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carpoids Australian C, SOLD, R32 bought!

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I did mean to add in to my post.. it is a lovely looking Rado, really it is. I don't normally dig those big BBS splitties, but they really do come alive with a dish on them.. lush.. I hope Australia treats it well :)

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Jim, Thanks mate, and, also thanks to you about a year or ago you told me about G60JAY who shipped his over, he's been very helpful.

I've done a fair bit of research on car shippers and i'm quite confident 'Karman Shipping 8)' are very good at what they do, so hopefully there won't be any problems.

gradeAfailure, I'll give you guided tour of the Skateparks in the Rado if ever you're over, PM me

h100vw, Hope things work out for you aswell mate, sure we'll meet up over there at some point 8)

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'Karman Shipping'


Its a sign!! They have to do a good job!


I'm sure you'll be enjoying your new life in Oz but make sure you keep posting and keep us up to date with lots of pictures from on the roads out there! :)

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'Karman Shipping'


Its a sign!! They have to do a good job!


I'm sure you'll be enjoying your new life in Oz but make sure you keep posting and keep us up to date with lots of pictures from on the roads out there! :)


Yea definitely. Keep us posted. Hope all is well

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enjoy it mate a corrado in aus!

the pacific highway, those long roads that go on for ever, and its even rarer there.

got to say im a little jealous!

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Will definately keep you guys posted, i'll tell you how lovely the weather is etc !! And of course when (not 'if') i get problems this will be the first place i visit !!

I'll have to get the classic Harbour Bridge/Opera House backdrop pic !!


I'm flying over next week, got to get a job and a place to live WITH a garage sorted before it arrives :)

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Well its getting close now !! I move into a place right on Sydney harbour tomorrow, with under cover security parking, wahoo !!

I met up with the guy who is clearing my C at customs and sorting various paperwork out etc, such a good bloke, a VW enthusiast himself who's been in the business of importing cars for years and never come across a C, he didn't even have to come and meet me today, it was to pick up all the shipping papers/forms etc which normally people post to him. Thing is i've been in plenty of contact with him as regards trying to value the car for VAT/Tax purposes. Bit hard when theres no other C's to value it against. But he's done me proud, and managed to compare it against a Sierra Cosworth ?? To cut a long story short, all up i've got about $3500 to pay, which includes towing it to a Mechanic to have child safety restrainsts put in the rear seats, not really sure what they actually are yet but i'll find out when i go and pick it up from the mechanic.

The car arrives on wednesday but probably won't be unpacked until friday, he's even offered t take me to the port to see it if i like !

If all goes to plan i should be on the road by the end of the month !

Spotted a couple of Mk 2 Golf 16Vs but no Corrado's yet !!


Hanging out to drive it again !

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Hi carpoid,


Sounds like a dream being able to take your Corrado over to AUS. I bet we all can't wait to see the shots of her against the opera house, Manly, Bondi, the harbour bridge. Good man. Take her up George Street on a Friday night and take some shots there too. There are tons of skylines and the usual Jap suspects over there, but no C's.


Myself? I left the UK for good just over two years ago. I now live in Auckland and am one of a very lucky few to own an NZ New Corrado over here. We have a VW club called VASK (http://www.vask.org.nz) here which we are all meeting up for a mega drive Sunday. There won't be many Corrado's, infact there'll be just one. My friend has a red 16v. Mines in the garage getting fixed. Having siad that the numbers will be made up of Golf's, Jetta's and Audi's. Should be fun. Will take the camera and put a post up so you can all see. The weather here now is awesome, blue skies and 20c.


Good luck in AUS. You'll love it.

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2 things I love:


1. The VW Corrado

2. Sydney (OK, it's a place, not a thing...! :) )


Therefore I am currently beside myself with envy :) Can't wait to see some pictures of the car in its new habitat!

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Same here mate !! Hence the complicated, stressful, expensive and exciting shipping of the beloved Corrado !! Should have arrived today but havn't heard anything yet.

I'm in Manly, did you ever get the ferry over here from circular quay ??

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Yeah, a couple of times. First time I went in late 2002 - I was staying with a friend in Castle Hill, we drove into Manly and I got the ferry from there to Circular Quay - just stayed on and went straight back :)


I went again with a mate for the RWC final (no tickets, but he was starting a round-the-world trip so I went along for the first 2 weeks in Sydney). We went to Manly for the day, crossed on the ferry - beautiful sunshine. Did a bit of boogie-boarding at Manly. Then mid-late afternoon the clouds just rolled in and it bucketed down! That was the story of that 2 weeks unfortunately - we got some of the worst Sydney spring weather in living memory apparently!


The only reason I own an X-Box was for Project Gotham 2 so I could race round Sydney :)

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Sounds good mate, i've been doing a bit of surfing myself. Also been fishing and caught a Shark right next to the wharf where the ferry docks !! Wasn't exactly Jaws but it was about the length from the middle of your chest to the floor !!

Know what you mean with the weather awell, but it goes as quickly as it arrives, it wa raining and really windy a couple of days back, soon brightened up.


My Corrado is here !!! Well its been unloaded at Botany Bay anyway, might get to see it later !!

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Sounds good mate, i've been doing a bit of surfing myself. Also been fishing and caught a Shark right next to the wharf where the ferry docks !! Wasn't exactly Jaws but it was about the length from the middle of your chest to the floor !!


Yeah, apparently you're much safer swimming on the sea-facing beaches (Manly, Bondi etc.) than in the harbour itself, which seems the exact opposite of what you'd think! The sharks even go up the Paramatta River, I'm sure there was a woman killed there in recent years.


My Bridgeclimb guide told us people saw a Great White actually breach next to Circular Quay, but I'm not sure I believe it...it's the sort of thing that gets reported at least on shark forums, and I never heard it anywhere else :)


What line of work are you in, if I can ask? :) I'm in IT but IT jobs seem to be drying up out there at the moment... :(

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He needs to pick up a Golf Country for out there I reckon! Or make the worlds first Corrado Country.. ergh! :)

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I lived in Manly for a while and still have several mates living there. Used to catch the ferry from circular quay to the cbd every morning - a fine way to commute to work!


I also remember renting a car in Manly from a place called 'Rent a ruffy' - and then getting totally lost in the city centre for 6 hours.


Anyhow, goodluck mate and I may well be in touch next year. I would so love to take my C with me too. How would that be, 2 C's in Manly!!



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