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Everything posted by robrado974

  1. Critical mass has a set for sale . Bottom post .
  2. Great pics . A great selection of cars there . I would love to do a trip like this one day .
  3. Without a forum member driving it themselves it's hard to say . I think they are all different , what I mean is someone else's car would feel different to mine . I was in a standard car a while back , a friend was driving and I have to say it felt slower than mine . Another mate was sat in mine while we were testing some electrical bits , when he put his foot on the pedal he said it revved quicker and more freely than a friends car . But mine is not standard . You should really feel the power at around 4k .
  4. I would say ISV too . Remove it and leave it in carb cleaner over night , this will give it a good clean out . Also check the Maff. While you have the ISV off check all the hoses and pipes around this area , throttle body etc . There may be a split in one of them .
  5. I didn't reply to the FB thread as it all seamed to be covered . I would say as above , if the bottom hose is cold , my bet will be the thermostat . This happened to me on my VR . Steam pouring out of the header tank . I limped home , replaced the stat on the weekend and all was well .
  6. Yep as above , mine is the same and its been on a vagcom a few times .
  7. I also bought the one Sean has posted up .
  8. It is amazing how much work you have done . A real credit to you . These sort of threads really inspire me to crack on with mine .
  9. I will be interested to find out the problem . Mine will be sorn soon and is due a big refurb . So I doubt I will get round to it for a bit . I changed the pump , filter and fpr and the problem was sorted now it's back again .
  10. I have exactly the same problem . I don't know how to post links , but you can see it on the post I put up while back , I think it's on my members thread too .
  11. One of my mates was driving on the M4 and a bonnet flew of a car . It went straight over the top of his car and landed in the road . Luckily there was no one behind him , as it was the early hours of the morning . It could have been fatal .
  12. Sorry yeah , when I said four , I meant to say three in the block and the rad sender .
  13. Didn't he sell a Citreon Dolly for more ?!.
  14. If your going to change the temp to ECU sender , which I think could be your problem , you may as well change all four of them . They should come with new 'o' rings and circlips .
  15. Not sure if there's any way of testing it . If it's not whining it should be fine . I presume you have checked the level to see if there's a leak ? .
  16. The pump rod will be at the correct adjustment . It's because of the wire attached to the broken plastic link , that it's playing up . The plastic part is a bit fiddly to fit , just a bit of patience needed .
  17. I did think this , will it not be locked ? Could try I suppose .
  18. You could remove the grill and pull the bonnet cable to release the bonnet and the disconnect the battery . Don't go trying to twist or adjust the rod from the pump , it will be out of line , when you fit the new plastic connector .
  19. Sorry to hear of yours troubles . I can't help with getting into the car , I'm sure someone will help though and come up with the answer . What I can help with is info on the plastic parts which join the metal roads together . Yes they have to be intact . It looks like someone has done a quick fix ! . These are still available from TPS . They are cheap , so good news there . They are sided , one black , the other is white . Sorry I can't be of any more help .
  20. Not yet Jon no . My friendly mechanic was on holiday , I've just come back from mine . So I haven't had a chance yet . I would check for myself , but it would mean buying a pressure tester , that would probably never get used again .
  21. I've never done this procedure . I've had the battery disconnected plenty of times and never had a problem .
  22. Great news on Stormy Rog . Hopefully the weather will be good for next wedsnesday , maybe some love will come back for my car .
  23. Been fettling with the car over the past few weeks . Thanks to Chris i have a great condition set of plastics to fit round the rear screen with no broken tabs . Ive fitted them all apart from the main cover as i have a leak from the spoiler seal. I managed to remove the top screws without damaging the bolts , put a silicone seal on the cover plate and screwed it back in place , hopefully this will stop the leak .Ive also had the filler cap seal off and cleaned out the drain hole , while it was off i removed all the crusty bits from the area. I bought a second hand radiator support a while back . This has been degreased rubbed down and prepped, i then sprayed it with five coats of hammerite , its come up really well . I will put a pic up later on . So the under side part collection is coming on , i still need front wheel bearings , the clips that hold the cables to the rear beam , abs rings , engine mounts and and maybe the cross member . As usual the main problem is time, money and a dry place to work , that and somewhere to store other larger parts that have to be removed. To fit everything on the underneath is going to cost me £280.00 which is not to bad considering this is two days wages for a mechanic and a ramp , i will be helping on a saturday and the rest will be finished on a monday , thats the plan anyway . Onto the paintwork .....dear oh dear its not looking good . I have small rust patches on various parts of the car , i can see a respray on the cards in the future .All in all i suppose its par for the course of owning a 25 year old car .I think if im honest I'm not happy at all with the car at the moment , it seems like one step forward , two steps back .The cover is on the car and ive walked away from it for a while . Depending on the weather i will be meeting up with Rog next wednesday for a mini meet of retro cars . Hopefully this might restore a bit of love !.
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