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g ansell

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Everything posted by g ansell

  1. I think this website may tell you everything you need to know... http://www.ukmot.com/6-5.asp#Text_top
  2. 2 spots in 1hr, yesterday morning. Theres loads down south! Shepperton near the high street a dark blue VR, waves exchanged and then sunny Staines, Kingston rd, dark grey ( g60 I think ), waves exchanged also. Both looking tidy guys. When I saw the 60 I was with driving with my Nan and she told me it was the same when my grandad used to wave to other Beetle drivers years ago, made me smile!
  3. Late white C with an eyebrow spoiler seen knocking around Dorking, anyone from here?
  4. oops forgot to mention it was in Guildford!
  5. late red c, couldnt tell what flavour, spotted in Clandon rd last night at 9ish.Looking very clean. Made my day as normally in W.Cumbia where I live I see NONE! except mine, lol.
  6. Haha! Funny thread this one! Ive had it mistaken for a Scirocco before, my stepdad calls it the ' CORRODO ' kind of ironic seeing as it doesnt corrode at all, and mum calls it the ' CORRADA '
  7. Good work! :salute: Id love to have a garage or driveway to work on mine like that.
  8. Nothing to noticeable really, theyre usually intermittent too like the sunroof. Although the rear n/s suspension has been making sort of a knocking sound that I could only describe as a ' clack ' when driven over bumps :confused4: etc which Im sure isnt good and probably needs investigating
  9. I like the individual touches youve made, like the sprayed sebrings. Looking good mate!
  10. Looks like a fantastic day, always wanted to go on one of these. Wouldnt mind going on a skid pan too, but not in a skyline! :lol:
  11. Just saw this thread, reminded me of the Delorean I saw in oct of last year I think it was, on the A322 near Bracknell...seems theres a few about still.
  12. Hi mate, something similar happened to me not so long ago, except it was the whole sunroof stuck on tilt! :shock: Firstly if you have the instruction manual there should be instructions on shutting it manually... ( mine is an early spec 16v, yours might be later so I dont know if that makes a difference) I used a knife to gently prise out the interior light/ switch panel from the side. Then unplugged this panel. This should reveal 2 screws at the front which hold the cover in place, un screw these then mine slid backwards to unclip. On the sunroof motor there is a big flat headed screw with a smaller plastic screw ( delicate ) in the centre of it. I used a screwdriver to push in the little plastic screw which must disengage the motor and then turn the big screw to manually shut the roof. As mentioned before yours might be different if a later model and I hope all that made sense :)
  13. As modern wheels go those really suit the C me thinks, are they Audi? looks mint.
  14. Mine's a daily driver, I dont think I'd have it any other way! :)
  15. Part of the problem is the fact that car dealers nowadays are making very little profeit on new/ used car sales as competition is so intense from the likes of car land etc. So they now have to try and claw back every penny they can from aftersales 'service' and so on, this is a prime example of that. Its also part of the reason why main dealers charge such extortionate hourly rates for their services. This does make for an amusing read as well!
  16. I agree with Walesy on the keeping up with the jones'es syndrome. And finance is a crock anyway, TOTAL moneypit, I bought a pug 106 4 years ago on hp, never again, not on any car, youre paying off the cost of the car and then interest on top and meanwhile its losing value! That seems crazy to me!
  17. Mate it looks in far better nick than mine!
  18. I would strongly advise sending some time in the Swiss Alps, good roads and incredible scenery, although you will need to buy swiss road tax ( vignette ) on entering switzerland, around 40 euros. I like your plan of avoiding france and their expensive autoroutes.
  19. Nice, reminds me ( slightly ) of ZZ Top, anyone seen their album covers/ music videos?
  20. Im often cautious of taking a VW to a garage that doesnt specialise in them. My first car was an E reg mk2 polo, it needed a service and the engine wasnt running very well, so on my dear mother's advice I took it to a local garage that had been running since the 1960's. I took the old girl in (the polo not my mum) left it with them for the day, picked it up, on paying asked if everything was ok with the car etc to which the mechanic replied " like a race car" Ok then.... Took it away but the problem was once the engine was warm, every time I dipped the clutch the car would stall. :? I took it back, left it with them for another day and a half and they eventually found that they had not reattached a tube ( vacuum?) on the carb. As simple as that you might think but all the same I'd much rather pay an extra £10- £15 for an independent specialist. Maybe its just me but I like to err on the side of caution after that, and some other experiences I have had with mechanics.
  21. hmmm, yeah p reg was '96/ 97 wasnt it. Quite high mileage then based on an average of 10k a year.
  22. Awesome, bye bye STI, or whatever its called :)
  23. That is a nice colour mate. Ive never seen those wheels before and will look and handle even better for being lowered. I know what you mean about sorting out those 'little niggles' I picked up a g reg 16v in dec with just over 50 k on the clock, she looks a bit of a shed up close- parking dents galore but runs sweet.Im going to get the bodywork and respray done in the summer, - cant wait. 8) Were the pics taken on chobham common by any chance? In the carpark that overlooks the m3? looks familiar.
  24. Hi Andy, I would be interested in one of your top end looms if you are still making them... Cheers
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