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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. dr_mat

    ABS Light

    All Corrado VR6s had the same ABS pump unit.
  2. Well, I think that the cars in Edinburgh city centre are pretty much 100% responsible for the pollution in Edinburgh city centre. But, as we've all pointed out this is typically unbalanced and hyped-up "journalism" designed to catch the eye and try to incite the daily mail readers to "demand action".. Ignore it and it'll probably never happen. Certainly not for another 5-10 years, and even then it'll be a severely cut-down version of this supposed plan.
  3. I think any late model VR6 will easily pass the emissions regs for 1996 .. since that's when they were being registered. So don't worry about it. And anyway, as said, even if your car belches out fumes (like any modern diesel) it's only going to mean you *might* not be allowed to drive into the city centre and that's all.
  4. Actually it states that in germany there are supposedly exceptions to be made for "historic" cars. 80s and early 90s cars don't count in that though. Anyway, it's only a ban from town centres in certain specific cities. Hardly worthy of the over dramatic headline.
  5. "Twanging" means the top mount isn't turning smoothly on it's bearing. You didn't do it right! +++ redo from start. Out of cheese error. +++ Etc...
  6. I reckon it was probably a bloody illegal immigrant student lesbian traffic warden daily mail reader wot did it guvnor. I hate bigots. They should just all bugger off back to biggo-land or wherever it is they come from.
  7. dr_mat

    JVC AVX Range

    FM off Radios 3 or 4 is very good. Radio1 and all the local stations are only playing from compressed sources anyway (and then feeding it through a "compressor" ironically). Still, DAB is perfect for in-car use.
  8. You know what's deeply unfair about this system? They are allowed to send AUTOMATIC fines if you're a day late. But you are not allowed to set up an automatic payment. That is so unfair. and perry>
  9. dr_mat

    JVC AVX Range

    Sigh, yet another example of "digital just good enough" replacing FM "really fucking good if you get good kit" ..
  10. I don't think you really want to go shifting the engine around significantly. Dremmel the bonnet, it's the accepted practice and is pretty much a requirement for use on a Corrado. Clearly the Golf has more clearance under there.
  11. I can't believe such a thing doesn't already exist .. ? ** -edit. They do: http://www.kneedraggers.com/list/5.4 http://www.farringdoninstruments.co.uk/ etc etc ... (Oh and it's worth noting that lap timing is explicitly disallowed for most "public" track days.)
  12. You don't spend much time on motorways in the south east then. The M4 is riddled with them. Not that that changes anything, you can't see an unMOT-ed car from a distance, you'd have to do something to bring yourself to their attention before they did any research.
  13. Smaller/lighter wheels will improve acceleration, but won't change top speed (assuming you didn't alter the final drive ratio or rolling radius). So it really depends what you mean by "outright performance"..?
  14. As Clarkson said (many times): "if it were my money I'd be on my way to the VW/Audi dealer to buy the sensible Golf/A3 and wind up driving to the Alfa dealer instead ..." So why are we all driving old VWs then?
  15. Weight, and weight distribution. Because the rim is further "out" from the centre of the wheel, you need to put more energy into making the wheel turn. Honestly, lots of people have reported noticeable performance increases when switching to smaller wheels. Note that if you don't want to lose any performance when increasing the diameter of your wheels you have to choose a new wheel that weighs proportionally LESS than the originals.
  16. Meanwhile, at your BMW dealer you just drop the ignition key in the ash tray on the service desk and it reads all the error codes and engine history from the KEY itself! Now that's a nice customer service trick.
  17. Put some standard wheels on and you'd gain a few tenths ...
  18. And he drives a Corrado! Admittedly the rest of his vehicle collection is made in Japan, so won't break down ever.
  19. So - you have an aftermarket headlight loom, and your rad fans are going bonkers. I wonder if the two are connected? Who hacked about your headlight loom, and when did the rad fans start playing up?
  20. They don't actually, they can film you and issue the NIP by post later, but they must issue it within 14 days. (Lots of info about this around, try the search and try google.)
  21. There's a number of threads on this - take a look at the search box. Essentially there's a huge number of possible causes, you're just going to need to dig around trying things till you find the right one ..
  22. [[ Off topic really, but .. waviness during panning in movie mode isn't unusual - it's cos of the way it reads data off the chip one line at a time, moving down the frame.. This can also be caused by the IS system - it's not quite sure whether your movement is supposed to be there or not, so it tries to counteract it .. I'm very much one for minimal editing, so I'd say leave them as-is - at least until you're really used to what the camera produces and decide you can do better ;) The camera probably did quite a lot of sharpening/gamma correction/colour enhancement itself anyway. (Though I'm not averse to fixing the odd bit of over/under exposure when I'm processing camera raw files!) I would guess that you selected a high compression ratio for output? Or is that a "web" photo output macro or something? Not sure of the ins+outs of your particular app tho. ]]
  23. Monster jpeg compression artifacts dude..! But nice pics, nonetheless.. :)
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