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Everything posted by skid

  1. skid

    alloy cleaners

    Yeh good man john....bought many products from him and cant fault one :D Thats why i thought john would post with some good ideas 8)
  2. skid

    alloy cleaners

    What prices are the above products john? :D
  3. skid

    alloy cleaners

    There is many brands of wheel specific wax available but i have never tried them. :oops: Halfords do one but it looks very much like a silicone based product and i think it would probably just get spun off when you start driving. I am sure that John wintle can offer some great advice regarding the above products. :idea: I think any sort of wax from MR sheene(dont spray on yer brake discs :shock: ) to Auto glym would help its just a case of which is easiest to apply.
  4. Depending which way you new component speakers wiring goes :? My new set of speakers go to the door mids then onto the tweeters :oops: So now i will have to wire from the head unit to the door first or join the existing wires to change the configuration........oh well nobody said it was going to be simple. :lol:
  5. Thanks guys. Not going to get them done now as i got a good bit of advice from a polishing company :) When you polish some alloys ,after polishing off the laquer you open the alloy to impurities and it reacts with the atmosphere. Then blemishes tend to arise in the polish surface even when they get laquered after polishing :shock: Think i will play it safe and just leave em with the original finish.
  6. skid

    Locking Wheel Bolts

    This came at the right time for me. :) As i too have bought a set of BBS Rxes :lol: and was looking at getting some new locking nuts. I had the 3 pin bolts fitted before and never though about them coming off with that type of socket :shock: cheers guys.........right time ..right place.
  7. Either this post is poop or nobody has had it done yet :shock: At least i will be a first :lol:
  8. Has anybody had any alloys diamond cut or polished by companies? Once i get my new set of BBSes i plan to send them off to get the above done. Any advice on it and companies to get it done by. :)
  9. i was in tonight and they said for a another month. Gave me a very good price for BBS Rx........without tyres£728.50 :) with tyres.....£719.99....................Toyos as well :lol: Think the credit card will be used soon. Just waiting for him to get a price on BBS RX2 :lol: :lol: :shock:
  10. Yes thats the plan but wheels are easily removed and it will keep my originals......original :D I found somebody selling Ronal LS so they even look like the originals too. 8)
  11. looking at getting myself a set of new alloys soon. 8) Although BBS is my first choice, can you guys advice on other good quality brands and which ones to stay away from. :D :x Any tips on good outlets for new wheels would be handy too 8)
  12. How ever you cut it make sure the plate is covered in tape(duct tape) this will give it some strength. I would use a jigsaw with a brand new blade (but not too rough) and make sure the plate is on a flat solid surface.
  13. If you want quality try going for a miltek....thats playing it safe :D ......contact jim at Star performance.
  14. skid

    MOT time

    Rear handbrake,check it is ok, if not the rear callipers are favourites to go. :( PM me if they are not gripping enough.
  15. Hehehe mine never gets out enough to get any paint fade :oops: But its definately Red :lol:
  16. http://www.tyresave.co.uk/alloyrfb.html This might give you an idea of prices. :idea: Havent tried this company but its the first place i found on the internerd :)
  17. As far as i know they can built that rim up with weld and it just gets machined back down to origial profile but i have no idea of the cost and it might just be easier just purchasing another wheel(if you can?)
  18. Sorry to hear about the damage :shock: Have you got any photos to show us what damage can be caused by this sort of tomfoolery :cry: It could be a valuable lesson to us all. P.s i have some spare valve caps that i nicked off my paperboys pushbike :wink: (thats a joke just incase you guys think i would do such a thing)
  19. As a biker i have used many products fpr doing this. The oldest and one of the best is ...GUNK..its really good but likes a good brushing in too but the best thing about it is the smell of it after on a hot engine...mmmmmmm. :lol: worst thing about it is that you and your clothes will stink of it for ages. JIZER is another good one,slightly cheaper but doesnt stink as much but ya dont get the nice smell on yer engine :( Anything you buy from halfords will really work but get something liquid as the foam stuff will not get right into all the cracks and crevasses. Most of all buy a good hard brush(degreasing brush).And get a big tin of wd40 for afterwards to spray on all the electrics. And for a quick shine use Autoglym vyinl and rubber care over the wet engine. A jet wash helps but but you have to watch all the electrics and components. Hope this is of somehelp. :)
  20. Hehehehe ......you wait for one then all of a sudden two appear :D :lol:
  21. Regarding the cables,get yourself a cable oiler from a motorcycle shop(£5-£16) and some decent lube, but just check to see if the cable has a nylon liner ......if so only use a teflon baesd lube as anything else will expand it and grip your inner cable. :( Hope this is of some help. :D
  22. It was about 38k last time i checked :shock: Think it must be time to sell it as it seams to be getting on a bit :lol: The motor is bog standard and plans to stay the way Vw intended but i wish i had another one that i could be playing with and modifying. :oops:
  23. Whats the general feelings regarding when to get a charger rebuilt(what miles) Most folk say about 50k.
  24. skid

    bk299 wheels!

    Like the wheels very much but it is the centre that puts me off them. You will have to tell us what the finish is like and send in a phootie when they are on the car :D
  25. Saw this on another site, just type in the reg. number of the vehicle you are thinking of buying and it spits out some basic info on it. Could be handy.. http://www.rac.co.uk/myrac/vehicle_data_check/results?
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