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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. dr_mat

    Overheating VR

    Sounds to me like you're confused about the difference between oil temp and water temp, too!
  2. They come on with the rear screen heater if they are, there isn't a seperate control or a seperate light.
  3. If they aren't heated then they're "only" about £15 from the dealer.
  4. But a 2nd hand mirror is quite likely to not heat up properly and be tatty round the edges.
  5. dr_mat

    what oil?

    Interesting stuff. I finally understand the viscosity measurement. No doubt I will instantly forget it though. Another question that follows on from this info, however, is how linear is the change in viscosity behaviour between the measured 40 deg and 100 deg points? And what's all this about oil pump failures? How would you tell if your oil pump is dodgy - I presume you have to check the oil pressures it's generating? How much is an oil pump for a VR, and is it tricky to fit, out of curiosity?
  6. And start saving for a new master cylinder, ABS block (if fitted), calipers and brake lines... :roll:
  7. There's a place down near TRL that has a rolling road - Asim tried to arrange a shoot-out down there a while back, but I forget what it was called. There's also obviously AMD about 35 minutes towards Oxford. If the forum fecks this one up I'm not trying again..!
  8. I was going to be helpful on this thread, but my text got lost by another 503 error followed by "no post mode specified", and I can't be arsed to type it all again... :(
  9. I could be wrong but I think they're around £40 +
  10. AFAIK all VWs have a crank-driven mechanical oil pump. The warning light would be on if it had "failed" but I suppose it's possible that it's weak. They are pretty hardy though, on the whole, and rarely fail. You can attach an oil pressure gauge if you want to decide if it's providing enough pressure. Most engines sound more noisy when cold though, so it's probably nothing to worry about.
  11. It's completely pointless, but I doubt it's caused your immediate problems. More likely you've got a seized thermostat.
  12. dr_mat

    Bling or Bleurgh?

    Improvement, granted, but I still don't like 'em. The Corrado is a retro classic, IMHO.
  13. dr_mat

    Rev limiter

    No.7 ? I didn't get that on mine. I think earlier cars had more features on that mode than later ones did. Mine just showed instantaneous fuel consumption and one other thing. Weird though: the speedo trip counter was showing "1" all the time, except for a few moments where I'm sure I saw it showing "2". .. no idea what that was all about.
  14. I don't know that they do... The late fogs have an integral plastic surround, and the early ones don't, so presumably the early ones would fall out of a late bumper, and late fogs wouldn't go into an early one... If in doubt ask to check before parting with cash...
  15. It would be kinda obvious if the water temp was 110 or more - you'd see steam. Did you see steam? Don't see how Slick 50 can effect the water temp though, unless it's caused a blockage in the oilways, but that would be kinda unusual (and cause for a blown engine much more quickly than the time it takes to heat 7 litres of water to 110 degrees!).
  16. What is the point? More boost? More power? More reliability? More quietness?
  17. dr_mat

    Rev limiter

    Ah, a VR. There's a hard rev limit in the ECU. I am led to believe that earlier cars (non-CP) had a higher rev limit than later ones, or maybe it's the other way round. Who knows. Mine brick-walls at around 6600 rpm (god that VR is so smooth you just can't tell when you're running out of revs!).
  18. dr_mat

    Rev limiter

    Wotcha got? A VR simply won't rev beyond a certain point due to the limiter in the ECU, but a 1.8 16v might have a simpler setup with no hard limit.
  19. Hitting the search we find: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... ++pressure http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... ++pressure plus plenty of others... http://www.chris-longhurst.com/carbible ... bible.html
  20. Search for "engine speed sensor" .. it's not clear cut. Basically a non-starting VR6 will ALWAYS show this error code, regardless of whether the sensor is in fact faulty or not.
  21. What engine do you have?
  22. Remap on a VR? Don't waste your money. Get a new set of dampers and bump stops if they've not already been replaced, it'll feel like new.
  23. Funny, it looks a lot like the pic Jim posted above, only with a silver badge! ;)
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