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Everything posted by WigsVR6

  1. Made me laugh but then brought me back to earth how close to the bone it really is.
  2. I'd rather test drive the blond doing the review :lol:
  3. Lets hope she is genuine and will cough up the money to pay for the repair. I had a similar looking accident and that was repairable with a very good local body shop and it cost 200.
  4. ^^^ Agreed Billcor watching those jugs of delight is strangely hypnotic
  5. That clip looks horrendous :( Gutted for you mate but glad you got out in time dosn't bear thinking about the alternative.
  6. Hi mate I too have a twilight violet VR6 and its a difficult colour to portray and get the true reprsentation of how nice a colour it is. I noticed that the photo's you've taken make the colour look almost black. Anyway I think you have a very nice looking car. Personally I think twilight looks best just as its going dark on a sunny day or in the shade in low light levels it just bring out the flecks in the paintwork. Cheers Alan
  7. Nice work. Anybody who can whip an engine out the way you have done it deserves all the credit they can get. Keep on the good work it gives people encouragement and inspiration to get on with their own projects. Much repsect this type of work is way far beyond my skills however. Alan
  8. Does anyone know as to what the 0 - 60 time is using this turbo setup and what kind of MPG can be attained say on a motorway run, speed at around 70 to 80. Just interested as to what can be achieved when spending 4500 grand.
  9. WigsVR6

    Water Leak

    If you can take the part off and take with you to the stealers. The coolant pipe diagrams aint the best and can be confusing even for the experts. I had the same problem as you and the guy at the parts department was glad I took my knackered part in with me.
  10. WigsVR6

    Tailgate rattle

    Agreed Andy, Its such a simple fix and I bet not many people know about it.
  11. WigsVR6

    Tailgate rattle

    Managed to take the C out for a spin today and everything is now fine its the quietest its ever been inside. Thanks Andy for passing on your tip I didnt know them rubber cones even adjusted!
  12. WigsVR6

    Tailgate rattle

    After washing the car today I wound out the cones two full turns (they were wound right down) just in time as the rain started so I've not had the time to road test.
  13. WigsVR6

    Tailgate rattle

    Thanks for the replies guys I've actually got some time off work this weekened so I'll try out both suggestions. Never thought that the cones were adjustable that will be my first port of call and yes the noise coming from the tailgate as driven me mad. Will be an easy fix even for me :D
  14. WigsVR6

    Tailgate rattle

    I've managed to locate the source of a rattle come knock which is coming from my tailgate. Before i start getting out the tools is there any adjustment between the locking mechinism and the boot to close the gap? Cheers Alan
  15. Truely amazing thread how i wish i had just 1 % of your skills. Thank god you stuck with this project to see it through. I know you've been tempted to move on. Summers not far off now and thats when you will see the fruits of your labour please keep it up it will be worth it :notworthy:
  16. I was filling up at the garage on Friday morning and I saw this older guy clocking the C. After he paid he came over and said "Thats still the best looking car that VW ever made" I said thanks I've had it over two years and I still get a kick out of the looks. Made my day after a 24 hour shift then a 250 mile drive upto Scotland.
  17. Two spots today first was a green VR heading north on the M74 not sure exactly where but you would of been diverted off the motorway at the next junction due to an accident around 11 20. Next was a white one not sure of the flavour again heading north on the M6 junction 41 Wigton around 12 40 ish.
  18. Gutted for you mate reading posts such as this makes my blood boil the dirty bastards. I had something similar happen to me a while back luckily the VR was parked in the garage and wasn't touched but the Mazda 6 got stolen outside my house. Ill keep my eyes peeled for you in this neck of the woods + I'll be travelling up to Scotland this weekened. Good luck Alan
  19. Thanks Swompy for the confirmation had to rewind a few times on sky+ just to make sure. I couldn't tell if it was a BMW 1 series from that angle. But who's car is it anyway?
  20. First spot of the year!! but on the telly on tonights Escape to the Country. Looked like a sherry pearle VR to me but I'm not a colour whore after about 20 mins into the programme there was a cut scene into a small village somewhere in Suffolk with a VR heading away from the camera.
  21. I always use high octane fuel (Tesco's 99 Ron) and never have any idle problems. However I spent a week in Wales last year and couldn't get hold of any super unleaded so ended up buying the nomal stuff. The change in the engine was instant with it stalling at junctions, roundabouts ect most of the time in fact getting out of the garage forecourt it stalled on me. Makes me wonder if some of the stalling problems that are posted on here are caused by using 95 Ron fuel and not the ISV. Wondering what people think about this is it feasable?
  22. WigsVR6


    Buy a VR you will see better fuel consumption figures than that and have the benefit of more power :lol:
  23. ^^ Ford Galaxy by any chance? Seem to remember this has been mentioned before iirc
  24. Thats one way to solve the problem :lol:
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