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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Ahhh, 2 G60s for the price of one then :lol: Nice! Tempest
  2. We´ll most likely be occupied on Saturday with the party going on on the nearby campsite, so not sure whether we´ll actually have time to gop on track or to where the track entrance is. Instead Rolf, German forum admin, has plotted out a nice convoy route, should be good, 200+ people attending, so that should make for a very nice convoy of Roccos :clap: Tempest
  3. Vicky, the CCGB´s membership secretary, has been down with the flu´ for the last 3-4 weeks, and workwise on loads of training courses, so didn´t have time to sort out all the renewals. She is catching up as we speak :D , so bear with us. Tempest
  4. I´d chuck the whole cone filter out and replace it with the oem air filter box. Reason? Preserves the scroll inside the charger, or else it´ll start looking like the moon´s surface thanks to poor filtration of conical filters etc. Pitted scroll leads to less boost :shock: Interesting IC solution. Have you got aircon on yours? Tempest
  5. Come and say hello, I should be there in my Mk2 Storm (probably the only RHD Rocco), along with 2cc, who''s passengering with me. Oldtimer GP that weekend means loads of very nice cars will be on track, M1s, Lambos, Porkers, all privately owned, so the real deal :clap: Even the KWL Rocco Mk1s will be on the track :luvlove: Tempest
  6. Hahaha... Eric wouldn't take his MK1 within 100 yards of a race track mate. Trust me on that! It lives a life of pampered luxury! :) Well, I have become taken by the Kugelfischer injection system, which is a start :D Tempest
  7. Had to refer to this thread, as it contains pure porn (in the automotive sense) IMHO :luvlove: :clap: http://www.clubgti.com/forum/showthread.php?t=192204 Recently during the 24h race at the Nürburgring. Tempest
  8. Well, it is AutoExpress, who more than on one occasion have proved their news announcements with pictures of what a new model may look like to be wrong, i.e. their original in-house artist impressions of what the new Scirocco might look like (which in actual fact I actually preferred to what we ultimately got from VW) were wrong, so there's hope yet for the Capri :D Tempest
  9. If there are enough people happy to even pay for this sh*t, then be my guest :D My criticism should actually be paid for, not the other way round, as it helps programme makers finally address my needs :D Until they do, it's no telly. More time available that way to tinker with cars, which is infinitely more enjoyable then having sex without the orgasm (Jim, glad youliked that one :lol: ), i.e. TopGear. Try before you buy is what I say, and based on trying I certainly wouldn't buy :D It's all relative, without wanting go into more detail :D Tempest
  10. Doesn't change the situation IMHO, Mk1 Roccos shouldn't fall victim to some modern day basher :D Same for some of the other cars featured, like the Porker 944. Tempest
  11. Far worse is that according to the current issue of Autocar (?) someone scrapped a mint Mk1 Rocco for some sh*t Hyundai or whatever banger. The article''s author listed numerous other examples of mint classics being scrapped in favour of non-descript boring sh*t bangers, regretting ever having recommended this scheme to its readers. It did rightfully question the nation's sanity, as soon as you give the punter 2000 of her majesty's money (well, mine and any tax payer's actually) the nation goes bonkers. Shoot them all is what I say :lol: Tempest
  12. Yes, although I most likely will be watching the new series on iPlayer, mainly out of boredom, after each episode I feel like having had sex but withot the orgasm :lol: Put plain: The new style may entertain the (dumb, ooeerrr flamewar coming on :lol: ) masses, but it isn't exactly about cars any more, now is it? Even with the Beeb it's all about ratings, I suppose, which is why I a long time ago threw out the telly. Tempest
  13. Centre console extension of dashboard squeeks after some time, other than that silence, even the supercharger, engine, and Milltek exhaust are all very subdued inside, due to more sound padding on US cars than on EU/UK cars. Almost a shame, but then again, it's made my C my preferred car in my fleet for relaxed cruising to get rid of stress :D Tempest
  14. Oh well ... :lol: Lot of what's written here just makes me laugh. Don't seem to teach how to drive with respect any more in this country, when I think back to how driving was taught back in the olden days in Germany (motorway driving was part of the driving lessons!!) :D Ah well, let's do it the Italian way then, drive and honk and shout at anything in the way, seems to work down in Spaghetti-Land :lol: Tempest
  15. VR6 Rados? Commoners' cars :lol: , since you hardly see any other Rados in the UK. In Germany on the other hand it's the opposite :D Besides, VR6 drivers don't know English, so Johny Foreigner (with the US spec G60 :lol: ) has to correct: ... haven't driven ... :lol: Tempest
  16. Tempest

    5th gear

    Binley here, but my darkred S4 estate driving business partner also lives in Holbrooks, you may have seen him, and since I very occasionally will take my Rado to his in Holbrooks, you may get a chance to see my C, too. But same as with you, rain and it´s a no-show for my C :D . Tempest
  17. Tempest

    5th gear

    That's typical I suppose. Not seen yours in Coventry either :eek: Hardly take mine out, TBH, although took my Mk2 Storm out for a good spin last night, but tend to leave Coventry and its diabolical quality roads (or is it my stiff suspension :lol: ) asap. Tempest
  18. Tempest

    5th gear

    Rather stupid review of the Rado: ¨Some of the body panels come from Karmann ...¨ WTF? The whole car was built by Karmann!!! :brickwall: Must be the rare Karmann interior. Shame only the VR6 got a mention (again). Tempest
  19. Ah well, perfect excuse to go for one of these all-in-one moniceiver type things with 7"screen. The height of the DIN-shaft in a Rado is perfect for these, too. Tempest
  20. Tempest


    Welcome to the G60 fold, but yes, pictures are essential 8) :lol: Tempest
  21. Browsing on the website for the NEC Classic Car Show (looking for more forms to download and complete for our stand at the event this year), I came across this interesting little article: http://www.necclassicmotorshow.com/news_stories.php?id=60 That then led me to the full article at the Dep-O website, where 2 further articles are of great interest, as they come from 2 very respectable sources, the FT and the BBC: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/49246acc-25e7-11de-be57-00144feabdc0.html?nclick_check=1 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8003508.stm Interesting stuff :study: Tempest
  22. That film was taken from the point where I was a bit sleepy during our trip over, and thought I'd soiled myself. :lol: Ah, yes, this video will now always have that connotation :lol: When I´m back at the Ring in August (10th Roccoforum anniversary party) I´ll put up sign at that point :lol: Tempest
  23. Err yeah whatever, blowjob, erm G60, for me all the way 8) Tempest
  24. Little videoclip of a nifty corso on the Nürburgring of real Roccos and Goofs to mark the launch of the R Iroc. Shame it was so far away, otherwise I would have gone (invite was there). Quite a few of my German Rocco-mates were in that corso. Tempest
  25. Hope my MOT test station won´t cause grief when it´s time for my beloved Storm´s MOT. Otherwise read it in the Sun :lol:, how someone in Coventry will run amok against everything this government stands for (few corrupt expense-claim tw*t politicians less can´t do any harm, surely?). Oh dear the secret police will now come knocking on my door :lol: Tempest
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