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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Phil - you creep - your message came in while I was writing mine ! :oops:
  2. I am just waiting to met a MAN with a Corrado :rambo: :lol: And, preferably one that knows how to DRIVE :lol: You 'boys' are sooooooo Dead :roll: :fist: :2gunfire:
  3. I had just spent 20 minutes posting a reply here - for it again to get lost !!!!! So the brief version! Andy - sorry to hear you are going through this. I often go for Gut Reaction on these things. In reading the messages on here, I believe you have already decided to follow your Dad's lead. Remember money and material pocessions will not bring your Dad back or make his wife a nicer person. Consider writing the Pro's and Con's of each - it may help you decide. Seek Professional assistance - the first 20 minutes with a Solicitor should be free - maybe just enough to help. On your comments so far - should you decide to contest his will - you are going to have a fight on your hands. What would your Dad advise ? Are you considering contesting this because you are angry with your Dad for dying and for being with such a nasty heartless woman ? Also consider Breavement Counselling - they are there to help and have the knowledge and experience in this. Not forgetting whatever you decide they will help you get to a a position of peace and reconcilation with this. I would go and collect ALL of you father's Car Collection plus other sentimental items not forgetting personal photographs and tell her to Shove the £100. I know I have only raised further questions, queries and doubts - but hopefully these will help you. Good luck whatever your decision Wendy
  4. Wendy

    BMW M3

    I have driven several and really rate them highly. First time about 17 years ago - brand new, then had one over a weekend a year later and finally the last drive of one about 5 years ago. Awesome. One of the best cars for handling as far as I am concerned. But then, I was always been in a position to 'drive them hard', so don't know about them getting boring. Would like to own one (amongst several other cars of course), just to see if I could get bored. Also not driven the new one.
  5. I saw it too. What a fab building and contents were not too bad either ! Probably would be quite an interesting day out - to the Musuem aspect, let alone to take something out on the track - dependant on times allowed - might actually be a cheap way to have a bit of track time experience. So come on Ben - what do you do there - apart from showing Camera Crew around?
  6. I want a 911 badly as some already know! One day I will even own one. Hopefully not too far away. AS regards which one - I have always said - when I am in position to buy one then I will really do my homework and make a decision. Have a Track Day already booked for Silverstone next year just to keep the Taste buds alive ! :D
  7. Alex Hi, You just can't keep away can you ??!!! :roll: Surely you must want to try out another manufacturers build quality - like the Russian's or Polish, Czech even !! Anything to keep you off here............ :lol: :splat: Missed you !!!!
  8. Just did a Lambo Gallardo Day at Prestwold Hall, Loughborough last Saturday. First out in an Imprezza for two laps after the instructor had taken you out. Then straight into the Lambo - No restrictions were put on what so ever. Was suppossed to be 3 laps, I somehow managed 5 !! :lol: (Possibly something to do with - no way was I going into the Pits before being told !!) I managed to get the tyres squealing on one corner and the back end slightly out of shape too coming out of another, the instructor was happy for you to push it - excellent fun and a Score Sheet of 98% - beating everyone there on the day Cost normally £169 with Everyman Racing (but free for me using my Tesco Vouchers - :D ) To be honest I would still have preferred to had much more time in the Gallardo, but I think the whole point is to give you an experience rather than too much time to get used to the car and then drive like a loon !! Shame !
  9. I am with Brentacre too, used them several times over the years, always speaking to Kerry, who is incredibly helpful. As for JT's comment 'can't be bothered to chase it up', wish I could afford to write off £120 so easily !! :roll:
  10. Wendy

    Engine Cuts Out

    Guys, I had a strange one yesterday. Car would start then stop within 2 seconds. I notice when RAC turned up, that the rear spoiler had not gone down. RAC Chap asked if the Sunroof worked - No. So, I checked the VW Instruction manual and found Fuse no. 16, a 15amp fuse was at fault. Replaced this, fortunately I had some, as the RAC man didn't. Spoiler now works, Sunroof works and more importantly the engine now starts and runs. Just taken the car to Vince at Stealth, he checked it on VAG and no other faults were found. Cost - minimal !! :D Me- Happy :D Thought I would post this on here as I know starting/running problems as this appear fairly often and I have not observed this fault finding before and it may assist someone in the future. Wendy
  11. I drove one a couple of years ago on an airfield with cones used to set up a course including a roundabout. It handled superbly, I was surprised. It felt very solid and all together. I did not observe the wringing its neck aspect to get the best power - possibly I just forgot this element as I was having such good fun, or, have driven quite a few cars that prefer to have their guts thrashed - Old Astra GTE's partically comes to mind for this. Given the excess funds - I certainly would consider buying one - after the Nissan 350Z, the 911, the Z4, the M3. I am not over the top - was a Ferrari or a Lamboughini mentioned ??!! :lol: But, I do have a Lamboughini Gallardo Day booked !! :D
  12. Bet he Pm's the answer to this one !! :lol:
  13. Coated all the leather with some proper hide polish - umm !! :D Cleaned up engine bay area, vacummed inside
  14. I too don't have much good to say of the majority of women drivers. After the road accident I was involved in and five months without driving, I had to rely on some of my dear female friends to drive me around. This being me who for starters is rarely a passenger anyway. I really couldn't believe how awful the experience was - few know how to drive around a roundabout, use indicators, let alone consider looking into the distance rather than just a few feet infront of their nose. As for general maintenance and I mean just checking of tyres, oil and water - I have on several occassions got a few of my female friends round just to give them instruction on how to do this and dangers of not doing so reguarly. Often if out with female friends, even if taking their car, I am often asked to drive !! Nearly every time, the car has some noise, rattle or other that I comment about and end up giving them a list to take to the next service. :oops: One comment of the men though - why are so many so aggressive and yes some of the women too. I think there are better places to get rid of that pent up aggressive - the gym for instance.
  15. I have been to a few F1 races and as much as the viewing of the whole race is better on TV, I would have to recomend Monaco and Monza in particular. There is nothing like the atmosphere and watching cars close up. :D I have seen both Senna and Schuy race and although I much preferred Senna's style and personality, you could not dispute Schuy's calm , totally smooth driving ability. In fact Button - have seen him race too is the nearest to Schuy's driving ability in my opinion and given the right tools think he would do much better. However, I strongly find the whole Ferrari set up very annoying. They seem to be the only team that can get away with just about anything - I have often wondered who is in their back pocket. I am so pleased the Qualifying rules changed dramtically this season and have actually brought F1 back to life, although I now prefer Qualifying over the actual race, I often the highlights of the race are sufficient these days. Good to see we finally too have a few real personalities back on scene too. Shame Montoya has gone - was my favourite :( :D Due to the lack of excitment in F1 over the recent years and being quite a bike fan too, I also watch World Superbikes and the Moto GP - which now are result of no nails left by the end of a race, that in top of, reguarly jumping of the sofa, shouting and holding my breath in their dare devil attempts of overtaking, undertaking, leaning on each other etc Fantastic stuff :D Just my opinion - no need for the fighting talk boys :roll:
  16. Guess it was expected and although not a big fan, even I have to admit a sad one and a Record that will be hard to beat
  17. £85 seems very high compared to the £20ish I paid for the test element in 2001. Didn't pay at all for the weekly Observer sessions. I would check/confirm this. If I recall correctly, a reTest is required every year to keep the Qualification valid. I didn't bother. Seems to me also that the course content differs greatly region to region, so I would check what exactly is involved to ensure you gain what you are hoping to achieve prior to parting with any monies. Ref the Snow in Oxfordshire comment - well, what would you know liveing in down town Warwickshire !! :lol: :lol:
  18. There are quite a few owners of '96 Corrado's. Mine is one of them. There was a post on here some time ago listing the registration date date of the 96 models. :D
  19. I have done this. About 5 years ago. i partically chose Winter and was lucky to have plenty of very bad weather conditions including much snow which was where I especially wanted further training. I did not find it hard, but helpful in improving your driving, observations especially and lines to take on the road to aid this. The exam with a Traffic Cop is a straught Pass of Fail. I agree it is very much down to the observor from the IAM as to how much you gain from the experience. All I would say, is swop Observer if you are not happy for any reason with the one given to you. I have not ever managed to get cheaper Insurance - but heh ! I understand the one that is much more recognised and gives grades to level of ability is the ROSPA Advanced Driving Certificate. One day I may do this - oh, for cheaper fuel prices. Enjoy
  20. Wendy


    I have the latest Green Pads on mine. This was against many telling me of braking not so good when pads cold, falling apart etc etc. Mine have been on a while now and I can report no problems what so ever. Infact the braking is excellent and I would not have any problems recommeding them.
  21. Keep up the good work on the Girlie front M15 VW. Dead impressed :D
  22. When paying instalments with an insurance company, they do usually want a deposit - often 20%, then the balance over however many instalments you agree to (or they offer). I am with Brentacre, and after the 20 % deposit, i am paying over 10 months. Obviously this costs a little more on the Interest charged over a longer period though. Hope that answer your query.
  23. Wendy

    VR6 sounds?

    The best sounding VR to me is one with a Ram air filter and Miltek exhaust - sooooo sweet !! If you have not heard one, then you really must - awesome !
  24. Chris Cooling in Banbury otherwise known as Prolek. Have known them for years and have a really good name. Fit Cobra's and Cliffords. One of the guys also owns a VR6. Was amazed when I pulled in today, never see another C in town. Not a Forum member on here or the CCGB, chatted to him about both
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