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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. The rumours are starting to build up in Germany that VW are looking at launching a WRC version of the new Irocco. To be launched in 2011, VW are already lobbying to get the width of WRC cars increased to 1820 mm (currently 1800 mm), get steering wheel paddles OKed (to enable use of DSG), a 1:1 model of the WRC Irocco is already siad to exist in Wolfsburg. The Race Touareg is to be reduced, VW looking at exirting the Paris Dakar rallye after the 2009 rallye. See here: http://www.rallye-magazin.de/r/wm/d/n/d/2008/09/16/kommt-vw-mit-dem-scirocco-wrc/index.html Tempest
  2. And those are just 2 VEY IMPORTANT factors for many a Rocco enthusiast. Give the Irocco any other name like Goof Sports or something and I'd back off a lot more. I'd still not buy one for the reasons in my previous post. Besides buying a new car seems like an utter waste of money to me anyway (keyword: depreciation), you can better lose money in shares :lol: At least you may even make some money with shares, certainly not with buying a new car. Tempest
  3. It has to be said, despite all the criticism, the Irocco did attract attention during the 20-Jahre Corrado event at the N
  4. Weekdays: 17:30 till 19:30, weekends 8:00 till 19:30 Tempest
  5. It was actually 6, one of which was crashed on Karmann's own testtrack in Papenburg. Source: H. Breford, ex Karmann private car collection / museum curator. Tempest
  6. Dated or not, I personally don't care, since I also don't care about fashion trends (not a fashionm victim, me). I just look at the car in its entity, let it speak through its design language to me, and if I like what I see, then I don't care how dated or not it may be compared to new stuff (which very often will date even quicker; take for example all the latest architectural building trends, all these glass and concrete bank and insurance palaces look dated after less than a decade, whereas mediaeval buildings still do it for me). That's why I have a Mk1 (Rocco, not Goof :lol:), classic lines, perfect design language to me, don't care whether it's dated or not, I just like what I see :-) Can't say that about 99% of current new cars. Tempest
  7. This is how a meet should be, OK, it had a new one present, but no VW dealership anywhere to be found, just a private meet with loads of nice people (know most of them), and good weather (yes, Germany south, not rainy Blighty :lol:), with loads of proper cars :-) http://www.sciroccoforum.de/forum/showthread.php?t=302946 Tempest
  8. Yes, Gilbert, Lawton is one of only very few indeed dealers that actually are doing something. Still that's only a small amount (if a handful at all) of dealers actually doing anything. You'd have expected that every single dealer would be falling over themselves to promote the new one, by inviting real Roccos, putting on some special event. I mean after all the intense promotion on TV, billboards, press, mags, you'd expect a firework sort of start of sales, wouldn't you? And every dealer, not just a handful. And I'll ignore your cheeky comments, Bill :lol:, as it was the Mk3 Rocco aka Rado that spelt serious trouble for Karmann and VW. Also, why did it sell so badly compared to the Mk1 and Mk2? OK, that's a different story ;-) Oh well, ine day this new one may grow on me as a daily driver :lol: An expensive one, that does not even meet future EU (2010 and current in the UK already) emission tax bands (i.e. the 0-tax band), which is vital for me should I need to buy a daily, as that's not allowed to cost a penny. Tempest
  9. Don't think so, unless VW financially support the event, that is. The reactions at the launch events around the country and also in Germany have been ... shall we say subdued. After all the hype (TV adverts, billboards, on-line events, song contest, write-ups in virtually every single car mag), there were only very few dealers that actually did anything at all like invite some existing true Roccos into the showroom to promote the new one, and even at those dealers, or so it has been reported on various forums by the owners of said true Roccos, the interest (i.e. number of people turning up at the dealer showroom to look at it, or even buy one) was meagre. The local dealer in Coventry isn't really doing anything, certainly hasn't invited any real Roccos around, then again, their showroom is a bit small for that, since they still need space inside for the regular boring VWs. Just as well, since I wouldn't want to drive my babies through wet roads and rain for such an event :lol: It almost seems that VW has made a good qualifier round, but then left the actual race. What's interesting though is how several pictures have confirmed what a skyscraper the new one is compared to the true Roccos, even standard ones, let alone the modded ones. You probably get a ladder with the new one to get in. Ideal for when I become 70 or so, but then I'd rather get a crane to drop myself into my Karmann Roccos ;-) Tempest
  10. Don't do what this guy's done on some Dutch country road :lol: http://www.rs6.com/forum/showthread.php?p=139077#post139077 Tempest
  11. Saw no less than 3 Rados today on my trip to Lincoln. Common as muck, I'd say, tax the b*stards harder :lol: Only an hour or 2 per day? Not enough :lol: Can't do, until my business colleague's wife learns to drive, adn he'll buy her a proper car, ... Audi erm ... :lol: Now you're talking :D Just look at any western industrial country at the moment, to see what mess they're in. It's not just the UK, and it's not just the Labour-run countries. It's the combination of capitalism and incompetent governments that have accelerated things like human greed, selfishness, lack of social comittment, abuse of social security, enabled idiots to get skyhigh wages (£2 million for the CEO of M&S, come on, that tw*t isn't worth that much, he's just doing a normal job like all of us! And there are loads more like him around the globe. Imagine how many useful jobs you could fund with this one guy's salary). So let's round these rich twits up in the same field as the politicians, and bomb the crap out of them! I have no problems with that. Problem is that George Orwell's "Animal Farm" contains 100% truth: Once we destroy what we perceive to be undesirable (by means of a revolution), it's only a question of time till we're back where we started (eg. French revolution in the real world, the political and financial structures that were destroyed were rapidly replaced by new equally corrupt ones, and by those who fought the old system - that's because humans are inherently selfish and corrupt). Best to destroy mankind ... Tempest
  12. Nice points there, people, but do you really tjink the Tories would have done it any better? Nope, my argument is "Get rid of these robbing bast*rd politicians altogether!" No one can manage me better than me myself and I!". Leave me alone (with taxes) and I'll leave everyone else alone, simple. Tempest
  13. More news on Karmann, and it's not good. As you all should know, Karmann built your Rado. That's one of 3 legs the company has been standing on: 1. coachbuilding (eg all Roccos and Rados for VW) 2. toolmaking (as used on coachbuilding, their biggest 2 customers were Karmann coachbuilding and VW) 3. roof systems (for cabrio, eg. the new BMW 1 series cabrio) The coachbuilding business side is suffering with no follow-up orders. Potentially 1000 more jobs are at risk at Osnabr
  14. Must have been during the press invite in Lissabon recently, where Ritchie aka SCOstfriesland also was invited and had a chance of driving one. VW did have 2 or so Mk1 Roccos at this event, and most people according to Ritchie were still pleasantly surprised how well the Mk1 stood up against modern cars in terms of handling and driving pleasure. Tempest
  15. Which I had to have, so ordered it today. http://www.amazon.de/Scirocco-Aufregend-vern%C3%BCnftig-Volkswagen-19741992/dp/3935112335/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1214990882&sr=8-1 VW really are pulling out all the stops. The VW historical department have launched this new book to, of course, co-incide with the launch of the new scIROCco,. The book covers all Roccos, the Rado and the new scIROCco. My German mate Gregor has already reviewed it and posted up his comment on Amazon.de, so based on his recommendation I had to have it, too :D Tempest
  16. Whilst in Germany and travelling through A'dam airport I noticed how pretty much all the mainstream motoring press is full of reviews on the new Scirocco, following a recent invite to Lissabon for test drives (where VW turned up ith 40 of the things), and they all love it. It certainly is a car that's aimed at the trendy youngster, iPod and all, possibly not into tinkering with cars (not that you could with modern cars, or would if you've just bought one brandnew), so lifestyle yuppies with a little too much money to burn. prices have now been fixed for Germany, and as always will be higher elsewhere. Here's the official price list http://www.volkswagen.de/vwcms_publish/etc/medialib/vwcms/virtualmaster/de/Models/scirocco/media.Par.0001.File.pdf (note the immensely long options list and associated high prices :gag: ) and German brochure http://www.volkswagen.de/vwcms_publish/etc/medialib/vwcms/virtualmaster/de/Models/scirocco/media.Par.0002.File.pdf Tempest
  17. Indeed, and another thing: Keep hassling your insurer on a daily basis. As some here already know, when my much beloved pride and joy Mk1 Rocco got rear-ended by some tw*t on my home from a show even (don't use the Mk1 in daily traffic) now almost 6 years ago, I sent recorded delivery letters, faxes, emails and was on the phone to them on a daily basis for progress reports. In the end they got so sick and tired of me, they gave me a cheque which indeed covered the repair, quotes for which I had obtained from no less than 3 garages, and a 4th one abroad (Germany). I did also claim for whiplash, loss of earnings, telephone/stationary costs, the lot. Yes, it doesn't help keep premiums down, but think of it this way: How many stupid people in crap daily dogs cause accidents and will claim whatever they can get off the insurance, leading to more careful people like us having to stump up more and more premium each year. It's not the careful owners who take pride in their cars like us who are the problem, it's the masses in their daily bashers, who quite frankly couldn't care less about their cars and often just want to scam the insurance. Tempest
  18. Who wants to buy Karmann? According to a German newspaper article (http://www.handelsblatt.com/News/Unternehmen/Industrie/_pv/_p/200038/_t/ft/_b/1440798/default.aspx/karmann-stellt-sich-zum-verkauf.html Karmann can't find a follow-up deal for the Merc CLK, which will end its production in the autumn of 2009. They're looking for a buyer for the company to safeguard the jobs. Any US vulture capitalists keen on destroying this traditional company all in the name of a quick buck? Which international (aka Chinese or Indian) company will rescue them? If you do spot the irony, yes, I yearn back to the good old days prior to massive globalisation and resulting cut-throat competition. Tempest
  19. No, it was because I was in a Goof :( As I said, heavily modded "Rado" :lol: Tempest
  20. That was because your Rado was too heavily modded :lol: Tempest
  21. Tom aka Toad had already told me about it, sorry to hear. Especially annoying since you had nothing to do with it all. Hope someone took the BMW(*nkers) license plate number so he can be taken to the cleaners for his outrageous (but typical of BMW drivers) behaviour. There should have been enough witnesses, and I just hope people these days still have enough guts to stand up and be willing to testify rather than the more prevalent attitude of "it didn't affect me, so I don't care". Tempest
  22. Just read on the German Roccoforum, that according to a German local newspaper someone in Germany has created 15k Euro worth of damage by hammering a nail into one of the induction loops on the raod belonging to a speed camera similar to the Truvelo ones used in the UK :D That camera doesn't sense speed or take pictures any more, the council have to rip up the whole tarmac to repair the loops :clap: 3 loops these things have, 2 to measure the car's speed, third one to trigger the camera. It'll soon be a criminal offense to carry hammer and nails with you in the car :lol: Tempest
  23. VW is really pulling out all the stops to sell their new Rocco: Song contest, sung by various staff members, we, the potential buyers can even vote: http://www.scirocco-contest.de/ Want to have a go in this contest yourself? Application info here: http://www.clipfish.de/player.php?videoid=MzU0OTR8MjE0ODkxNw%3D%3D A Wii game called Mission Scirocco, yes, already played it in Geneva on the VW stand. http://www.mission-scirocco.de/ Tempest
  24. Found out why I'm quite taken by the Alfa Brera, if I had to buy a brandnew coupe (not a hatch like the new Scirocco): It was designed by ....... yup, Giugiaro :-) Goes to show that the man once again has demonstrated taste, certainly if the ladies on his stand in Geneva were anything to go by. They were certainly some inspiration :lol: Tempest
  25. Hey, that's really more like it. Unfortunately that wasn't what we were presented on the stand last week, neither were the red models on either side :-( Still ... Those door handles are also a no-go IMHO, much more liked the ones on the Iroc. Tempest
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