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Corrado G60 Vs MKIII Golf GTi....

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£2083! Are they having a LAUGH?!? I can't believe this Ian.. i'm really really gutted for you.

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Class C :shock: , I used to work in a body shop, and repaired class D cars which were far worse than yours. If its that bad in their opinion, sureley they won't want much for the salvage, maybe you can get it back at scrap value and get it sorted yourself?

My mate had someone run into the back of his mint condition Vento, not very hard - the boot still opens and closes, all lights, number plate etc are untouched, rear quarters are fine, but they wrote it off :x

Good luck, I'm sure you can find a way to resurect J-Dub.

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Nows the time to find 10 cars advertised for at least the amount of cash you want.


oh and I've pm'd you too.

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Cheers Storm... PM much appreciated, I'll let you know, but I doubt it for now, thanks anyway... 8)


The only good thing the insurance company said was that the salveage will cost me £229.13 to buy back! :lol: They really are Arseholes... :roll:


I'll be getting my car towed home tonight to stop 'em taking it away without my knowledge and then working it out with the insurance companies from there... ;)


I've already started printing out for sale ads to prove that she's worth more than that as a standard car, so what I'll probably do is break J-DUB :cry: and fit the parts to another Corrado... :twisted:


For what it'd cost me to sort the paintwork, I can get hold of another C to use as a base for a new project using the bits off J-DUB, so I'll just find one with good paintwork and see where it goes from there... 8)


I won't take this lying down though! ;) :twisted:

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£229 to buy it back. How crazy is that. The leather alone is worth 3 or 4 times that.


I'll buy it back off you for that? ;)


Wouldn't mind that gearbox of yours to be honest... lol :D

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For what it'd cost me to sort the paintwork, I can get hold of another C to use as a base for a new project using the bits off J-DUB, so I'll just find one with good paintwork and see where it goes from there...


Yeah, I'd agree with that... maybe get a late shell from a valver and build a M/N reg G60??? 8)


I think its time to try and turn a negative into a positive...


Real bad luck anyway mate but at least you have the capabilitys to transfer all the bits over to another shell and you could practically make it a new car if yo wanted to... Are they just not honouring your agreed value then??? :|


At least you got to drive it for a bit mate and you know the potential it had!

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Don't forget the 13p Jim :lol: How do they work these figures out? :roll:


Sorry to hear that it's gone this way Henny, good luck sorting the insurance out... hope you get a good deal in the end :|

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Don't forget the 13p Jim How do they work these figures out?


Yeah, its bullshit! - Henny, the bodyshop said the book value of mine was £2,700 with average mileage and as mine is less than 100k they said it would be worth at least 3k which roughly agrees with the VW dealer free valuation earlier this year of £3,300 which was what I paid for the a year before that! - mine also being a 92 J plate.


I take it they based there figure on a high mileage then? - If thats the case thats rubbish too as yo can't base the value of 10 year old+ car on that! :mad:

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Supercharged, yeah, I thought about that, then realised I'd have problems with running without a Cat and all the emission stuff... I was happy with J-DUB as a whole, so I think I'm gonna see if I can get another J plate G60 and just swap over my bits into it and then sell on all of the unused bits of J-DUB and replaced bits of the new car...


It could actually work out rather favourably for me if I do it right... ;) 8)


Anyway, I'm going home early tonight and am having the car taken to my garage and locked away so no-one can nick any bits off her apart from me! ;) :lol: 8)


I now have a wodge of paper about 1/2 an inch thick which is just print outs of G60 for sale adverts from around the web... ALL of 'em are for cars between 3K and 6K. I'm also going to photocopy ALL of my receipts (that could take a while, the folder is nearly 3 inches thick!) and forward that onto the insurance company...


If I can get over or around £3.5K and get the costs refunded to me, then I'll take it, keep J-DUB, buy another Corrado G60 and build one to an even better spec than J-DUB was... 8) :twisted: Oh, and this time, I'll make sure that the agreed value insurance actually means something... :roll:

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Anyway, I'm going home early tonight and am having the car taken to my garage and locked away so no-one can nick any bits off her apart from me!


Deffinetly a good idea!

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coolrado, Thanks, that's the first thing that's actually made me laugh all day! 8) :lol: :)

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Hope your luck starts to turn soon Ian - you've certainly had your fair share of hassle/problems with your G60. :mad:


The 2 exhaust manifold studs that I've just sheared off in my cylinder head pale into insignificance. :cry:

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Can't believe this bollox... Only consolation is J-DUB Mark II (if it comes to that) will be truly spectacular no question!

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I thought I had a bad year for luck but poor old Ian has had the biggest dose of bad luck I think. The amount of work he put into it and the state of affairs now is disheartening :( For those of us with heavily modified Cs, we need to get a good insurance policy :?


Check this for my luck this year tho:-


New Pioneer MP77 head unit - plugged it into the amp and got ground loop noise and now it won't spit the CDs out.


Set of used RH ZW1s off ebay - Won't fit the C. Stitched up big time.


New RH ZW1s from the factory - 1 of them is dented and one of them has a different edge plate to the other 3.


I'm the only person in Stealth's history to have 3 warranty claims on Koni dampers.


I've been through 3 clutches because of juddering issues


3 sets of tappets due to noise issues


Killed a set of indestructable VR6 top mounts in less than a year


I've been through 3 MAFs....the first 2 were DOA


Being told by a complete stranger that my car was written off by his son a few years ago.


And god knows what else....but that pails into insignificance compared to losing my car in a prang.


Looking forward to seeing the new J dub :lol:

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Being told by a complete stranger that my car was written off by his son a few years ago.



Thats pretty fucked up dude, whats going on there then??? :?:

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Oh some old berk apprehended me in a car park because he recognised the number plate and car as being his son's previous motor. He basically said it was written off by his knobber of a son because he drove it too fast up to a roundabout and went over the roundabout instead of round it....stoving in the passenger side panels and floor.


I checked with the bodyshop where he reckoned it was repaired and they have no record of it ever being there and it's HPI clear (I did one the day he told me).....so I think he was winding me up.....there's certainly no evidence of major repair work.

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Oh some old berk apprehended me in a car park because he recognised the number plate and car as being his son's previous motor. He basically said it was written off by his knobber of a son because he drove it too fast up to a roundabout and went over the roundabout instead of round it....stoving in the passenger side panels and floor.


I checked with the bodyshop where he reckoned it was repaired and they have no record of it ever being there and it's HPI clear (I did one the day he told me).....so I think he was winding me up.....there's certainly no evidence of major repair work.


oh man,


some fuckin people love taking the pi$$ eh :x

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Henny, fight the b*stards as hard as you can. Most of the drekkers that you deal with will be expecting you to lie down and take it. Letters are the way forward pointing out in clear terms exactly why their argument is [boris Johnson mode] An inverted pyramid of piffle [/boris Johnson mode], especially if you include phrases such as 'I refer to your letter of the 27th ultimo.'

Very best of luck man,


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Sorry to hear about that. Makes you wonder why we even bother with insurance, but lets hope the next one helps you forget all about this one!


I'm with Adrian Flux and I'm currently filling out a huge stack of documents they require for me to set up an 'agreed value'. This includes six photos, details of mods to engine, bodywork, interior etc etc. Oh and a proof of purchase, which for me is a reciept drafted up by the private seller from whom I bought the car.


Is this what you had filled in and agreed with them? What are they saying that you must have to get proper money for the car. ie £8000 or whatever value you initially agreed with them?

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Sorry to hear about that. Makes you wonder why we even bother with insurance


Thats what f3cks me off! - we're the honest ones who actually bother with insurance, thousands don't!

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I'm sad to say that J-DUB will not be hitting the road again anytime soon... I've got to get myself mobile again (and preferably in another Corrado not this sodding Punto hire car!) so I'll be fighting to get enough money out of the insurance company so I can buy myself a nice standard(ish! ;) ) Corrado G60 similar to how J-DUB was when I first got her 2 years ago... 8)


I've a STACK (about 1/2 an inch thick!) of for sale adverts showing that you can't get a good J-plate Corrado G60 for less than around 3.5K off here, Dubforce and autotrader, a stack of receipts totalling around 8K and a stack of photocopies of the Performance VW article she was in as well as the Stealth Rolling road figures and timing slips from Santa-Pod which are being sent to the insurance company in the next day or so.... 8) I've also informed 'em I'm a moderator here and on Dubforce and that the car is VERY well known and worth over book price anyway, so I'll be fighting for a reasonable sum for her... :evil:


I'm fully aware that I screwed up with the agreed value thing and so won't get anywhere near what she's actually worth, but at least I've bought her back, and there's nothing damaged that I've actually replaced :lol: All the work I've done can be removed and put onto my next Corrado with only limited effort and loosing me only a small amount of money as I can do it on my own and should be able to do it while still using the car everyday... 8) (I screwed up by assuming that when the girl on the phone I spoke to said that it was OK for me to wait until the car was re-sprayed in November to get the engineer's report and valuation done, that she actually knew what she was talking about and was representing the insurance company... from now on I'll be recording EVERY phone conversation with the insurance company in one of the studios I work in! :twisted: )


I'm not killing J-DUB off totally by scrapping her though... :wink: She'll be back eventually, and may even be somewhat sillier than last time! :mrgreen: :twisted: It'll take a while, but should be worth a giggle in the mean time... She may even end up as one of the cheapest Corrados on the scene! ;) :lol:


Thanks all for your kind words, help and advice on this, it is, as always, much appreciated and respected... 8)



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