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Everything posted by grimmy

  1. Ah... I pushed the buttons a few times to see what would happen. Not a lot thankfully. The alarm is already getting on my tits because i'm not quite sure how to use it properly yet and it keeps locking me inside, and going off when i try and get out of it. Also its really noisy to lock/unlock, and if you stand near the car it makes loud noises until you move away. I can't wait to sort the M tech badge cos i don't like it staring at me the whole time. But the wheel is a bit nicer to use than the standard one in my old vr.
  2. I've started a thread in the members gallery for my new car and will keep that updated as i do things for her. I'll probably dig this thread back out when i hear from the insurance company though. Cheers for all your positive comments, its useful to have somewhere to moan about stuff :D
  3. After much messing about i've got my new rado home :) It drives fine, and seems much smoother than my old vr (r.i.p.) Its all original body work but has been zymol treated by the previous owner, and i'm sure the passenger door seems a slightly darker colour than the front wing... but the wing matches the bonnet, and the door matches the rear panel so hoping i can blend it in or something... ?! Its currently totally standard except for adjustable koni shocks, but with standard springs so far as i can tell. Has 101k miles on the clock, and everything seems to be in order. Just have a few things i need to sort out asap, pics shall illustrate. Went out to the shop to fetch some beer so took a picture of it before it got too dark. Also the previous owner decided this would look good or something? Where can i get a different centre/horn push. Also does anyone know if i can just get a whole replacement centre jobby with fresh allen bolts, i want a shiny one :lol: I've also found a strange little switch, was wondering if anyone could shed any light on what it may have been, but i presume something to do with an old alarm as its had a new clifford one fitted in the last few months. I shall begin making my own adjustments soon :)
  4. I intend to pursue someone a bit more specialized. I've heard of someone called HIC maybe? Or brentacre. I'm just going with these guys until i get my no claims bonus back, or if not i'll hang it out for 10 months because i've taken out a "bonus accelerator scheme". Where 10 months awards me a full years no claims.
  5. After speaking with the solicitors Admiral are paying for i've learned that they're pleased to offer me credit protection, and the cost of the hire car will be covered by the underwriters, who i presume is Admiral. I then spoke to the sales department and got a quote for a vr6. Its just over 1200 quid :shock: , but with the refund from my previous policy its going to cost 425, with a hefty charge for modifying it. I have only lost 2 of my 3 years no claims from this accident so it wasn't as bad as i was told last night!! Feeling much happier about it now, and picking up that red vr tomorrow evening :D
  6. You really sound like you're telling me off... But its very helpful stuff. I'll give admiral and Albanny a ring tomorrow and see if i can clear some of this up. It still seems i won't be able to insure anything until the whole thing is sorted out though? How come i should only lose 2 years ncb, i did have 3 years when i took out the policy. Thanks for your help.
  7. Well i thought i shouldn't lose my ncb either, as a claim hasn't actually been paid out yet, and i'm clearly not the one at fault. The insurance is with Admiral. Cheap quote, but i can see why now, they don't do naff all to help you!! Whats the point paying out for insurance if you just get dicked on like this? Its ridiculous. I am going to pursue this further, don't you worry.
  8. I've had a chat with my dad and he's gonna ring his solicitor tomorrow to arrange having a meeting and sorting a few things out, they deal with this thing day in day out so will know what to suggest. Also if i tell my insurance company i have a solicitor looking into it they might buck up their idea's about sorting out who's fault it was!!! And apparently its not true that if someone goes into the back of you its always the other persons fault. As i'm finding out now. But i advise you all, have a camera in the car, and take photo's of everything at the time, and make sure you get the police out to take a statement from both drivers, and you'll avoid all this shitty mess i'm in now. But rest assured, even if i have to have an old polo again for a year or two i'll be back with a rado as soon as i can.
  9. Well things have gone from bad to worse, and it seems i won't be able to get another corrado. When i was involved in the accident, i was told my insurance policy would be put on hold, that i could resume the current policy at any point up until it ends in 8 months time. Having just rung them up to change the policy over to this new red vr6, I found out that they actually canceled my policy. It can not be reinstated, and i have to start a new policy. The three years no claims i had have been lost because there is an unresolved claim, and the third party will not accept liability, so it will be knock for knock. I cannot insure a vr6, aged 22, with no no claims. I also have to pay for the hire car out of my own pocket and the bill is £2250. Now I have to ring up this poor guy who thinks he's sold his car, and also lose the deposit i left for it. All of this when i was minding my own business, driving carefully, and enjoying the car I'd been dreaming of since i was 16. Through no fault of my own i have been, for want of something more poetic, shafted. Rant over, but i still don't feel any better.
  10. He said he'd had it Zymol treated, i didn't know what that was but just googled it and found its damned expensive stuff!! Seems to have done the trick though because it does look fantastic.
  11. After hunting around on autotrader and pistonheads for the last few weeks, i stumbled accross a pretty clean vr. My only problem is that its red, not my first choice of colour by any means but i didn't like my dragon green one when i bought it. This one is just too smart to walk away from, i think i'd be hard pushed to find a better one any time soon. Its an early distributor engine too which i don't know much about, but i'm lead to believe there are no real advantages or disadvantages to it? Its totally standard except for koni shocks, even original paint which looks amazing. 107k and fsh. I pick it up either Wednesday or Thursday after work :) Not sure whether to slap my BBS RX's from my old car on this one and lower it, or go in a different direction with it and sell the rx's...
  12. I'm going to view a lovely clean vr6 in Hayes tomorrow morning, and then hopefully going to have a look at a blue one in the afternoon too! So if all goes to plan i may have myself a deposit on another vr, and not a moment too soon.
  13. Another three years to reclaim my no claims bonus? Better bloody not be!! I won't be able to insure a vr6 with no no claims, at the tender age of 22. I'll be absolutely gutted if this guy gets away with it, just outright lying to save some face for him. Its ridiculous!!
  14. Not sure the pic of his skidmarks means anything at all, could be anyones skidmarks from anytime. Doesn't prove a damn thing. Still going to send them off, with a picture of the damage to my car showing that he still whacked it damn hard. Just hoping for the best, i always seem to have the worst luck with everything, cars especially. Just hope i can get another nice vr6 soon.
  15. Thank you for your confidence! There was a witness, and he backed up my side of the story on the scene, and my insurance company said they had been in contact with him when i rang them back up. Still having his name and number i rang him up to see what went on, and he hadn't heard a thing from my insurance company!!! He said he'd let me know if he'd still heard nothing in two days time. He said the man who hit me was driving far too fast, was in the wrong, and failed to see me sitting stationary at the junction. Thats what he would tell the insurance company. So hopefully it should all work out in the end, its just become an ongoing saga that i can't wait to get to the end of!!
  16. I got a call from my insurance company earlier today, to inform me that the other party is disputing the claim. He says that i pulled out in front of him, and he didn't have time to stop! No i'm totally screwed!! Not to mention absolutely steaming mad. If it continues like this then i'll be lumped with the cost of the hire car, which is 477 quid a week, and its my 3rd week of having it. Plus i'd have to make a claim for my car off my own insurance and lose my 3 years no claims. I just can't believe that this can happen!! He was at fault driving way too fast, and i had been stationary at the junction for half a minute or so. What the hell!!
  17. grimmy

    82k vr6

    Where is it exactly? I'm looking for a low mileage mechanically sound vr6 that i can smarten up. In the market for getting one in the next couple of weeks!
  18. My insurance company phoned me up today and offered me £1750... Plus i could then buy the salvage back for £207. Thats not too bad really, i was expecting a lot worse for the first offer. I still refused it and said theres no way i could replace the car for that much money, she was mint inside and out!! Well nearly :oops: They just said i had to send all my documents, log book and service history, and they'd review that offer... I'll slap in a picture of her before the crash where she looks wonderful, and hope for the best! Should have the salvage back soon for breaking though so all you scavengers can stop pm'ing me
  19. I rang up Rich and got the guys number, going to ring him up tomorrow and see if its still for sale. Rich didn't know if it had gone or not. I looked at another vr6 today, L reg with 107k on the clock, leather recaro's, but pretty tatty bodywork. A fair few parking dents and damage to the bumper. Not sure what its worth really... Haven't been given an asking price yet. Its all stuff that could be sorted out in the long term provided the engine is sound.
  20. I feel your rage, that is bloody annoying. Worsened by the fact you now have to sort it off your own back! Sorry to see it :(
  21. I don't think he does? I know him from just living locally, and how often i took my car down to blakes :roll: He has a peugot 205 gti at the moment, he goes through cars like nobody's business though. Almost everytime i go down he has a different golf or 205 gti. Did you ever see that orange mk1 racer he built? It was amazing. The search for another corrado is already beginning, my father said he'd lend me some cash to get another one and then pay him back as and when i can, probably from breaking my green one. So if anyone spots a vr6 thats not too pricey drop me a pm cos i'll be very interested. Cheers for all the positive comments, i'm almost coming to terms with the fact she's actually gone, even if the whiplash hasn't. Its my souvenir...
  22. Don't know the guy but I saw that around a bit, it was for sale last summer and i presume he sold it. I was interested in it but he was asking just outta my price range at the time.
  23. I live in Avening which isn't too far from Thrupp, and i do know Blakes services. Used him quite a lot of the last 12 months for various repairs to my car. And Cheers CazzaVR, i'm hoping to get it back as soon as possible and a friend has offered a place to keep the car and break it. He's just put a vr in his mk2 golf so relying on his know how for breaking the mechanical side of things. I'll give you a shout if i need a hand :)
  24. Its what owning a corrado is all about, if not the expense of fixing it, its worrying about the expense of fixing it.
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