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Everything posted by C488ADO

  1. got a few issues with the trusty old vr6 at the moment....now do i look at other options of engine...1.8t or r32? or should i fix up what i have??? seems i have a few faults all at once...i have a coolant leak which is almost impossible to detect but as of yesterday im pretty sure its the matrix :( im also smoking on overrun....down hill coasting but it seem to be getting worse?? maybe as i have changed the oil pump recently and given it a service???? better pressure etc etc ?? so ive had a compression test done and the results were a bit weird...i guess the only real way to be sure is to strip down what i have and check it out but in the back of my mind im thinking is it worth it? after all its just old shit really.... i can not afford to re-bore as the pistons are so expensive that would right it off for me ... piston 2 piston 4 piston 6 piston 1 (first attempt) piston 3 piston 5 piston 1 (second attempt) piston 1 (third attempt) i took all the plugs out to do this test i tried piston 1 3 times i thought maybe the fuel pumping into the chamber was probably helping the test by the 3rd attempt.... so head off while its off chains and tensioners etc its starting to look like big bucks with out looking at rings etc what do you do?? its on 113k at the moment just wondering if this lot is going to cost me say ???? £800 give or take £200 then shoiuld i be looking at alternative routes??? thing is it might not be so sinister until i get the head off i dont know whats going on.....but then there is the bill of the tensioners!!! arrrgggghhhhh i need this to get me round europe next month im thinking do the trip get it back then strip it down all of it and re build??? as i then will have a second car (i dont at present) i can then spend time and money on doing the right thing... shit i just need some advice and direction! cheers
  2. got a few issues with the trusty old vr6 at the moment....now do i look at other options of engine...1.8t or r32? or should i fix up what i have??? seems i have a few faults all at once...i have a coolant leak which is almost impossible to detect but as of yesterday im pretty sure its the matrix :( im also smoking on overrun....down hill coasting but it seem to be getting worse?? maybe as i have changed the oil pump recently and given it a service???? better pressure etc etc ?? so ive had a compression test done and the results were a bit weird...i guess the only real way to be sure is to strip down what i have and check it out but in the back of my mind im thinking is it worth it? after all its just old shit really.... i can not afford to re-bore as the pistons are so expensive that would right it off for me ... piston 2 piston 4 piston 6 piston 1 (first attempt) piston 3 piston 5 piston 1 (second attempt) piston 1 (third attempt) i took all the plugs out to do this test i tried piston 1 3 times i thought maybe the fuel pumping into the chamber was probably helping the test by the 3rd attempt.... so head off while its off chains and tensioners etc its starting to look like big bucks with out looking at rings etc what do you do?? its on 113k at the moment just wondering if this lot is going to cost me say ???? £800 give or take £200 then shoiuld i be looking at alternative routes??? thing is it might not be so sinister until i get the head off i dont know whats going on.....but then there is the bill of the tensioners!!! arrrgggghhhhh i need this to get me round europe next month im thinking do the trip get it back then strip it down all of it and re build??? as i then will have a second car (i dont at present) i can then spend time and money on doing the right thing... shit i just need some advice and direction! cheers
  3. in the quest for the old skool stereo i want to install i have landed a couple of these beauties!! had these the first time round and they were awesome back then! i know in car hifi has come along in leaps and bounds but im so far out of touch with all the new stuff im going to stick with what i know!! lol rockford fosgate punch 40 and a punch 60 the real deal american made ones not the cheapy shite far eastern crap they come out with now... id like to get my hands on some coils for the sub/s and some other nice trick bits.... always on the look out for phoenix gold stuff but it must be the white series.... sanded down the rear lights yesterday i wasnt happy with the finish i had , real hard to take decent pics with a crap camera but i took them anyway!! very pleased with results nice and shiney i wanted to try a new tool out on this and it was pretty good i rekkon with some different grades of paper i can get a nice finish!! pity i cant use anymore though!! lol only other update is i have started to replace all of the nuts etc under the bonnet starting with the slam panel , with stainless steel hexagon heads (allen key bolts) they look a little smarter than some of the tierd ol shit i have in there at the mo plus these wont tarnish!! il get pics later...
  4. got the pump 2nd hand... but new ish... can get from stealers at about £90
  5. thanks again floks this is an interesting read for me! have any of you ever had any experiance in driving in italy ? france? belgium? prauge? is it much the same or is there things to look out for in different places?? might sound stupid but do i take euros in cash?? or my debit card?? will it be accepted everywhere? will there be charges?? never had to worry about this sort of thing before as ive always gone long haul and had prior arrangements with cash ..... are my red rear lights going to be ok abroad?? how about number plate laws abroad any body know them??
  6. Excellent advice peeps appreciate it, I have told the other half it would be rude nit to visit the ribg as I have never been!! Lol she wasn't impressed but I want to go anyway!!! Mannheim to Praha I think we pass throught it? Now the next thing iasi I rely on my I- phone for gps maps? or do I go buy a tomtom?? any other places of interest myself or lady partner that would be worth stooping to see??
  7. Yea I always use either Tesco 99 or optimax but never been flush enough to fill er up!! Lol should u do a compression test before I go?? Going to check brakes and tyres tomorrow all bushes are poly So that fine.... I woul like to replace all hoses with silicone before I go just to be safe but can't afford it :(
  8. !!! Yes excellent advice!! Lol didn't think of that I've never ever filled my car up I'm dreading it!! What do they take?? £70-£80??? We've allowed £600 in fuel !
  9. hi thanks for the reply! wonderd where this thread got to ! got the warning triangle i do need to get the spare bulbs kit and a first aid kit got a high viz i guess i better re-fit the spare wheel in the well!! and take a jack and basic tools...... i have no idea on driving abroad im quite excited about it but also quite concearned about the signs etc .....esp in germany! the trip has now been extended slightly torquay -dover dover -calais calais-mannheim mannheim-praha praha-roma roma-monaco monanco-calais got the mileages and rough fuel costs now we just need to sort out what sights to see how long each days driving is etc etc anything anyone can advise i do to the rado before going?? ive just given her new plugs, oil filte,r fuel filter and oil....all genuine from TPS i do have a slight water leak from somewhere and its doing my head in!!! i think it might be heater matrix but cant be sure, i can smell coolant but if i put the fan on (4) and the hotest setting you cant smell nothing??? the carpet seems dry??? so maybe in engine bay?? thermo housing??? any way of doing a decent sort of test , dont really want to rip out the dash again to do matrix....
  10. whats next?? i dont know, kinda stumped on what to do as it all involves cash money! need to grab the water pump pully off of neal, need to find a garage in my area for rent as driving as a daily is a killer..... it breaks me as i wash it it rains i polish it i drive down the lanes.... :roll: i just dont want it to go to ruin now ive completed all this work.... i guess centre console re-fit , get the stereo in and sorted and then save up for the next list of goodies...... gruven crack pipe silicone hoses thermastat housing thermastat braided brake lines
  11. think i have a decent pair rob...... only cost you a 1er.....lol
  12. feel as though i am making some progress at last with the rado...carried out some service work on her today among other things treated to a new genuine oil filter and genuine fuel filter ngk spark plugs and soem nice fresh oil!! also fitted the R32 sump and pump while i was at it the gruven crank pully was also fitted along with cleaning and servicing the rear brake bias control valve! car feels a lot better than it did a couple of weeks ago i even lowerd it some more at the front just to get it sitting pretty! heres the groovy gruven crank pully hopefully it will have a friend soon water pump pully r32 sump as you can see it sits much better now the rear bias was working but only just!! it was extremly stiff as they always seize up i thought it would be nice to do it while i had the ramp... so i stripped it cleaned it up and got it working as ti should... hes before and i forgot to take a pic of after!!! lol never mind gave it a wash and polish this afternoon late and then it rained ......always happens to me
  13. Ah I didn't know about the symbols!! Cheers
  14. thanks guys , i did try to searcvh but i have no idea what i was searching for ...plus i am so lame at searching on this forum il get there eventually!
  15. yea i know i expected to see matt too!! lol
  16. i would like to know can the carbon canister be gotton rid of ....ditch it also can a vr6 run with out the isv?? i know 8vs can and do but i wasnt sure about the vr6??? i want to start to clear the clutter in the bay and it seemed like as good as any place to start really any help gratfully recieved!! cheers
  17. it didnt not really bens just full of piss and wind lol he fusses about a bit .............................like rob!!! lmao
  18. taking pictures of shiney bits is real hard as they alll look shite??!!!!! this is put back together the first time onlty to find out i hadnt tightened up the fuel rail and the fule pissed out every where!!! i can see my wing again cheers ben! thats it for today folks! oh apart form makin gth blowing on my exhaust even worse im getting there!
  19. as you can see didnt get too far with the car lol notice how soft and smooth bens hands are look how he can handle such a small impliment with ease .hes a pro!!! actually he is a model a hand model his real job is to do body part doubles for mens gay porn movies he specializes in jacking off......this must be why he was so good at this today??! as you can see form the next picture he is demonstrating how to enter someones anus with your hand....
  20. so what i did was to get rid of the castings and edges lines whatever i opened the bell mouth a little bit not too much as i wanted to see how this runs il save the beast for the next one...!! you can just make out the butterfly with the leading adges a lot thinner than it was before the trailing edge is the same (airflow) it shuts phew!! im going to get another one of these and go to town on it i think ive re-fitted and it has made a noticable difference ....no i havent gained 50 bhp etc but i have gained increased throttle response much smoother idleing and better pick up through rev range much better very responsive now very pleased , on the nest one i will get the edges sharper and use flat screws to help wit the flow....
  21. today i didnt want my cousin feeling left out so i decided to ransack his garage and fix ? some bits on the car... bought a alpine headunit for the timebeing and it had a dodgy display... but i like alpine so i didnt care... thought id better fix it this is the bloody fault poxy little micro flourescent tube!!! gas filled blown.... normally caused by dropping the face plate... the unit works fine but the display is goosed sound is awesome god damn part is discontinued!! so il use it until i fit the even more retro old skool shizz i got! lol so back to the car, today was going to be a run of the mill routine total balls up type day (useually the case when i want to do something) (esp to the rado) wanted to fit the stuff i got from chris (il refer to him as limp wristed as its broken to save any confusion) limp wristed chris on here i hadc to go to exeter to pick up service parts for rado (didnt make it) ooops sorry john but i will be there lol any way plan strip down inlet rocker alternator etc fix exhaust... stripped down the inlet manifold and saw the throttle body ive been looking at this for a while and thought fcuk it il have a go ... so i did this off the cuff as you do lol pictures are of the standard vr6 2.9 throttle body i got a wheel and sanded/ground down the case markings on the inlet and exit i opend up the mouth of the body only slightly as this is my first attemt ( i am definatly going to do another one) i took out the definate line/groove on both sides of the body i thought id have a go at knife edging the butterfly itself... i didnt go all the way with this as i wasnt sure of the outcome so i took it steady on the next one i will work it as much as i can...!! haha this is the standard butterfly when its open fully the air hits the flat edge of the flap ok not that big hardly noticablebut i guess as with all air flow the smoother the faster the better!
  22. lol im not sure the cars got the queen stigma or the driver!!! lol :grin:
  23. I know of a full aircon set up for grabs....
  24. Cheeky barstewards!!!!! Rob and work in the same sentance is the same as matt and work ...... It just doesn't work!!!!!! Lol you were the tea bitch and that was slow coming!!! lol but I forgive you as the spanner I dropped did nearly hit you I'm the face!!! You made it blow rob lol Chris don't let's get us started on how you actually broke your wrist eh? Snigger snigger
  25. id run a positive wire down behind bumper obioulsy cap it off you can always ground it on any thing metal on the car ...under the bonnet ie gear box or block anything really like has been said just to give you juice to reinstate the alarm if it does fail...... where theres a will theres a way.... i used a mitsi solinod for my boot popper and it works great! real easy to fit too!
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