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Everything posted by southerner88

  1. Hi all, Im in desperate need of the lambda (think thats how its spelt) plug from the OBD1 loom and needs a small amount of cable so I can solder it on. Mine is complete mess from previous owner and I think may also be causing me some issues when driving.... Ill get a picture up soon to show what I mean. Thanks in Advance!
  2. Glad to hear its been found, this was on a facebook group the other day, within no time at all it had been shared most places across the country, so think most of the UK knew about this car! Social media has now got a use!
  3. A word of advice with the rules, dont even attempt to explain it to non-petrol heads.....i think some of the guys at work think im now a bit odder than they did before....
  4. I haven't a clue if or where it cane from, just love it that if your dressed convincingly as a pirate you have automatic shotgun!
  5. Was having a discussion with friends due to someone calling shotgun...after a quick Google I found this so thought I'd share the rules in case any one else has shotgun confusion...personal favourite is rule 21! Enjoy the read... 1. The shotgunner must be in clear sight of the car, and shotgun can be called regardless of whether the driver is in sight of the car 2. If you are the first to be picked up on a journey you are automatically given shotgun. You retain this position for the entire journey, unless you violate rules 11, 16, 22 or any other rules stipulating the loss of shotgun. 3. You cannot declare shotgun if someone has previously declared shotgun for that journey. 4. When simultaneous shotgun is called, there is then a foot race to the passenger side door from all the people who called. 5. Shotgun cannot be called whilst inside a building (unless you are in a multi-storey or underground car park!) 6. Shotgun cannot be called in advance, only whilst on the way to the car for the journey. 7. Once shotgun has been called the driver has the option of a reload. The driver yells “reload” and this means that all previous calls of shotgun are void and the first person to call shotgun again gets the seat. This is helpful if the driver really doesn’t like the person who first called shotgun. It is often used when there is a simultaneous call and the driver is unsure of the outcome. Note that a shotgun has only 2 barrels so a reload can only be called once. 8. Once shotgun has been called for the front seat then back left and back right can be called. This effectively leaves the slowest person to travel in the middle (of the “b**ch” seat). 9. Because everyone is created equal, men have the same right to the front seat of the car as women (ie women don't own the front seat!). 10. If the regular driver of the vehicle is drunk or otherwise unable to perform their duties as driver, then he/she is automatically given shotgun. 11. Once the journey has begun, the driver is the obvious controller of the tunes. However if they feel the road requires their full attention, or they simply cannot be arsed any more, duty is passed to the shotgunner. However putting on crap tunes or allowing for silence when the iPod finishes a song or ANY instances of TAKE THAT will result in demotion to b**ch seat. 12. Anyone calling shotgun must have his or her shoes on. This is to stop people running outside and calling shotgun, then having to go back inside to put their shoes on and slowing the journey. This is known as the Shoe Rule. 13. Shotgun overrules Dibs, Baggsies and other girly calls! 14. Despite the debate, shotgun CAN be used to shotgun things other than the front seat (eg back left, back right, women, not going to answer the door, etc). 15. When traveling with a couple, one of the couple MUST shotgun the front. No one wants to chauffer two of their mates whilst they are in the back all over each other. 16. If someone has successfully called shotgun, they have the right to the front seat. They do not have the right to correct the driver on their navigation skills ("take a left here you dickhead!") or driving ability ("I'd be in third gear if I was driving"). If the passenger does this, then they forfeit their position as shotgun holder. 17. If someone says, "what’s shotgun?" after it has been called then they have to walk. 18. If the shotgunner attempts to open the door just as the driver is unlocking it and jams the lock half open so that the driver needs to lock it and unlock it again, the shotgunner forfeits their position. This is known as shotgun suicide. 19. The holder of shotgun assumes the responsibility for all gate opening, off license nipping into, takeaway ordering and question asking. He/she is in essence the copilot and therefore the enforcer of behavior in the vehicle and exacter of slaps/punches/water spraying/bag throwing at the passengers in the back. 20. Automatic "couple's rights act 1997". This law states that, if the driver is the boyfriend/girlfriend of a passenger in the car, this person has the right to the seat of their choice. 21. If one of the potential occupants of the vehicle is dressed (convincingly) as a pirate then they are given automatic shotgun. In the event of more than one pirate being present, a sword fight shall determine the successful shotgunner. This is known as The Pirate Rule. 22. When driving past a woman walking a dog, everyone in the car must shout out the window, "who's walking who?” It is the shotgunner’s responsibility and failure to spot potential heckling, results in demotion to the b**ch seat!
  6. That's a shame! Will have a look and see if I can sort some heat shielding out. There's a guy on here (science) that's just said hes doing a mini guide to how he did his harness so hopefully mine won't be too different, failing that, like you say I may just have to have it all in there...
  7. OK thanks for that, the good news is that I have all of those bits, just I'm not too sure with the alterations I've made to my loom from the fusebox...would be great to see what you've done with yours...
  8. hopefully some one can help me out on this bit.... I'll explain as best as I possibly can what Ive got and whats been done...Ive got an OBD1 in my rado which I am swapping for a turbo'd OBD2 engine from a mk3 Golf. The engines have been swapped over, and im trying to work out the looms from the fusebox to the engine. Ive been through the how to fit thread but have got stuck as some of the original loom from the mk3 has also been removed before i got it... so this is where im at and what ive heard... OBD1 loom from the fusebox into the bay has been removed, OBD2 loom from golf has been cut apart following the guide (I am not at all confident Ive done it right) so what ive heard is that you can use the original OBD1 loom to run the the OBD2 engine and OBD2 ECU as long as the inlet manifold and throttle body get swapped back from the OBD1 engine? does that make sense? and is it right? Is it that simple??
  9. I'll explain as best as I possibly can what Ive got and whats been done...Ive got an OBD1 in my rado which I am swapping for a turbo'd OBD2 engine from a mk3 Golf. The engines have been sapped over, and im trying to work out the looms from the fusebox to the engine. Ive been through the how to fit thread but have got stuck as some of the original loom ffrom the mk3 has also been removed... so this is where im at and what ive heard... OBD1 loom from the fusebox into the bay has been removed, OBD2 loom from golf has been cut apart following the guide (I am not at all confident Ive done it right) so what ive heard is that you can use the OBD1 loom to run the the OBD2 engine and OBD2 ECU as long as the inlet manifold and throttle body get swapped back from the OBD1 engine? does that make sense? and is it right? Is it that simple??
  10. Yeah seen some of his advice on other threads, feel priviliged to have the input on my thread! So would you recommend custom plates around the turbo for shielding kev? How far away from harrogate are you? Hahaha
  11. Would second hand units be as good? What would you need to look for with a second hand one?
  12. Cheers Kevin, I've got the old one but was needing to get a load of heat shield wrap stuff for other spots around the bay too, think I will end up wrapping everything in heat shield!
  13. Cheers buddy, the loom is back in the car but I haven't wrapped it yet, going to plug it all in and test its right first. The thread on here is really good and helpful on how to do it, the problem I had is that the mk3 golf loom I have, has already been altered slightly so didn't match up with the thread...will see what happens!
  14. So is it a "you get what you pay for" with these gauges? been recommended getting a innovate lc-1 which after some research is a wideband one, but cant see a VW specific one, if there is one or if they are universal?
  15. So a few bits attached to the back of the engine and tightened up now, turbo, wastegate and exhaust manifold And now the engine is back in the car, not fitted yet, waiting for some extra muscle to come round and help fine tune its positioning. Not much space at the back now, going to have to squeeze some boost pipes and a downpipe in there somewhere
  16. Hi all, first up, sorry if this is in the wrong place but Im looking at getting an Air Fuel mixture gauage to go with my turbo gauage for my VRT build. First place ive looked is good old ebay. The part that confuses me most here is that there are listings from £15 right up to £150, is there a massive difference between them? or will a basic £15 do the job of display mixture as accurate as the £150 one? any help would be great, thanks peeps
  17. Hi all, Had a search through previous threads for help with this but ive confused myself.... I am wanting to upgrade my instruments lights so I can see them but after searching ebay and other online places, there are so many to choose from and I dont know which are good / bad / will fit / wont fit, Ideally I want to go blue instead of the standard green, is there any chance someone else has gone blue and possibly have a link to somewhere I can buy some that will 100% fit?
  18. I use tapatalk app buddy. You can write your post then insert images where you want within your text or add them as attachments. Havnt done it using the forum yet as it seems too much hassle, upload the pictures from phone/camera to laptop, then choose them and upload to the forum. Tapatalk adds a little Orange T to the bottom of the pics, heres my thread I started off...all done with tapatalk... http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?t=86313
  19. hahaha, this is now like a councilling thread....getting the unfortunate car ownerships out of our systems!
  20. wow - some seriously nice cars in those list! 1 - Citroen c2 1.4 LX - im sorry, please dont laugh! 2 - Mk4 Golf GTi - getting there, and still have as my daily 3 - Corrado VR6 - thats better! currently getting turbo'd 4 - 98 Passat Estate - lost the plot a bit and trying to sell to get back some brownie points from the C2, I grew up with Golf Mk2's and Passats, my brother has also had various old skool Vdubs and currently a MK1 caddy.
  21. Haha cheers for the back up Sean, and I know what your saying clumpy. I'm spending the money as I can and have tried to prioritise items, with big brakes coming before the wheels which is why I was wandering if any one had any swaps for mine...
  22. Cant comment about the Meg's stuff....but I used this on my Golf Recaro's, they were covered in mould and filthy after being sat a while, spray it on, leave a few mins, use the cap/brush to rub it in, leave a few more mins, hoover off. used on seats, carpet, door cards, plastics, pretty much used it on the whole interior of my Golf... http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_190214_langId_-1_categoryId_255236#tab1
  23. Starting to build the engine up with the turbo etc, hopefully won't be long until its in, working is a different matter as I'm not fully sure what I'm doing, but I have hope! Swapped the gearbox over from the old engine to the new one last night too. The loom is starting to take shape now, think its about ready to go in. Any one any experience with the turbo gauge? Is it best to run the cables for it through the bulkhead with the loom?
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