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Everything posted by WigsVR6

  1. By the way how much is a speeding fine these days?
  2. Hi Sean a really daft question but what is Autodata? Cheers Alan
  3. Cheers guys its very unerving when your car takes control of the situation leaving the driver powerless. I'll try again tommorow the roads have improved to almost normal conditions now and at least if I get the same problem I'll be able to deal with it thanks to you and your quick responses. :D
  4. This morning on my way to work the ABS light illuminated then the ABS engaged itself, without any input from myself, and stayed on. I turned off the ignition switch off then re started my car only to find the traction control kicking in every few yards causing the front end of the car to nose dive toward the road. Needless to say I did a 180 and went back home luckily not far from home when this happened. The road conditions were bad with frozen snow. I'm wondering is this a car problem or is it just down to the road conditions. Has anyone else suffered with this problem and what could cause this to happen? Cheers Alan
  5. Spotted in Stretton, Warrington near the BUPA (A49) hospital looked like a nice example of a VR at 1150 on Sunday. I wish my headlights were as bright as your fog lights.
  6. Nice photos I'm not jealous honest. :grin:
  7. Hi Dave if you've been using the C for eight months with the ABS light on then it is concievable that all 3 sensors are indeed goosed. I had a simalar problem with mine, got it on VAG COM and was told that only the front left ABS was at fault. However when I picked the car up I was then advised that the front right was also faulty. I would deffo get the faulty sensors changed first, make sure you get genuine VW parts though, before you start looking into the pump side of things. Cheers Alan
  8. Cheers Dude looks like I can now consign my old leather into retirement i.e. the bin LOL and thats two tips for the price of one.
  9. Thanks for the update, I've had my fix now. Boy this thread is addictive. How long do you think its going to take to get this project completed? I dont want it to end EVER :D
  10. Well I've used my drying cloth a couple of times now and I must say I'm very impressed with the results. I can actually concentrate on drying the car now rather than continually ringing out the leather. I can easily dry the car in half the time and the end result is very good. However it's not quite as good a finish on glass so the old leather aint been left out to dry completley. Well worth the money I spent on it and I'm getting a nice collection of products to use on the old girl !
  11. Blue Storm xxxxouu on German style plates spotted @ 21 20 on the St Helens/Widnes link road -on the traffic lights near Aldi/B&Q Widnes. You would have come over the bridge heading towards M62/St Helens I was in the works shedmobile heading the same way so no flash :( . It looked like an absolute stunner a real credit to you :D
  12. WigsVR6

    One brake light on

    Maybe you've got a bad earth on that side.
  13. WigsVR6

    263 cams

    Here is a noob question. I'll be getting my engine renovated in the future (its getting to that milage) and i was wondering - what are the benefits of fitting 263 cams as compared to the normal cams? Are the gains worth the cost? Obviously with the engine stripped down that s the best time to get it done. This would give me some time to ponder and decide which way to go forward in the future.
  14. The postie turned up today with the drying cloth. Alls I need now is some decent weather to try it out!
  15. Thanks millerman form the advice I'd never thought of that. :D
  16. Thats the one I ordered should be interesting to compare it to the leather :D
  17. Just visited clean your car and ordered a drying towel there's one on offer on the home page if anyone is interested. Thanks all for the help. :D
  18. At the moment I use a leather to wipe off the access water from my car after I've washed it I find it does a good job and finishes off the paint nicely. However with the winter now here, last weekend was cold, I was forever wringing out the thing after every wipe. I was wondering what everyone else uses to do this job and what is the best product to use? Any advice/help would be appreciated. Thanks Alan
  19. I also get this popping sound from the exhaust. I thought it was cool however do I need to worry about this?
  20. Silly question but why wont the law over there allow you to change the size of your wheels? Cheers Alan
  21. Seeing that many C's in one convoy like that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. How cool it must be to be part of something like that ........
  22. Spotted one this morning around 09 45. My first spot in over 4 months. Driving past Fiddlers Ferry Power Station car looked like a VR M reg I think and looked standard and spotless got a wave back too. :D
  23. A real shocker to read this thread it saddens me to the bone that someone can scrap a C in storm guise with no hint of reflection or even giving the chance of someone else the chance to look after it and cherrish it. RIP
  24. I need my next installment now please. Can't wait to see what the next stage is. :D
  25. Yeah shook the bottle maybe my last bottle was old. At least the newer resin was easier to apply by hand. Next time i might use it in conjunction with my machine polisher :D
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