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Everything posted by timg60

  1. TBH i was offered it 2nd hand and thought why not give it a go. Still have the option to change back to the original if I want to. I am a lazy driver and very rarly push her anyway unless in the mood. :grin: And she does really pull well if you keep her near the red :norty: Still unsure what to do. Think I really need to get a P&P head to see some proper gains. But as I said before I am new to all this so its a bit trial and error. :help:
  2. TBH sluggish from 0 - 3000rmp then it kicks in and pulls far better than before. HAve you opened the graphs to compare them as the lines start at diff places on both . I really dont know what I am looking for though as I am a novice at this stuff :help:
  3. Here are the 2 graphs for the rr . The first is before the 285 cam the other is after. About a year inbetween runs and the second was with a freshly fixed charger. Other than the cam both setups exactly the same.
  4. I thought the same as mine is only making about 10 instead of about 14/15 psi. Have been advised by the garage to check for leaks as they think this is to low. :censored:
  5. looking good. black is by far the best color :clap: :clap:
  6. did the max torque/power points occur at the same rpm ? :ubergeek: I cant remember of the top of my head. Will have a look tommorow and post up the 2 graphs. She feels alot quicker in my mind from 3k-5k but it could just be because i drive like an old man and also have had to run her in for the last 2 weeks :?
  7. I have a new printout . Prior to the cam she was 201.8 bhp and 197 lb/ft and after 202.3 bhp and 198 lb/ft. TBH she has done 174 tho miles and it was hot and running standard fuel. I think the last time I had premium in. Will have to drag out the 2 graphs and compare them. will have to go up on a freezing cold winter day and see what she does. :grin: :lol:
  8. Even though there is loads of room in a 60's bay I just couldnt make it fit :grin: The 285 and vernier has made no diff to the performance but she does pull from 3k much better. She is much better after being set up and hardly lumpy at all. I think my issues are to a fooked blue temp sensor, Have put a 2nd hand one in and it made a huge diff to the idle. Just need to get a new one in. But she is all good and thats the main thing :clap: :clap:
  9. Well after what seemed like forever to cover 500ish miles. (only really 2 weeks) I got to take her back to RKE to get setup properly. Made 202.8 bhp which is all good. (as long as she has as many ponies as a VR i am happy :clap: ) and 198 lb/ft. Some piccies for you all, " I am a sad car geek " :wave:
  10. will be there about 11.30ish, Will make sure I leave the cap there if I dont see ya :camp: ( most used smiley on the forum ).
  11. A new shiney bit :clap: Dont know if I will leave it on show though. Going on tommorow and hopefull will get her dynoed with the rebuilt charger and the 285 cam in. :nuts:
  12. Yup got the pulley off evilbay after checking with the garage that it should be ok. Am taking her in friday to get her set up properly as I have now done 600miles, scary that it only took 2 weeks. And i only made one random drive for the sake of it :norty:
  13. Personnally I would start shopping around for a skyhook :grin:
  14. See thats why I got them to try and bring the sides down a bit in line with the rs bumper. But now I really dont like them. :censored: Would like someting a bit more subtle but there aint many options out there. Was thinking about seeing if I could mode some mk3 goof Vr skirts to fit. :shrug: :shrug:
  15. Nice easy one this as superchargedjunkie has found out. I have had some skirts sitting in the garage since I put on the RS front bumper. (that has to stay as the fmic is placed for it) . :nuts: Would you fit these?? Cheers Tim
  16. Just be carful, They are having a huge clampdown on plates at the mo. I have had £60 of fines this year for my pressed plates. Double what I paid for them. I am thinking of giving the british standard pressed ones ago. If you really wanted to you can buy the stickers on ebay to add to them though tbh that would make them BAD :nuts:
  17. Or you could try these. On the southwest dubs forum. Are being toted as the UK's first legal pressed plates. http://www.swdubs.co.uk/forum/viewtopic ... highlight= Could be an option, Dont have the stickers but might avoid a £30 fine...........
  18. Same here, Thought about a VR when the G broke. Took one for a test drive and decieded I wanted mine fixed as the vr just wasnt the same :grin:
  19. I am ok on the engine bay front but think there should also be a " Name that random wire/connector flapping around by my fuse box thread " :grin: Ive got millions. Might post a photo tomorrow to give everone a laugh :ignore:
  20. Nearly 3 weeks. But since I just got the aa to dump her at RKE and threw the keys through the letter box in disgust they did a great job at turning her around. New Crank, shells etc in the bottom end and the charger of to G-werks as I realised that I had done 35tho miles in 3 years. ( she really is a daily). And a piper 285 cam to make up for all the names I called her on the way back from Stealth :nuts: Just want to get it run in and try and find a vernier pully so I can get her set up properly cause TBh at the mo the cam is driving me nuts. She is really lumpy at low revs and I am really being good and not taking her over 3tho rpm :help: Am not too sure at the mo wether I like the cam but without giving her some stick I dont know :camp:
  21. Put another 50miles on her. Only another 300ish till the charger and bottom end are run in :clap:
  22. TBH the ways cars are selling at the moment, If you are not going for good and dont need the cash?, Why not try and get it stored. Then if you do decide not to come back, get it sold then. Tim
  23. Welcome and feel free to list away............................. We want to know trust me :clap:
  24. With branston :clap: :clap:
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