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Everything posted by Dec

  1. No special tool required! Just a large flathead screwdriver to pop the glass out. I find the easiest way to do it is to angle the mirror as far upwards as possible and then get the screwdriver in the gap left at the bottom of the mirror. Once you have the bottom clips un-popped, the top ones come out pretty easy.
  2. Any idea what sort of fluid is in the car already? dot-4 is fine though. dot-4+ and dot-5.1 can also be used, and have a slightly higer boiling point. The three are also intermixable (not ideal though), so I wouldn't worry too much about topping up with dot-4(+) when there is dot-5.1 in the system and vv. You can get expensive racing high boiling point brake fluids, but for normal road use any of the above is fine. The one to stay away from is dot-5, as it's silicone based and corrodes seals.
  3. oops! Indeed it is!That post of mine may not have been too clear. Should have stuck a 2 in the MS'2' extra 1.0.2 :wink:
  4. Cheers! Good thinking about the plugs! wll pick up a fresh set later!
  5. Welcome to the forum! The spoiler control unit it located behind the dash just beneath where the headlight switch is. Quite easy to get to when you remove the tray to get at the fusebox. Black box with something like "heckspoiler" written on it.
  6. MS extra 1.0.2 Msq, and log files attached (ziping it seems to get past the upload restrictions) :wink: Required fuel is set at 9.1. I had tested setting it higher, but it didn't seem happy. The required fuel is set using megasquirt itself. 1781cc engine, 325cc injectors. They are low impedance (3 ohm) Cosworth injectors. It does sound close to catching now and again, but never actually quite gets there. Good to hear the smoke isn't fatal! I've been flood clearing it every so often, and pulling the spark plugs out for a while when swapping the batteries over. But I prob could do with doing it a bit more often!
  7. hmmmm....still no go from the engine! :sad: re-checked all the pipework, I've tried every possible timing position, and it's definitel getting a spark. On a bad note, I noticed smoke coming through the filter at the top of the oil-catch-can (linked to the crankcase breather at the front of the block) when I was turning it over this afternoon. On further examination, the smoke stank of petrol. Is this due to flooding the engine by trying to get it started daily? Or is something more serious? :confused4: I'm thinking something must be wrong with the injectors. Plus they may be leaking when closed. When turning it over I had 3-bar in the fuel rail, when I left it for just under an hour the pressure had dropped to under 0.5-bar. The pressure should obviously drop....but is this a little too quick i.e leaky injector? SO.....all syptoms of duff injectors? something else? Or is this smoke through the crankase breather something more ominous? :cry:
  8. Darn you and your devious photoshop chicanery! :lol: :lol: P.s. Nice work :salute:
  9. Over-run cutoff valve circled in red. Idle stabilsation valve in blue, and the vacuum switch that controls it is circled in orange.
  10. How have you got the engine supported with the subframe out? Have you got all the weight balanced on the front mount? :scratch: Just curious, as I had a small army of jacks + supports under the engine when I removed the subframe on mine (twice :roll: )
  11. hmmmmm there is something missing there alright......cant quite figure out what it is tho! No doubt it's something small and useless anyway, it'll probably drive fine without it! :lol: :tongue:
  12. Yup, that's what I'm thinking!! Oh.....and it's starting to scare passers by.....not scar them (yet) :lol:
  13. Updated the msq file with some of your ideas Stu! Did make a bit of a difference. Turning over quite nicely and sounding better......then a large backfire and flash out the exhaust! Now dark out there, so have given up for the day. plus It's starting to scar passers by! :lol: Another check of the timing and fueling tomorrow eve.............................
  14. I just downloaded the entire software package from here: http://www.diyautotune.com/softwarelinks.htm It's MS Extra 1.0.2 that the msq file is based on.
  15. ooooppppps! Forum wont accept .msq as an an extension....and Vista is a being a pain, and not allowing me to change file extensions (easily) I'll email it to you Stu! :wink:
  16. Here's the .msq file Stu! See if you can see if I've done anything silly :wink:
  17. I sourced some Goodyear high pressure/temp hose the right diameter from fleabay for about £5.
  18. I do quite like the steelies (especially with the silver paintwork). Would prefer it with the BBS though. Perfect winter wheels though!
  19. Dec

    haynes manual

    Depending on what type of rado you have..... The 'pink' :camp: Passat manual no. 1647 is perfect for valvers. Covers both 9a and Kr engines, all wiring, all the drivetrain, brakes etc are identical. A lot of the stuff in there that isn't directly relevant to the Corrado is also pretty useful as a general guide.
  20. Dec

    ETKA Online

    Don't think linking to pirate software is really the best idea joeshenton Best to edit your post before the mods delete it for you! :wink: :lol: :lol:
  21. Also.....[strike:1xxaoiig]I'd say[/strike:1xxaoiig] there are far weaker points in the inlet system that would let go at high pressure than a weld on the inlet manifold!!
  22. Will do! Think I'll rope one of my mates into helping over the weekend; get him to turn the key while I tinker about in the engine bay. Will save a lot of running back and forth between the two!
  23. Me too!!!!! I resorted to shouting at the car earlier...so figured I had better call it a day. Also, while I was out tinkering about with the car, some scrap car dealer pulled up and offered to do me a favor and he'd "dispose" of the car for free!!! Didn't go down too well as you could imagine!
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