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Everything posted by C488ADO

  1. lol i know what you mean ive come so so close to letting ths car go but they seem to have an effect on the owners they love to hate them but miss them when they go.... so why sell? you got a tvr now matey!!
  2. cheers guys i am trying!! lol i just want to get to some meets and shows this year lol
  3. cheers rob!! lol so are you staying grey going black or do you fancy beige??? lol got the compressor this evening and wow what a difference... so much quicker. got some more plastics done this evening and this is for the possible non belivers... lol here we have my original GREY auto gear shift surround prepped and masked up first coat of colour as a base coat first spray coat finished article.. old beige surround just bought verses new colour changed one. so there you have it possibvle to change any colour to any colour and in the flesh it looks just like new and extremly good...
  4. prepped the arm rest and then did the same process with the leather as i did with the plastics,its turned out very well but............................... the colour is different!! lol not bad really in the flesh it is the same colour but its just a lot fresher obviously looks new and clean the only problem is it really shows how tierd the rest of the interior is so i kinda expected it realy im going to go the whole hog and do the rest.... bit of a mission i know but i have a week off next week and il give it a shot to complete it then!! fingers crossed.... bit gutted about this only becasue it means ive actually got to pull my finger out and get it sorted sooner rather than laer...
  5. cheers guys yes they are the same as what i had before ..... but in beige...i always wanted the beige but they were either tooo much money or they never turned up , ive gone back to the recaros only becasue they are a more desirable seat , they are certinaly not as comfortable as the porsche recaros...... anyway ive got my kit to dye the leather and plastcis yesterday so today i thought id tackle a little bit1 as it happens i love doing it and its turning out absolutly amazing!!! i thought id try my luck with the gear stick centre console bottom layer as it was quite grubby and i needed to practice on plastic first rather then staright into the leather..... you will have to excuse the pics as they dont pic up just how dirty the plastics are even after the wash ive given them.... you might just see faintly top left of the plastic its a bit dark well it is and in the flesh a bit grubby looks tierd... just stripped the black material off that stops the squeaks and the foam. cleaned with leather prep, yes leather prep cleaned with alcohol solution painted leather finish high gloss lol painted leather finish satin effect scratch resistant as you can see (well maybe ) lol it looks fresher but theres not much telling between the pics not sure if its the light etc to say im pleased with the result is an understaement.... i am attempting the centre arm rest next.............. i still have bits of the black fabric i took off but i would like to try and source a similar material so i can re trim the edges to reduce the squeeking... i have some spray glue and some carpet tape im sure something can be made up... il try and post up as and when cheers
  6. as i am online here are some of the pics of the rear seats ive fitted...
  7. instant payment from jaygt, phil uk ,mimjed, andy665, walesy excellent thank you very much
  8. you should re ieve your itemss today jaygt ,phil uk hope you like them let me know what you think cheers
  9. ok Jay got your Harrahs crystal amber made and ready for you! Call it £2.99 posted
  10. yes matey ive got one of those i can make a key ring up no probs! as for hooters in blue as i explained to another chap only ever had green hooters havent even had them for a year now.... really hard to get hold of.
  11. thank you to rob for coming and getting the old interior bits and pieces today and thank you to matt for helping t=with the dash etc what a bloody day not really a good idea to strip the dash out on a late sunday afternoon.... done it though and got some of it back in! i hate looking at this its just where the hell do i start now.... lol removing the p.c bllocks lets take the dash out ...............what a good idea that was.. rob are you scared yet! hahah i had to pick the missus up so i chucked the seats in and off i went.. got the black dash in now so itl look better when finally converted all to beige quick piccy of the seats before any cleaning commences.. also got the b and c pillars in so the headlining etc all finished and looks very good...
  12. going to germany -manheim in april this year for 8 days taking the corrado , anything i should be made aware of before i go?? obviously the useual checks of the car would be done im talking about driving on the other side of the road -ive never done it! lol any legalities i might need to know , there is something like in eurpoe you have to have a first aid kit and high viz is this right??
  13. just found out today ive been caught 74mph i always assumed it was a 70 mph limit on a dual carraige way.... but turns out parts of the 303 are 60mph i just didnt see any signs to tell me that........... gutted
  14. measured my lights today 13.5" x 5" for headlight and 14" x 3.5" for fog & indicator combo... so which bit of film do i go for?
  15. thanks chap i could finish it today if i wanted to i rekkon, but im thinking about holding out so i can fit the stereo gear.. but that said i can always take bits out etc etc ive got a kit from furniture clinic winging its way to me as we speak so over the next week or so im going to attempt a few areas id like to smarten up...
  16. didnt get chance to update before work this morning, got the headlining in and the sunvisors.. im starting to see that it is going to look good! it does look weird though seeing part grey and part beige in it lol got all the rear boot plastics in
  17. black permenant marker worked for me...
  18. no probs il get it sorted havent forgotton about you either phil!!
  19. just a quickie before i leave for work got up early (ish) and thought id better strip the sunroof panel out now as it might turn into one of those 'il do it later' type jobs haha so out it came easy old sunroof panel and this by the way looked mint in the car!! lol how wrong was i! took out the headlining stip from the windscreen area i wanted to do the full conversion to beige so it looks factroy, and this piece was a bastard to remove...it was held in by metal spring clips and black window sealant!! thanks...... got a blade and cut it out gently not managing to damage it put the new one in and yes its beige! sunroof panel in had a good look round it to see how it works very simple bit of kit once you get inside it re stuck this packing to the roof with carpet tape should hold nicely... im going to get some new black duck tape and place over all the clips etc to reduce rattles and hopefully make for slightly tighter fixings.. , plus going to tidy the cables up while im about it got the next panel stripped ready to take the original heater loom for hte seats the relays sit in here... bought a new boot reaease and found a suitable location for it just need to make a braket up and wire it in and it should do nicely fixed the god damn annoying sunroof seal as it had dipped in both corners not fitted correctly after painting... even out the car it was a bit of a pig the seal is so not flexible..... got the door cards fitted they look quite good actually... i noticed that using as a daily is killing my wheels... so i had a quick go to see how bad they really are i think they will come up fine.. stipping all the boot carpets out going to rebuild the boot install and spend some time on it this time.. got my eye on some kicker 100 si amps old skool but i love them cars looking a bit of a mess! lol
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