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Everything posted by sam2.0

  1. sam2.0

    16v struggling

    How do you check its ok?
  2. sam2.0

    16v struggling

    The filter was changed 6 months ago. Worth putting some of that cleaner stuff in the tank to break down any bits that shouldn't be there?
  3. sam2.0

    16v struggling

    I drove the car 120 miles on Sunday, didn't miss a beat. But, driving home at lunch yesterday, pulled into my car park and it was just stuttering and not pulling at all. Pulled over, car off, left it a few minutes and back on, it worked enough to get me to my space, but it soon started spluttering again. The fuel was in the red, so assumed maybe just some crap has got though Later on after work, I put 5 litres in via a jerry can and then drove to the petrol station. Again, it was jumping about like a kangaroo, and not pulling. Pulled over again, left it and then it worked enough for me to get it home. I let it idle for 10 minutes and it didn't miss once, so figured the fuel lines were all clear. Went to the petrol station, chucked £20 in and it made it back no issue. Went to drive to work this morning, fine for a mile, then started doing it again. Had to park up, let it rest for a minute and go again, I done this 3 times to go about 200 meters! What the feck is wrong with it now? Bearing in mind my local indie reckon the head gasket has gone, a small crack between the coolant and combustion chamber, could it have just got worse and now even more coolant is going into the combustion chamber and causing it? I am/was going to do the gasket this weekend, typical.
  4. sam2.0

    head bolts

    Going by that, I need the Febi 01836. Annoying, some sites show them as 142mm some show 150mm! But vwspares says it replaces 053103385, which are 142mm on vagcat.
  5. sam2.0

    head bolts

    Do you know the part number or the length of the ones you've used? Also the part number for the gasket. Just looking now, the vagcat site suggests, when fitting the metal gasket (048103383D) to use 027103385, which are the shorter bolts. Edited: changed "longer" to "shorter"!
  6. sam2.0

    head bolts

    I've asked VW what head bolts my 2.0 16v 9a needs and I've been told their system says M11 x 1.5 x 142, which superseeds an older part, which he says shows no info. After looking online, using GSF etc, it seems the bolts should be M11 x 1.5 x 149.5 (or 150), part no 027103385C. This also is confirmed via vagcat. I plan on changing the head gasket, and fitting the metal one, are these thicker, hence the additional length? Also, if I get the head skimmed, I imagine I'll need to take the exhaust of the side of the head, rather than the join after the manifold, so I'd need to get 4x single gaskets, rather than the 1x 2 port gasket? Thanks. ETA: Vagcat says engine numbers after 131 263 require the above part number (which mine is), and prior engine numbers need 027103385 (without the C) which have the 142mm length. Unfortuantly, it doesn't list the length for the newer part number.
  7. Hi, I got one of these 10or so months ago and it's started misbehaving. I pull the level half way then it gets really hard to pull before opening the door. Any suggestions?
  8. Didn't even think to play about with it once off the car, I was so happy I had fixed it! You're right though, the scoring looks fresh and consistent that they've been rubbing. I assumed the impeller wasn't meant to go all the way on. I'll have a play with it later and see if it is touching.
  9. No, fan is 3 pin and can only go on one way. It blows over the rad from the front, not from the back!
  11. 2.0 16v. I'll get a part ordered, its not expensive, may as well.
  12. The thermostat had been replaced 2 months prior, but it was a little bugger to do as we left the pump and power steering pump on, so very fiddly. I figured I could have damaged it, so put a new one on the new pump as it was very straight forward. I did take the old pump apart and the impeller looks fine, I'll do some photos if you want.
  13. Thought I'd update this thread. The car was hardly used since I saw this problem, manly short journeys if I couldn't get access to an other car. I was prepared to do the head gasket and all cooling elements. But I decided I'd do them one by 1, just to see what the issue was. I started by draining the coolant and checking the oil/water matrix cooler, no water flow issues. Previously I'd ruled out the water pump in my head, as it's so simple its just a belt on a pulley, the pulley moves, so it must work! Anyway, a mate said the race cars he looks after have pumps go but still look fine. So I went for it, changed the pump and thermostat (its very easy to do when the pumps off the car, so figured what the hell, even though it'd be done a few months back). Ran the car to warm and took it for a drive and no overheating. I've since taken it on 5 long drives and its sitting at a good temp and not getting too hot. I took the old pump apart and it looks perfectly good, with no movement (by hand) on the pulley bearings.
  14. 2 things have happened recently with my C, and just wanted some feedback to see what it could be. 1. Driving along the other day and the stereo kept turning off and on. I gave it a new battery 3 days ago, so it can't be that. The missus said that it was weird, I explained it could be down to the ignition switch controlling the switched power. I Touched my key and the engine cut out, I lost all power for a second before lights came back on. Am I right in thinking this key sensitivity is down to the ignition switch? Could it be something else? 2. The start up isn't always great on my C, but this morning was the worst. It sounded like it fired on 1 cylinder very slowly and with me giving some gas it slowly came to life over 4-5 seconds, sounded like an old car or plane starting up. Thoughts?
  15. sam2.0

    9a radiator

    Mine has a tiny hole in it, and as I'm doing a HG change, I might as well change the rad. 9a 2.0 16v radiator if anyone has one please!
  16. I've bought the Passat '88-96 one! Damnit. Don't suppose it has the same info in, as mine covers the 88-91 years anyway?
  17. I assume you mean the "Valve Cover Gaskets" on here: http://www.vwspares.co.uk/corrado_gaskets.php. Just getting a list together of bits to buy. Firstly the Haynes, so I can see whats required and ensure I have everything!
  18. A few people have said its possibly my head gasket that is on its last legs, so I figure I would rather replace it now before it goes. So, what do I need? I've got access to a workshop and a massive range of tools, but is there any specific tools such as cam positioning tool etc? What else is worth doing whilst I've got it all apart? Cam belt? Again special tools required? I'll get a haynes manual as well, so I can read through the process. Mine is a N plate, so do I get the B4 or B5 manual? Any info appreciated.
  19. Done it 3 weeks ago!
  20. I'll try at lunch. I also have a coolant pressure gauge, which showed the pressure going down very very slowly, which implies a leak, but it could have been the small hole in the rad.
  21. Smoke/steam only when the engine is cold and its cold outside. It does misfire on first start, for 10-20 seconds. I recently replaced the sparks which cured this, but its come back. Pressure build up quickly? The cylinders all have good pressure.
  22. Ruled out the headgasket: http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?76279-Water-in-oil Water pump works, is it not just a works/doesn't work, or can it be broken?
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