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I've managed to balls up my chance of owning a Corrado...

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I can't believe my luck! I've managed to ruin my chance of owning a Corrado for at least the next 3 years by the look of things :cry:


Basically, our Van driver at work was only Holiday today, so I was summoned to do the days deliveries, in a brand new 3.0 TDi T5 van. Quite nippy, but as I found, too nippy. Travelling back at a steady 80mph on the 3 lane dual-carriageway, I see a new Ford Mondeo following my every move in my rear view mirror and following closey behind. I assumed it was the usual Rep-driver being a prick and I carried on at my same speed and moved over. Then they pulled in front of me and the dreaded blue and red lights came on :x Pulled over at the nearest layby and a lady Traffic officer runs over, opens the door and gets in the van.


Officer: Do you know how fast this Van is meant to go?

Me: Ermmm, not sure? I imagine it'll do about 110mph


Being the first time I've ever been pulled over for speeding (19 years old) I wasn't quite sure what she meant... :lol:


Officer: No, your actually supposed to be driving at 60mph and you were travelling at 85mph.

Me: Oh...Crikey!


Then the usual exchange, 3 points...£60 fine etc. Thats when my heart kind of sank, because I knew it would have some effect on the Corrado 8V I'm planning to buy next month. Didn't realise how much though!


Before Speeding fine: £1238 (TPF&T)


After Speeding fine: £2380.30!!! . Not all quotes that bad, but at least £500 premium on all of them :cry:


Complete bloody joke! As much as I love the Corrado, I'd have to be insane or have a Royal title to pay anything like that. So I'm afriad the dream is over :cry: So, Audioscape Door Pods and new Lupo Wipers up for sale soon...


Annoyed isn't the word!

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You have to tell them mate, if they find out ur telling porkies ull get nothing from them, saying that for an 8v corrado u should nto be having to pay that much, i was 19 and drove a golf MK2 GTi 16V and was paying £1105, was only driving 1 month, it was in my mums name and i was a named driver!


People say to me "ohhhhh but you wont buid up no claims" to which i say "SHUT YOUR MOUTH, i will never be a 60yr old women with 10yrs+ no claims!!!! its always going to be cheaper to do it this way!"


people get tooooo caught up in all this "no claims" business! if its the car you want then do EVERYTHING you can to get the price of the cover down!!!

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See it as a blessing in disguise mate, you can save for a bit longer and actually buy a decent Corrado :lol:


Seriously tho, thats shit news mate, fuckin pigs ey :x

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That shouldn't be right. When i got done for speeding i got absolutely no increase in premium whatso-ever.


Its probably because this will be the first time i've started my 'own' policy (been on my Dads for the last 3 years) so I have no NCB or anything. £2400 was one of the worst quotes but even the cheapest (£1800) is just too dear to justify for 3rd party :(

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3 points should make any difference. besides you havent got them yet so get cover before the points are dished out ;)


I take it the increase is due to you going it alone rather than the speeding fine?

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mate keep hunting around,,,,, some insurers are more flexible on the prices try the usal adrian flux, HIC, Brentacre etc etc see what happens dont give up jus yet u never know......


when i started mine was something like that and got it down at least £800 pounds less buy calling every insurer i could


u could always buy a lil fiesta or something and run the rado as a weeked car (limited mileage) for a year and be a good boy and see how next year goes????


Good Luck

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I was going to say - definitely don't go straight into an insurance record with a Corrado. You're such an unknown risk for the insurance companies that they'd be mad to offer you a "reasonable" price, particularly with a relatively high risk car like the C. Even the 8v is a high-ish insurance group (15 iirc).

You best bet is to get something much more modest (Pug 306td for example - ins grp 5!), run it for a year to just build some insurance record, then think about the C again.

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I wouldn't give up yet, keep trying, there are loads of insurance companies out there. Depends how bad you want a Corrado, it can be a pain in the bum reading off details as long as your arm every time you want a quote.

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I really dont think the points make that much difference, if you do a quote on Elephant.com i think for every 3 points they add around £100.

With my previous policy on a group 4 Focus I didnt claim my 6 points and my premium was £500, now i have the Valver and claimed my 6 points my Premium only went up £100 even with the Insurance group being so much higher.

I really think this is cause it's your first time insurance, but having points now, may just make it harder for companies to take you on.


If the Lupo wipers are still up for grabs I have money waiting?

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When I got my first 3 points, I rang up HIC and they said, "Everybody gets that, not a problem". I was well pleased, no increase. If it had been more serious than an SP30 I think it would have been a different matter though.

Good luck Nelson, you'll get there, I waited 5 years to afford to buy a C!

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When I got my first 3 points, I rang up HIC and they said, "Everybody gets that, not a problem". I was well pleased, no increase. If it had been more serious than an SP30 I think it would have been a different matter though.

Good luck Nelson, you'll get there, I waited 5 years to afford to buy a C!


Yeah I agree, Nelson - you'll be ok matey!

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Firstly, can I say superb answer here...


Officer: Do you know how fast this Van is meant to go?

Me: Ermmm, not sure? I imagine it'll do about 110mph


I haven't laughed that hard since watching Team America earlier. :D


Second, I know that some insurance companies take SPF30's more seriously than others, so shop around and see what you can get...

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Firstly, can I say superb answer here...



Nelson_Wilbury wrote: › Select ›‹ Expand

Officer: Do you know how fast this Van is meant to go?

Me: Ermmm, not sure? I imagine it'll do about 110mph


Awww, leave him alone - He thought she wanted to buy it!

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limited mileage makes a huge difference!! I do 3000 miles a year... and I think it saved me about £200 when doing quotes online, compared to the standard 10,000... :)

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i have full no claims bonus

and yes it does affect your policy. i'm 31 and i got mates who have always been on company or friends insurance. come to buy their own policy and have to pay a fortune.


for that 8v corrado, go third party only, and increase the excess.

insurance is a bitch. but it has to be payed so you can drive the better car.


when i was 20 i had a mk1 golf gti. third party only cost me 800 pounds.

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Sounds like I was in a very similar situation to yourself. I bought my 2.0 16V just before finishing uni, having crashed the 1 litre polo I was driving beforhand. (I wasn't being stupid, just a momentary lapse of concentration. Had 4 years worth of claim-free driving before that). That car was under my mum's name so I had no insurance record. I managed to get a quote of around £1300 fully comp with admiral, though admittedly I have no points on my license, .


It's WELL worth seeing if adding parents as named drivers will bring your price down. I saved £300 by adding my step-dad onto my insurance policy as he is a professional driver, over 50, member of the IAM etc etc.


Oh, and :p to the guy who said not to have a Corrado as the first car to start your insurance record!! :D

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Buy yourself a cheap sh!tbox for a year and build up your NCB.. you will save huge amount on insurance when you do come to buy yourself something nice and you can plough this into the car...


I think you'll find most of us have driven sh!tters at one time or another

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Officer: No, your actually supposed to be driving at 60mph and you were travelling at 85mph.

Me: Oh...Crikey!


60? - Really? - never new that.....

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