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Everything posted by leeeeshad

  1. I'd check all the vac pipes to make sure non of them are split
  2. leeeeshad

    Removing rust?

    That's the kit I got, It works very well, paint the gel on about 2 mm thick leave it for 30-60mins then wire brush the black crusd left behind under the gel off
  3. leeeeshad

    Removing rust?

    They had a kit on there a while ago when I ordered mine which cam with some de greaser (great for cleaning the engine) the rust remover and a rust proof paint for about £25 but I cant see it on there anymore.
  4. leeeeshad

    Removing rust?

    Remove as much as you can with a wire brush, then treat what is left with this stuff http://www.bilthamber.com/pro-introduction.php?cname=Corrosion%20Removal&name=deox-Gel It's much better than Krust that you can buy in halfords. then coat it with something like this http://www.bilthamber.com/pro-introduction.php?cname=Corrosion%20Prevention&name=electrox
  5. little black circle with holes in it right next to the buttons it the low oil buzzer
  6. It's not the low oil pressure buzzer is it?
  7. Yeah that's true, but I only have experience of not canbus kits.
  8. Did it take long? my speedo goes mental occasionally
  9. I went to this last year, and I was the only corrado so would be good to see some more there.
  10. That says it's for cars with CANBUS wiring, don't know why its advertised as being for a corrado in that case as they are way to old for that, you just need a standard h4 hi/low kit for the corrado.
  11. Replaced the rear ABS cages, no more ABS light :D
  12. Have a look here http://www.tooled-up.com/MicroCategory.asp?CID=30&SCID=324&MCID=1590&Sort=2&PageSize=20
  13. They wont fit a standard G60, they need ro be 4 stud not 5.
  14. I think I paid £45-55 for my halfords calcium one last year, that was with a trade card though.
  15. put me down for a set, im missing the left one
  16. I bookmarked a members gallery thread with a great how to replace the rear bearings guide with loads of pictures, but since the forum changed the link doesn't work anymore, does anyone know where it is? I'm doing them today. cheers Lee
  17. Assuming you mean these they arnt proper xenons, proper ones look like this, and work differntly to normal bulbs.
  18. tweaked, Fogs were exactly as described and picked up no problem.
  19. I just tried this and it workes, no idea why though.
  20. Oh yeah, theres a load of old posts on the 1st page.
  21. I think he did it 5 years ago :)
  22. If you leave the light that in the passenger sun visor switched on, it will turn off when you fold the visor back out of the way.
  23. Only problem is it has to have an MOT before you can transfer the plate.
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