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Everything posted by Bojmobile

  1. Love the bottle propping up the bonnet! 8)
  2. I'd go for the larger Speedies! Gotta keep with the OE look! 8) Remember - it's a classic now!
  3. my girlfriend did that too! True love! :luvlove:
  4. They wouldn't be raising my spoiler - that's for sure!
  5. Lookin good mate - drop looks spot on! How low are you now?
  6. Nice looking Corrado - would have loved to see Bruno Senna winning both of the F3 races! Was a huge fan of his uncle!
  7. No - no it's not sad! They obviously have no shame showing off those dodgy bodies so how are they gonna be with your car?
  8. Hey guys, Got to send a couple of large items from Scotland to England and need a courier - any recommendations? Also - can you arrange an uplift online? Cheers much G
  9. That's a cracker - I love the Blackberry ones! I'd get a chrome VW on the front though.
  10. Rough doesn't even start to describe them!
  11. It'll be a garage with no roof!
  12. :offtopic1: Walesy - can I point out something about the knowledge base with regards Corrados Colours - it's incomplete - Black Magic Pearl Effect isn't mentioned and it was a Corrado colour and should be listed.
  13. Anymore news on the Revell Corrado model? I'm very eager to get one!
  14. awwww - you've always helped me out regarding interiors though! :wink:
  15. So is that a subtle way of saying - this has been covered before then Tom? :oops: sorry!
  16. Hey guys - looking to get some leather care product for my interior - what do you suggest? This Meguiars Gold Class looks good. Cheers much Glenn
  17. I recognise that Corrado - especially those rear lights!
  18. That's some bad luck mate! At least it never landed in your lap!
  19. :snipersmile: is too good for them! I have nightmares about that sort of thing!
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