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Andy Brookes

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Everything posted by Andy Brookes

  1. Very very funny, that petrol station is right by the turnoff fot my place, think I will uproot that post they hit and sell it on ebay. Did they buy that sign thing in the garage as we need one of those for our scally car!
  2. could be helpful http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... highlight=
  3. Couple of spare placing going due to drop outs if you fancy a challange.......go on you know you want to!!!!
  4. Hi All, Trying to get the Scally Rally Audi though its MOT, it has the same design calipers as the C. One of the rear caliper was locked solid, managed to get it apart, clean it up and fit new seals. It's now working fine when the foot brake is depressed. Adjusted the handbrake cable, the lever on the caliper is rotating as it should from stop to stop, but the pads are not clamping the disk as they should when I apply the handbrake. So something must be broken inside. Can't seem to get any further into the caliper to see if anything is wrong. I have removed the circlip within the bore, but no further disassembly seams possible. Has anyone got any further, or understand how the handbrake mech works??? Would like to have a go at fixing it if poss.
  5. Hi All, We held a karting event last night and raised £272 for our charity. Pics on http://www.teamrado.blogspot.com.
  6. There is a drain plug on the crack pipe (plastic pipe that runs between the thermostat housing and the waterpump) for future referance.
  7. Hi All, The Scally Rally Audi had its MOT today, failed on its windscreen, does anyone know a windscreen fitter in the Hants Dorset area that would fit us a new screen for not a lot of money. Can't claim on the insurance as it doesnt have any yet and will only be getting 3rd party when it does. Any leads apreciated.....
  8. Just bought one of these http://www.pelaproducts.com/ the 6000 model. from here http://www.marine-super-store.com Not used it yet, but bought it on recommendation from a guy at work, he is very pleased with it. Sucks the oil out for the dipstick tube in a few mins without all the mess. He changed the oil on his Audi a couple of weeks ago and checked it this weekend, the oil was still nice and clean, so it must do a good job of getting all the oil out. Quite looking forward to my next oil change!
  9. defo thermostat Gareth, mine did the same last winter, stuck closed and got very hot very quickly. The fans wont come on in this situation as the rad is cold. I also later found that my fans were not working as they should have been anyway, I changed both the rad fan switch and the temp switch in the thermostat housing and the fans work as they should now. Mine were only coming on at 110deg on the fast speed.
  10. Looking good.... What laquer did you use over the red tinting spray? I tryed using halfords clear laquer and it reacted with the red tint spray.
  11. Steve, I have taken my cooler off, due to that leak I had, you can have my threaded tube thing if you need it quick. Then just give me the one you get from vince.
  12. That told me Opps, did sound a bit harsh on reading back. Sorry
  13. That looks a great place if you dont want it to do any cooling!!!! Not much airflow in that area. The grill in the bumper is blocked as standard and the wheel arch liner is directly behind it. The standard G60 intercooler is there and thats not worth its weight.
  14. I'd go for gloss black, body colour would be too much
  15. no probs see my gallery, running the same combination.
  16. Sorry to hear you are pulling out jenks. Fresh news on our new car, Audi 100 Avant CS Quattro, http://www.teamrado.blogspot.com
  17. Not keen on the fogs at all. It looks like the Angle Eyes, Fogs and Indicators have all been designed by differnent people locked in seperate rooms. None of them match the others. Guess you need to see them all in the flesh as photos do lie.
  18. Few more pics taken today after I had cleaned the C and did a clay bar and polish job on my wifes Beetle. Notice how samll the C looks next to the beetle!!! Also spot the new scally ralley Audi 100 Avant Quattro in the background.
  19. Koni's are good, plenty of adjustment left for going lower.
  20. Pics are great, but the rest lacks. What really gets my goat is that you may as well get lasts months mag out once you have got 2/3's of the way through as the last third is the same every month. Same old same old.
  21. Have bought PVW a few times in the last 6 months to check out all the Corrado's that have been making the pages. Anyone else think the write ups in the mag are pure carbage?? They seem to change their views on things from one month to the other.
  22. Pics of otties for comparison.......
  23. speedies! Only because i've got otties and want to be unique!
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