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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Try disconnecting the probe, drive around a little, possibly a little hard as well, to clear out all the crud inside of your engine, and see whether it make a difference. It did on mine, where the probe had gone. :D Tempest
  2. Erm, not really, as I already found it hard to get that amount. I also tried to claim back flight costs to Germany to get a rear panel, but they're not budging on that one. Besides, the solicitor is through my own car insurance, as I can't afford having to pay for one myself, or possibly realise that I won't be able to recover the cost form the opponent. Admittedly I'm still pretty new to dealing with UK insurances, as in Germany it's a lot easier. You're covered against solicitor costs, and hence you send in your solicitor guns ablazing and your own assessor to get as much out of the opponent as possible, whereas here, you seem to constantly have to fight your own insurance (who send in their assessor :( whose role is to drive down the estimated repair cost :x ), even though it's not your own fault :mad: But I'm open to suggestions for the next unforunate event, on how to sting these bast***d insurance people ... Tempest
  3. Sorry to hear mate. As Jims16V already said, go for a medical claim as well (I did following my being rear-ended with my Mk1 Rocco 1.5 years ago, couldn't play squash for a year, couldn't mess around with my cars etc. got £1200 out of the opponent's insurance). Good luck, as it isn't easy dealing with insurances, especially as most of their so-called engineers (never even been to a university, how the heck can they call themselves engineers?) or assessors (idiots more like), don't see the special value of a Rado or Rocco for that matter :cry: Tempest
  4. OZ Racing (probably oems for BMW, as the there is no logo or anything on the outside, only on the rear side of the spokes does it mention OZ Italy :) ), 8J15 ET12 with 195/50R15 Falken tyres, slightly stretched :) Tempest
  5. Agree, Euro-Look all the way, wide rims are right up my street.Deep dish pattern, ... now then, that's what's still missing on my Rado, the Roccos have got it :) Nope, I'm not biased at all in terms of styling and where I was born and grew up ... :twisted: Tempest
  6. You as well? Mine's at 98*** miles. Let's see who gets there first :lol: Drive belt springs to mind ... What exactly are you having done for the 175 quid? Yup, VR6s and the timing chains :lol: One of the reasons why I don't have one, as the ones I was looking at, and having quizzed the owners, all I got back was "Timing chain?", "VW claim it should last" and all sorts of other rubbish :| Tempest
  7. Very nice, and in my humble opinion nicely modded (indeed all reversible) as well 8) I have with my Mk2 Storm Rocco :roll: , but again, I kept it reversible :) Tempest
  8. Just phoned the guy in Germany to get a status report so to speak :D Guess what? The lights have gone out today , and should, postage service on both sides and customs' sometimes insistent inquisitiveness, especially on the GB side (IRA and all that sh*te is the excuse) permitting, be with you all this week, if not early next week :mrgreen: The guy drives a Rado himself, they're looking at bringing out another Rado styling toy, will email me pics as and when, something to do with rear window covers ... Anyway, peeps who've missed this group buy, you can catch him at this year's GTI International, his name is Heiko Höpner, so keep an eye open for stands from Germany (dodgy accent, don't you just love it, bit like me then :oops: ) selling In.Pros. Don't know what price he's going to charge, but you could do worse than try and mention my name, the group buy etc. Cheers, Tempest
  9. Hmm, splitting it up according to %-values, I'd say, here in Coventry: 80% youths and teenagers with that typical dangerous look on their face "Yeah, I want one of those, and burn some rubba, mate!", the ones that potentially qualify as joy-riders :x 20% remaining, mixed, I'd say. Tempest
  10. Ahhh, the great "Alfie Nokes" making an appearance in these hallowed areas! Welcome aborad, Steve 8) Tempest
  11. Shouldn't that be "Fow-Reihenmotor Sechs", as that's how Germans pronounce the 'V' :) Sorry to be nit-picky, and well off-topic :oops: Tempest
  12. Quite likely, or at least your air temp. sensor is gone, as the CO-POT enclosure also houses this sensor (hence the 3 pins, outer 2 for the CO-Pot, inner one providing the temp. sensor signal against GND). Tempest
  13. Erm, that value should stay the same, as it's just a potentiometer :| (Mine's set to 520 Ω. Measuring the signal at pin 2 will change, as that's the internal air temperature sensor. Might be worthwhile changing the POT, if your's changes its value with different engine temperatures. Tempest
  14. Yes they do, see below 8) Tempest
  15. Seem to be the FKs, judging by the RRP that this guy has posted ... Tempest
  16. @ Jims16V: You can borrow my faulty Lambdaprobe :lol: , as I'm running with a new one now, just waiting for the metal cat to arrive, and then mine should breath a bit better again :D Other than that, well done ! Main thing to adjust on G60s, provided everything else is OK, is the CO-Pot (sits on the bypass pipe running from your inlet manifold back to the Lader), but ideally you need an emissions tester for that (around the £1000 according to my MOT test station :cry: ) Tempest
  17. Tempest

    squeaky spoiler

    Used graphite oil spray, that stopped the squeeking with mine as well. I do like the idea of talc powder as well, though, not tried it yet ... Tempest
  18. Have to admit, I quite look the Nothelle front, looks more aggressive than the square original (Jetta-style) lights ... Just my 2 cents ... Tempest
  19. Replaced the automatic aerial on the Storm Rocco, washed the Rado for the Malvern event (which was great), changed the Lambdaprobe on the Rado, treated some minor rust spots on the Rado, and today back on the treadmill again :cry: Still to come: Check for current leakage on the Storm, as it wouldn't start today - flat battery (thought I'd treat myself on my way to work with clear roads in Coventry) :cry: , check the Cat on the Rado, finish some minor painting on the Rado ... when is it time to go home again? Tempest
  20. Cheers, Dave! Yeah, I was surprised I didn't get forced by more people to give a demo of the ELRA, as VW calls it officially (automatic seatbelts), then again, just as well, because, if the bugger goes wrong, it's a pain to repair. Of course there were some nice Mk2 Roccos there as well, as well as Trimsport's beatiful Mk1 Storm Rocco :shock: Tempest
  21. They look like the FKs (the smoked ones are definitely not as dark as my In.Pros, gotta be the FKs :) ). Volksbits, Venom (do In>pros, but expensive!) and some others do 'm, worthwhile shopping around, or wait till I might run another group buy, but need to successfully complete this one first :oops: Tempest
  22. Vortex? Still like it, and met one guy through Vortex, we met up in London, when he flew over 2 years ago, nice guy (suppose I now have a reason to fly over to California ...). But there are loads of weirdos on there as well, normally don't hang out in the Rado section, though, just in the Rocco section, where the Americans recently demonstrated their prudishness again, when a German mate of mine posted some piccies of his Scirocco-career (including some hot naked babes :shock: ). This was felt to be a reason to warn him, remove the pictures etc. whereas a rather violent picture of a doll with its head covered in blood, and all sorts of realistic looking gory bits alongside, having been run over by a Scirocco was deemed to be OK :roll: In a nutshell: Violence is OK, nature isn't :( Tempest
  23. Must agree with those preferring the older Golf Mk1 as well. For me my Rado is the ultimate civilised drive out of my 3-car Karmann collection, the 2 Roccos just being so much more raw fun, emphasis on raw! Nothing beats my Mk1 when I really want to have fun and experience what cars should be all about, driving fun, no gimmicks. Just my 2 Cents. Tempest
  24. OK, have banked all the cheques from everyone who's come on-board of this group-buy so far. 9 people want to go for the smoked In.Pros, 1 for the clear/reds. Cheques have cleared, I have transferred the money to Germany and ordered the 10 sets of In.Pros today. I have forwarded your individual address details to the seller in Gemany for him to ship out to you directly, therefore cancelling out any further delays that shipping them first to me and me then shipping them on within the UK would cause (hopefully this strategy will work :) ). Now bearing in mind that tomorrow and Monday are holidays in both the UK and Germany, nothing may happen over the Easter weekend. As soon as I get confirmation from the seller that the money has arrived in his account / or he has started shipping or whatever, I will let you know :) At least I'll be the only one with smoked In.Pros at the Malvern Show this Sunday :roll: :wink: Cheers, Tempest
  25. Nope, the thread on Lupo wipers is a tidy 12 pages long :lol: Just turned 35 1.5 weeks ago :oops: Tempest
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