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Everything posted by BILLCOR



    Me too, those were the days, Mansell in the rain :nuts:
  2. Just noticed this thread Ben :shock: The head was only fitted in June after being fully refurbed with new stem seals, cam followers, valve seats recut, blahblah, the smoking issue before this was caused when the interior was changed, the car had sat for 4-5 months and the engine was never turned over :nono: resulting in the stem seals failing, before this, when the car was being used, it did not burn any oil whatsoever. When the head was changed, a compression test was done and everything was fine, the bores etc were checked when the head was off and again all was good. There is no doubt the car is over fuelling with the big bore throttle etc and that's why I said to get it remapped asap I certainly hope that's where the problem lies as I paid a lot of cash just before selling it, supposedly to make it right :mad2:
  3. Any pics of the car and where abouts in the country are you? Personally, I think its worth around 2k :grin:
  4. Surprised about the oil leak Ben, it sat here for a month with no sign of oil on the ground and I checked the oil the other day and it was maybe 1mm from the full mark
  5. Lots of plans there Ben, things I might have done myself, just couldn't justify spending anymore cash on her, I'd forgotten about the Amd chip :sleeping: get it down to Stealth for a remap and everything will start working together. Hope you dont mind, I pinched a copy of this pic, just realised I dont have a full pic of the car with the new wheels snv32690.jpg[/attachment:3qe4zxj3]
  6. Cheers Ben, hope you had a good run home, will be keeping an eye on the gallery when you start it :salute:
  7. Thats a hellova lot of car for the money 8) Personally, I'd go for an S4 Avant, been looking at them myself
  8. Naa, not going anywhere Karl, bit strange without a Rado, I've had one of some description for the last 15 years, Red Vr, Mystic Blue Storm, Red G60, then the Blue Vr :shock: some kind of pattern there, looks like its a red one next :lol:
  9. Well, the car is now sold and away to a good home, I think :) Ben-B collected her today along with a boot full of bits and bobs, a nice rattly journey home I expect :lol: He seems to have a lot of plans for the car and I'm sure he'll get a gallery going to let you all know. Dont know if I'll have another Rado, time will tell I suppose, I'd like to keep this thread going for now, just in case :grin: will still be hanging around, just to see whats going on :wave:
  10. :lol: :lol: Sounds like the wife after a drive to Tesco's :grin:
  11. Whats wrong with my pic Standard belts are fine Deosn't look like it :lol:
  12. Ben, you weren't listening to me, were you :nono: I already have one of these, just never fitted it, I've only had it 2 yrs mind :lol: it will come with all the other bits :wave:
  13. Vultures.jpg[/attachment:2ft9nc38] Guilty as charged Bill :oops: Did you get your one fixed or should I also have nipped down to star to see if they had an aqua one breaking :lol: :lol: All fixed mate and back on the road 8)
  14. I went down to check this out today as its local & I could be doing with a few panels for mine, unfortunately or fortunately depending on your viewpoint :lol: its a customers car & is being rebuilt, the garage proprietor seemed offended when I asked whos "the old corrado" was lying out there & he said its not an "old corrado" :grin: I mean come on they are all old now & its not exactly minty is it Vultures.jpg[/attachment:2scuwym8]
  15. Do you mean these? BBS RC 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfPICT0143 (Medium).JPG[/attachment:32rz3hsn] PICT0144 (Medium).JPG[/attachment:32rz3hsn]
  16. Your only looking at next Thursday, so whats the rush? you have the VR. surely the garage can hold onto it for a few days :shrug:
  17. KIPVW, you dont fancy a nice G60 to add to the collection http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/sales/1813181.htm
  18. Pearost :wave: its in the Ebay section, dont think its sold though :shrug: EDIT: I see it is sold, well done to the Rado hoarder :salute: :lol:

    TT seats in a rado

    I've done them aswell, got a Rado rear bench trimmed to match 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfPICT0204 (Large).JPG[/attachment:3r39n90a] PICT0251 (Large).JPG[/attachment:3r39n90a]

    Black Headlining

    Black wasn't an option in any model unfortunately, do a search, its been covered before :wink:
  21. Not your fault mate, Agra are well known for their work and are always busy, so I knew when they said it needed refurbed, they weren't pulling a fast one, the funny thing about all of this is that the head that was on my car is in far better condition than the new one, all its needing is new stem seals :brickwall: the new head was just to save on garage time, swap over the head, simples :lol:
  22. I took it into Agra Engineering just to get it checked over and get the stem seals changed, they told me the head needed a full refurb, I told them it had been done only a few thousand miles before it was removed from the car and that I had a receipt for the work, they said they could see there had been work done on it, but it was pretty poorly done, saying the valves had a fair bit play in the guides and that the car the head had been on had been overheating and had been getting topped up with water only, no coolant, and that the head had been bought down south, they said they knew this due to the amount of limescale build up on the head :shrug:
  23. Yeah, cheers Lee, had a look in the Bentley manual and found it, the saga continues :sleeping:
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