sat/Sun-last weekend jimmyvwjunkie - Day 9/10 Sat/Sun -last weekend Wendy Overview Road RallyJune 2010 #.xls[/attachment:33xowchf]
  4. I have just read much of the thread on PH and it has certainly been enough to put me off. I thought PH was for everyone who has a love of cars - it seems not. Judging a book by its cover - is what's going on here. Or was it wallet size ?
  5. Hi, Would someone please add into the Events Calender 'Scottish Road Rally' Sat - June 12th to Sun - June 20th. All details to follow Cheers Wendy
  6. Surely Starter Motor too ? ! Ok, you can push start, but not everyone will want to.
  7. I just knew that was Scotland. Stunning scenery. I am so envious of you living there. Although - off to sunnier climate on Thursday for 2.5 weeks !!!
  8. Why? If i were them I'd tell Bernie to go stuff it. He has his British GP, no harm no foul. But thinking about it, if they couldn't get organised enough to put their proposal forward, then there's little chance of them scraping together 15 mill. :D Because first he wanted to take F1 away from Silverstone and now he has messed up another very good circuit. I know they were to get the finances sorted, but all because Bernie was taking it away from Silverstone. I think if it was not for the sheer amount of Motorsport that is here in the UK and therefore the pressure, Bernie would not have any in Britain at all. I am sure he makes more money himself from other venues abroad. Personally I don't think Bernie has Motorsport best wishes in mind at all, nor ever has, just lining his own pocket - again. Sorry to rant - really dislike the man.
  9. Big relief for everyone working in this area too. :D :D :D Moto GP is also going to be at Silverstone in 2010. :D Shame that Donnington is now wrecked and there is unlikely to be any racing or Track Days there next year also though. Bernie is a nightmare. Donnington are even rumoured to have to pay about 15 million for failure to met the contract.
  10. I too have done these. I agree with Jim's comments on the Instructor. And Tempest's - there is nothing like driving a Single seater I would also compare to other circuits. Not just cost, but circuit length and number of laps to ensure you get the maximum experience. Remember this is an experience only, so I too would consider the Track Days experiences. Unless you just really need to drive a Ferrari, Lambo to get it out of your system ! At Thruxton they do the Maxda MX5 and the Lotus Exige Track Day Sessions. i was only enquiring about the Exige day earlier this week. :D
  11. got the car for here http://www.specialistcarsltd.co.uk/ Rob Why did you have to add this thread ?? !!! :lol: Spent all lunchtime dreaming again !!! :lol:
  12. Paul, Sorry to hear about your car damage. As you say a right pain in the butt just sorting it out if nothing else. Wow, has this thread gone mad though !!! Had to pick on this - wouldn't let Chris say this about your car though :lol: :lol: :lol: OK, so ammended it slightly !!!! And, depends how it is read ! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. I too am sorry to hear this and also glad to hear the injuries are not too bad. Please get seen as soon as you can by a Physio for your neck as they can be long lasting injuries. You are normally given some neck excercises to help. Ibrofun is also good for this. My immediate thought on the other driver and your thought of her probably Texting - if you report this to the Police, they can check this and fine accordingly from my understanding. Shame too about the car, afraid I don't know what to say, life can be very hard at times, but Cars can be replaced. Good luck in sorting this all out, hopefully to your overal advantage. Wendy
  14. Yawn, so why is/was a Valver used in VW cup and not a VR then? :epicfail: Too tight fisted and scared of the extra power. !! :lol: :lol:
  15. Hell yeah, beat those nose heavy boys through every twisty and roundabout! :salute: You been racing the wrong VR's !!! :lol: :lol:
  16. Err, yes, and to me and its creator, the Rado is still a Rocco Mk3 :D Tempest So, Eric what is the latest Scirroco then ? The Mk IV Rocco ?? And, yes, you lot are a bunch of anoraks. :lol: :lol: Of course, I was not reading this !!!!! :lol: :lol:
  17. My understanding is a Cat 2 is an immobiliser and a Cat 1 has an alarm and immobiliser. So question is, does the alarm actually stop anyone thieving your car ? !! Difficult one !! I too am tempted to re purchase a Cat 1, but is that because that is what i have become used to ??
  18. My Cobra Thatham Cat 1 Alarm fitted in 2006 has just packed up !!! Great, cost me £400 and lasted 3 years, not impressed. It has been with the alarm specialists this morning. I have now rang Brentacre Insurance, who say the Cat 1 is no longer required and Thatham Cat 2 is OK. Apparently the Corrado was delisted from Cat 1 some years ago. So, I am wondering why you are all still going to the expense of the Cat 1 when a Cat 2 can be picked up for £100 whereas the Cat 1's are £300 ish. ?
  19. I have done both Bill Gwyne and Silverstone Rally Days and much preferred Bill Gwyne's. It is much more rudementary than the Silverstone one but also more fun in my opinion. Consider booking this for mid Winter, you will get much more experience and adrelin rush. There is nothing like crashing through frozen puddles or going for big slides on other icy areas. Not sure you will get these though for £200. Everyman Racing offer an Rally Experience at Prestwold Hall, Leics - it is only an experience and I would not recommend it as no Instruction is provided. I would recommend their SuperCar Experiences though although these are limited drive time and not Rally stuff. Hope you find something.
  20. There is a direct line from Bournemouth to Banbury. Banbury is approx 12 miles from Stealth. What day is your car booked in at Stealth ? Dependant on the day, I should be able to give you a lift from Banbury to Stealth if needed. Southam is a dead boring town, I can only suggest googling it to see if anything of interest to you comes up. Otherwise, take a good book.
  21. So sorry to read this. Can't imagine what I would do to said lorry driver - kill probably !! Hope you get a satisfactory result and glad you are OK.
  22. Is that the only reason you don't like Symonds ?? !! 'Cos he looks scary!! :lol: I met him some years ago, staying in the same Hotel as the Benneton team at the Monza GP. He's ok, but sure does drink and smoke alot !!! :lol: I just find the whole thing sad for F1, plus I can't really believe a driver would do this - even on instruction - madness.
  23. I am rubbish at remembering the model numbers of cars that I stand near impossible chance of owning. - but we had a Ferrari something when I got married. :lol: 430 ? Not sure, will desperatly try hard to remember now !!!! Hubby and I went for a burn round Banbury town before heading off to the reception in one of the local villages ....and.... got there before any of the guests. :lol: :lol: Suberb fun !!
  24. What about Clutch ? Has that been done ? If not, this is a fair sized bill. The guys are better advising kinds of costs though ! These are usually done when Timing chains tensioners are ! Although some cars seem to have had these replaced quite early in mileage terms, so not always the case. Had my clutch done at 125k. Still depends on price of car and consideration of costs of all repair work done so far though. Good Luck.
  25. Exactly ! Which is why I asked. I like the look of the TT, the latest model especially
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