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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Yup, same here, my summer car is also a Mk1 :D : Tempest
  2. They have. Check out the site. Those that still remember the old scirocco.de site will be in for a surprise! Erm, ... nope, definitely not. The back was and is definitely a coupe, certainly compared to the mainstream car of the day, the Mk1 Goof. That had a hatch. I was shocked, if not slightly pleasantly surprised by a car that caught my eye whilst going up the escalator back to the VW stand. It was the new Renault Laguna coupe :shock: If almost every other carmaker on the planet can somehow still manage to cobble together an attractive coupe, ... well you get the rest of the statement :lol: Tempest
  3. VW now owns the Scirocco.de domain again, after some slight "work" on a member of the German Sciroccoforum, who's held this domain name for 15 years at least. http://www.scirocco.de Tempest
  4. Indeed :lol: The birdage on the Fiat stand were OK, too, not as nice as the real birds on Giugiaro's stand (father and son have demonstrated excellent quality, certainly can make cars look excellent). Tempest
  5. OK, here's a rough list of the pics I took with my TyTN and some video clips (you'll need a suitable mp4 player, didn't have time to convert, maybe someone else who has more time ;-)). Geneva More to follow from my mates' material, once edited :-) Tempest
  6. Editing our picture and video material, before uploading it somewhere. Quick resume of the past few days then: Went down in my German mate's Volvo to Geneva (good 5 hour drive), picked up 3 more mates from airport, booked into hotel, were collected by VW in 2 Blue Motion Goofs and whizzed off to press event. Most of the stuff that we were shown there has already found its way onto the net thanks to our press friends, who all circled every word that VW issued like the usual vultures (expensive camera kit et al). Winterkorn's boring speech (boring compared to Bernhard's stuff back in Berlin), eco-trends blabla, even the Lambo is more eco-friendly, so what? The advert video we were shown, a VW remake of some Bond film, featured all new models, with some dodgy Germish accent by the "actors", the relevant group CEOs. Last in the line-up each time was the new Rocco, VW's apparent most promising new model. We got to see the white pearlescent version. OK, it had lots of similarities to the Iroc, but it had also retained lots of the things we already didn'like back then in Berlin like the hatch. Later on we stormed across to another big nicely dressed up hall where we managed to beat all the journo-types to get good shots of the Rocco. Interior looks ... well, erm EOSish :lol: Rear seats look better than front ones (which are the current style found in Goofs et al), but block rear view according to Ritchie aka SCOstfriesland (will be here in GB this weekend with loads of material :-)). Moved onto the other models, liked the new Seat design study, preferred it over the Rocco. Gallardo not bad either, certainly the bird :lol: We were served very exquisite food and loads of posh bottled Becks beers by some attractive waitresses. Live jazz band with a nice looking and also sounding lady singer rounded off the evening. What rzuined it slightly was when towards 1 am we said goodbye and thank you to the relevant VW press guy who'd granted us access to this event. He in turn mentioned to his colleague whilst we were standing in front of him: "This is Mr Leonh., who does something with Sciroccos (he runs the Sciroccokartei, that' also his nick on this forum) and the others are his friends. They'd all booked hotels and flights so as a symbol of our goodwill we have granted them access to this party!" Arrogant b*stards ... Note beside: VW originally had allowed us, after some effort by Gregor, to attend this event, then 2 weeks before, when we'd already booked flights and hotels, they cancelled the invitation. Gregor then fought like a lion to convince them to re-invite us. The old team with whom we had dealt under Bernhard still, must have all been sacked since noone remembered us. Bl**ddy Winterkorn. Piech, Karmann's killer was also there, and he let himself be treated like some god. Anyway, after an overall very nice evening we were whizzed back to our hotel again in a T5. Next day at the actual exhibition (thanks to VW stand staff tickets, free parking, too) we saw the new Rocco in red (forgot the real name), which I have to say, I for one liked a lot more than the white one. It also featured the new UV-sunroof etc. It still looked cheap at the lower rear end, where VW have replaced the twin triangular tailpipes of the Iroc with 2 boring conventional pipes portruding at the left rear. Some Rocco division staff gave us some more sales schmalz, which I ignored whilst making use of the free on-site wifi network :-) On we went to visit the rest of the show, which in total we found a bit small. Problem is the size of the exhibition halls, Geneva has only 7 halls, small halls, so all brands only featured their newest models. Loads of nice birdage, nice cars, nice stands (Audi did it for us), and a really nice world premiere by the Godfather of our beloved Mk1 Roccos, Italdesin - Giugiaro, all more than made up for the disappointing new Rocco. Giugiaro daddy and son :-) Very nice Italian birdage. Which car would I buy? Alfa Romeo Brera! Looks more like a coupe, very nice and sporty seats, great looks, sidelines c-pillar similar to the C's lines, great red colour, more practical than Rocco (crap boot, small loading area between boot edge and parcel shelf, leaving little space for sticking suitcases into boot, high ede of folded down seats when wanting extra boot space). Pictures, press vids and material available at UD :-) Tempest
  7. All will be revealed tomorrow evening, but first a 5-6 hours drive down to Geneva tomorrow morning. Tempest
  8. That's only because a Rado looks like a Mk1 Rocco. Tempest
  9. German Autobild (same publisher as AutoExpress in the UK) have in their current issue got the following title piccie of the new Scirocco. Off to Germany tomorrow afternoon and onwards to Geneva on Monday :-) Tempest
  10. Iroc can't have a Karmann interior, since it's not even built by Karmann anymore :-( Rado does not look different to Roccos, certainly to Gold, though. At least Karmann will also have a stand at the Geneva Autosalon, I was told today, soI better go and say "hello". Tempest
  11. Question is which one? Surely the Ur-Rocco, the Mk1. Nothing beats Giugiaro's classy Italian design :-) Tempest
  12. Already have 3 Roccos (C's just another Rocco, the true Mk3 in actual fact), so not tooooo sure about getting this Mk4. Will have to (re)view it in the flesh first :lol: Tempest
  13. Just received this: Dr. Eric Coolen Scirocco Club 2008 International Geneva Motor Show "Driving Ideas" - The Geneva Spring Event Dear Mr. Coolen, "Many new highlights in every respect" is the slogan of this year's 78th International Geneva Motor Show. Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Seat, Skoda, Volkswagen and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles will present the latest innovations from within the Volkswagen Group to a selected audience at a special location in Geneva. The Volkswagen Group invites you to attend the presentation of its (world) premieres at 7:30pm on 3 March 2008. You will find further details in the invitation enclosed. We are looking forward to see you in Geneva. Kind regardsy Volkswagen Communication http://www.volkswagen-group-events.com/genf2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tempest
  14. Reason for this thread and question? :lol: VW have given tickets for a press party Monday night and entry to the Geneva Autosalon on Tuesday to 4 mates of mine and me, thanks to some serious bargaining and arm-twisting by one of my 4 mates over in Germany, who also attended both previous events in Berlin (Gregor aka sciroccokartei on this forum). Leaving for German shores Friday, weekend near Karlsruhe (Roccomate), then drive in his LPG Turbo 20V Volvo towards Geneva, collect other 3 from airport, check into hotel, and turn up at press party in the evening, where VW will be launching several cars from the VAG group, Rocco to be launched last. Ah well, might as well check out some pubs first then :lol: Tempest
  15. Right, since I'm in Geneva next week Monday, I was wondering who might have been before, and had some good tips on where to eat and what pubs to visit. Tempest
  16. Well, it's good to see the VR6 fraternity is taken care of then, but that leaves the other Cs as well as my beloved 2 Roccos out in the cold. I've already signed that petition, since it was raised well over 2 months ago :-) The Stuttgart model (or for that matter the general German large city model) is as I have already previously mentioned totally different to what the UK are possibly looking at implementing. This whole thing comes from a hitherto little know EU directive (yes, it's those sh*tty brussel, tax-payers' money sucking, cost-hogging, loser-on-a-national basis-politicians-that-can't-make-it-anywhere-other-than-in-Brussels-anymore-who-learly-on't-ike-lder-cars-tasteless-as-they-probably-all-are) that looked into the fine particle emissions of major EU cities. A report made back in the mid 90s came to the comnclusion that most major EU cities suffered from a fine particle emission level that was regarded as too high. Hence the EU swiftly launched a directive to address this issue. It, as is usually the case with these directives, was left to the individual member states to implement this directive in national law. Germany decided to introduce a rather complicated system based on people having to buy stickers from any T
  17. Well he did mention the Mk1 Rocco as a nicely crafted car by master of the universe Giugiaro. The bit about the Rado not being a successor to the Mk2 Rocco once again shows complete lack of understanding of Karmann/VW history. He, too, should have read the book on the history of Karmann. Tempest
  18. Hi Gregor, Any GB Corrados yet? I should enter mine, I suppose :lol: . The clock's counting down till ... beginning of March 8) Tempest
  19. See here: http://www.volkswagen.de/vwcms_publish/vwcms/master_public/virtualmaster/de3.html, then click on "Der neue Scirocco". Tempest
  20. Welcome to Coventry :lol: You'll see my toys out to play again, when the b*stard winter is over, the weather is warmer, and most importantly when the roads are dry (no rain). Tempest
  21. In D and NL they don't use license plate recognition software. They have other ways to detect whether a vehicle is taxed or not. In Germany for starters. you have to hand over your plates as soon as you SORN (or equivalent in Germany) your car. Driving without plates is completely illegal, no matter what, even if it's a trip to the MOT (T
  22. That would assume traffic is still moving, but I just refer to the M25 as one gigantic car park :lol: Travel up and down the blasted thing quite a lot, too. Once got zapped by a camera along Heathrow few months ago, but nothing arrived, so the analogue cameras probably didn't have film or no-one bothered emptying the things. Tempest
  23. Hey, great stuff !! Pictures wanted :-) Chris is kneeling next to me and says: "welcome to the dark side, now you can use your key ring. Looking forward to seeing him and you both soon!" :-) Tempest
  24. More on the topic in the German press. They seem to keep publisihng articles, in anticipation, I suppose :lol: Tempest
  25. Got 3 cars, as many of you know, and yes, with 3 it can get a wee bit (silly) expensive. All 3 are toy cars, too, not used as dailies (fortunately I don't need a daily hack). Insurance-wise I keep all 3 on classi car with limited mileage. Tax-wise, they're off the road during the 5 or 6 winter months (dreadful period of the year, if you ask me :lol:, all shakes with me during those months, as the withdrawal symptoms arrive). Work and maintenance wise, yes it's a bit time consuming, 3 MOTs to pay for, do pretty much all the work on them myself, so I also have a rather nice and large(ish) bill for parts and suchlike. But I view all 3 cars as my main hobby. There are more expensive hobbies out there, and less rewarding ones :-) Tempest
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