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Everything posted by Benjevw

  1. Went to see reel big fish last night at northampton road mender. Awsome show! New albums alright aswell :)
  2. 13" weller "racing" steels 14" polo steels 14" golf steels (like g60s but not as famous) 15" Ronal r8s 15" vr6 speedlines 16" beetle steels Mmm steelies.
  3. Was tryin to think of what he ses here lmfao. Best bit of the film!!!!!!! Hahaha .
  4. Benjevw


    Yea well the exhaust does blow slightly at the suitcase . Hoping to get that fixed soon so hopefully it cures it. Doesn't really bother me as I've ha a few more weird noises recently :s Cheers anyway stonejag. P.s pretty much all of my mates have said they've seen your car through ampthill/flitwick. Still haven't passed you :( Ben
  5. Benjevw


    Yea VR mate. Thanx I'll check that later on, it does sound like its coming from directly in front of me.
  6. Benjevw


    Lol yea I spose #iloveham it is then!
  7. I'm going on the Sunday. Have ccgb got a stand? Ben
  8. Is it a Vw thingy? I might pop up. I'm not very seasoned but could share some knowledge maybe ! Lol Ben
  9. Benjevw


    Yea seem to find myself on it more than eBay these days, maybe because I'm poor! How do you go about that? Just tag it in the photo? add me up - Benstringer7 :)
  10. Awsome little photo edit/sharing thing! Anyone on here use it?
  11. Benjevw


    Since I've been driving the C I've noticed a few noises from the engine bay. The first is a nice little whistle when I put my foot down! My mates Saxo did it aswell but never knew what it was. Could be the bmc chuffin all that air? Maybe not tho, any suggestions? The second is a faint scratchy sorta noise. Can't hear it all the time. I think it's just when the cars hot but not quite sure. Any help would be appreciated :) Cheers Ben
  12. Yeah! Awsome film. Need to see it again!
  13. Came across this pic on my phone. Think it's from gti inters last year but not sure:/ Think it belongs to tentonhammer! The Smooth bumper looks NIIICCEE.. :)
  14. Does the kit contain the quad exhausts? Or is that an optional extra? But yea I'm in!
  15. Looks like a cake.... That's Gunna taste like ****.
  16. Went to see TED last night. 10/10 Didn't stop laughing the whole way through! Really well made film too. If you like family guy/dark jokes then you'll love it. If not you'll still love it cus it's ficking funny shet!
  17. Yeah I no lol was meant to be saving for a stealth trip too :/ If any1 else wants em just sell em mate. Deffo want the hoses tho! :)
  18. Yea deffo mate! Recently destroyed my overdraft so won't be for a couple weeks tho:(
  19. Benjevw


    Haha nice 1 buddy! Boshed the coilies on before I went away aswell! Was worried about getting on and off the ferry but wasn't that bad in the end. Bit of a grazed splitter but was expecting that lol. Was two other Corrados in the fest. A red VR on speedlines and a black 2.0 16v I think, on borbets ! Only got a pic of the black 1. Had a red glitter thing goin on with the paint... A few other pics of the weekend
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