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Everything posted by delfinis38

  1. doesn't look as busy as previous year, did the rain put people off... was that a standard colour in the 60's for a beetle ?
  2. Australia i'm guessing looking at his avatar :)
  3. Always a handful of corrado in the car park.
  4. Sorry no help... But it reminds me of the bits leftover from building MFI furniture :) without reading the instructions.
  5. Anyone else going... I've got my weekend pass again.
  6. Should be settings (next to logout) edit sig.
  7. I wondered why the hill / village from the m40 side of stoner is called pis hill. Seriously it's called this.
  8. General parking up on the hill, the show and show and shine is on the flat bit at the bottom. Drove past a few days ago the lawn had been mowed. Anyway let's think positive...
  9. Every time I've been to stonor the sun has had his hat on. But any hint of rain at stoner as its on a hill will turn into a mud bath.
  10. I'm weather watching... Looks wet Sunday... If it chucks it it could be a wash out... Hope it doesnt.
  11. Cool... Thanks.. This is an early switch ? Is a late one similar ?
  12. Bump... As I'm playing cars today.
  13. Is it just the plug contacts on the back of the switch that needs cleaning... What should I clean it with.
  14. Join the Q think everyone on here wants a set....
  15. Is that a door card off job. Or just remove the small triangle inside the car. Idiot proof instructions please :)
  16. delfinis38

    Wing mirrors

    Not needed to adjust the wing mirrors on the corradofor years until. This morning.... They are very notchy and you have to push the button right in to adjust... Is this normal can you service the mechanism or should I of bought a new set from the company in Wallingford last month.
  17. Do a search on here the later gauge aren't that rare... People are still buying them new from VW heritage... There on a three week order from Germany they cost about £175 and your need a duel pole sender for about £40
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