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Everything posted by quicky1980

  1. when do you need this info by? I have some in the garage but will have to dig through this weekend to measure them.
  2. The diagram is pretty much how I have it, Ill double check tomorrow and get some pic's if that helps. You may have an air trap, did you bleed the system with the hot air flap open in the cabin? Water pump looks right.
  3. I've never heard of this before. I would say that alarm could be the fault. Do you have the manual for the alarm, does it say this is an option? I know the windows will close on the switch or through the lock on the door handle but not through the ignition barrel. Are both sides affected? This doesnt sound like a simple fix, may need to trace all the wiring and see if the car is seding a pusle signal to the window module or if its the alarm causing you the problems.
  4. :wave: Hello? Did you still want it after going through my shed look for it? :scratch:
  5. my guesse would be coil pack, but possibly a faulty lead. Start up the engine, remove the spark plug leads in turn and listen for a change in engine sound. if no change then that cylinder is firing, so refit the lead and move to the next lead. continue unti you find the cylinder which makes not change to the engine note. once youve found the problem cylinder shut down and swap the leads with a known good one. a repeat as above on the two leads that have swapped around. if the faulty cylinder has moved then its the cable at fault if the faulty cylinder is still in the same place its more than likely the coilpack. hope that makes sense
  6. Cheers Kempy, any luck with the rears? These seem to get the most damage from removal/fitting etc

  7. no rush, but dont want to wait forever. Cheers.
  8. damn it, same day as gti spring fest. Im already double booked!!
  9. are they structurely undamaged? Have a look through parcel2go on how much they would cost to send, then let me know and Ill add a little on for beer tokens. Hows that?
  10. was hoping to pay less, allot less than that because I only want to strip them down to the backing to allow for a leather retrim. Ill keep you in mind for now Kempy.
  11. full set? tell me more, specifically price. Im in no rush to get them btw
  12. Front and Rear cards needed to allow for a retrim. Must be cheap and backing boards undamaged. Not fussed on the fabric contion, be it torn, stained etc as it will be removed.
  13. maybe next time you'll disconnect the battery lol
  14. didnt realise they were so rare. Can't these be bought from VW anymore then?
  15. Interesting I thought the lighter flywheel would mean higher chance of stalling, Im sure Ive heard of another negative to them but cant remember what. Pro's, it's supposed to give you a better engine response due to the flywheel inertia being reduced. Possibly better fuel consumption??
  16. I dont have a photo, but the battery earth goes straight down onto the battery support then goes from there to the started earth point.
  17. Now for sale here if you still want it... http://the-corrado.net/classifieds.php?do=viewitem&itemid=12
  18. I also came across a full uncut version but would want more for that.
  19. It doesnt look to be too popular this. I'm prob' getting a bit stuck with my ways but standard posts and threads have been fine for me. But Ill keep any eye on it just in case I want to dip my toes in again.
  20. quicky1980

    test post

    have you figured out how to create a new blog by using the previous blogs template. ie to continue a thread without adding comments
  21. ...and use good quality bits. Cheap bits tend to be a bit, well, erm pants!!
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