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Car at Stealth today (and now advice please)...

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Just cause its a quiet morning and I have a few hours to kill.


Car is at Stealth for another credit card destroying experience. Today is an attempt to sort out awkward gear shifting once and for all, and to sort out a tired front engine mount - as well as all new belts, gearbox oil change, normal oil change.. housekeeping I guess :)


Just dreading a call that says "We found something else wrong.." - fingers crossed all will be ok!

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Hope all is well for you Jim (and cheap too) It's always money well spent though if your C is better to drive as a result 8)

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I'll be glad to finally be able to get some of the gears again without too much aggro.. car has been a bit of a pig to drive for the past few months to be honest, and when the gears don't go you have to be patient, deselect, try again.. can't just get angry and grind em up. Not much fun when you are mid-roundabout though or something like that :(

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any money spent at stealth is money well spent, vince is like DR VW


I hope so cus mines going in next month. Does he do all the work himself or does he have assitants?


Hope all is well Jim.

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I hope so cus mines going in next month. Does he do all the work himself or does he have assitants?


His assistants do most of the donkey work and Vince will chip in with any technical stuff.


The current line up of staff is:-


Sat - Sales/Bookings


Vince - General/technical/Gearboxes


Graham - Engines


John - General


Person X, Y or Z - usually some bloke I've never seen before in there temporarily!

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Yeah.. there was a good four or five of them in the office this morning. Noticed they'd all got some funky blue Stealth Racing jackets as well with their names sewn onto them.


I get the impression that Vince tries to do as much as he can though - when I phoned up a few weeks back to book in for the work it was him that answered the phone still :)

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I know, Vince is like everywhere all the time in that place. Given that he's always either answering the phone or available if asked, you have to wonder how he finds time to do any actual technical work aswell...!

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Seen your new avatar - Have you got a deposit on your car, or is it fully paid for?


Hope you got that salty muck hosed off sharpish!

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Seen your new avatar - Have you got a deposit on your car, or is it fully paid for?


Hope you got that salty muck hosed off sharpish!


And I thought everyone ignored me.. Hehe..


It's all mine mate, every nut and every bolt. And yes I WASHED THE BLOODY CAR! :)


I actually had to stick a sign on it the other day that said "this is a car", just so some passing farmer didn't think it was a field and try to plough it...

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I came out to my relatively clean car this morning to find that the gritting lorry had left about half of its total payload over my car - seriously grit ALL over the side of the car, on the bonnet, on the black bump strips - I was f'ing fuming.


If I have the energy when I get it back from Stealth I might re-wash it again, having just done it on Saturday before going out for the weekend.. grr :(


So did you enjoy your auto-cross then dr_mat? ;) :)

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It was so muddy that as I was driving along (on a ROAD mind), the steering was constantly light (no grip), the wheels kept spinning on the slightest application of the throttle, and there was a stream of mud running down the sides of the screen where the (lupo) wipers managed to scrape it off the middle of the screen.

And as for the headlights (no street lights on this road): uprated looms and +50% lamps are no bloody use when there's an inch thick coating of mud on the glass are they!?

It was an interesting trip, I can tell you.. :)

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tafkadm, no offence mate but I've never seen a C sit so high on the side shot of your car.


You obviously didn't see mine then ;)

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It's facing up a slope, so it's standing up on the rear suspension because of the handbrake slightly.

It's all standard suspension, nowt wrong with it... Back end is actually pretty stable with new shocks, bushes and bump stops.

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Plenty of suspenstion travel for a good ride and shock absorbtion


That's what he needs for all that off-roading he does ;) :lol:

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I was due to have a new suspension setup (Koni & HR) and a service last week at Stealth.


I phoned them up the day before to confirm all was ok and was told that the springs had not yet arrived. Needless to say I wasn't impressesed - I had the day booked off work.


I am now booked in for March, but I am wondering whether to cancel. I decided to try Stealth because of their good reputation...


Is it worth sticking to my March booking? Have I just been unlucky?

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Just unlucky mate - I almost had the same problem, there is only one supplier of H&R's to the UK and they are not very helpful, Vince called them and they kept saying there was none in the country and they could not give a firm dleivery date - I think my springs only came in the day before I had them fitted!!

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